Treasure Enough (PG-13) 
Written by Mira Took19 June 2010 | 3909 words
Chapter 2
The days settled into a pattern. Haldir would hunt at twilight while Faramir rested and then he would prepare whatever food he had found for the next day’s cooking. They both would sleep into the mornings before rising to break their fast. As Faramir’s health improved, Haldir helped him take short walks. The cave was located part-way up a large hill that rose from the bank opposite the one where Faramir had his fall. A stream wound its way down to the Isen and the Elf and Man would follow its course back and forth. Afterwards, Haldir insisted that Faramir should sit in the sun just outside the cave; lingering underground being an uncivilized practice for Elves or anyone raised by them. They spoke a great deal while Haldir busied himself with camp chores. Faramir had said — with truth — that he was quiet as a rule, but to Haldir he showed the side of himself that his foster family saw: observant of everything and eager to offer his reflections and puzzlements to any who listened. And Haldir was a ready listener. Faramir found himself bantering with, and even teasing, the Elf with an ease he didn’t know he could feel in a conversation. By supper, however, he was tired and glad to fall asleep to the sound of Haldir stringing and testing his bow.
One evening Haldir returned from gathering food to find Faramir still sitting up, feeding the fire. “Feeling better?” he asked, as he set down an improvised basket full of tree-nuts.
Faramir smiled up at him. “About time, isn’t it?”
Haldir settled himself next to Faramir and took a long drink of the water he had left close at hand. Stoppering it, he turned to ask Faramir if he wanted to attempt a longer walk in the morning.
Faramir kissed him.
It was not the most seductive of kisses perhaps, but it was warm and hard and left no doubt of how Faramir felt.
Haldir began, “You’re very young …”
“I’m old enough to know what I want,” Faramir replied in a low voice.
“So you are,” Haldir agreed. “But I’m not sure you know what I want.”
Faramir snapped, “Don’t be patronizing. I’ve read several treatises about …” and then stopped, flushing. Of all the times to remind the Elf that he had more book-learning than life experience.
But Haldir wasn’t smiling in that way that even gentle Lanthir did when Faramir displayed his love of libraries. The Elf’s tone was serious, not coy, when he asked: “Did you read of anything that interested you?”
“I- …” Faramir’s blush deepened.
“Shall I tell you what I want then? I like to have charge of things. To take care of someone, but also to take control. I’m not attracted to pain — my own or anyone else’s — but obedience … that is something that interests me.”
“Well,” Faramir said quietly. “That would work well with what I want.”
“Which is?”
“I like the idea of being … passive.” Faramir forced himself to go on. “Of not resisting, just letting someone else do whatever he- As long as I was safe.”
“You would be safe.”
“I don’t mean safe physically, I mean …” Faramir’s voice broke off.
“I know what you mean,” Haldir replied gently. “And you do know, how it is between men?”
“Of course. Lanthir gave me the basics when I was quite young and then … well, then he gave me a book. And then I did some reading on my own account.”
“You would.” Haldir grinned, not unkindly.
“I was interested by an act described in the Garden of Scented Flowers,” stated Faramir offhandedly and had the satisfaction of seeing Haldir change expression.
“And would you like to try it?” asked Haldir, almost succeeding in matching Faramir’s casual tone.
Faramir took a deep breath and reached for an honest answer to that question. “I’d like to try anything with you, actually, but I don’t know how to begin. That’s why I kissed you. If you think we- I mean, if you’d really want-”
This time Haldir kissed him.
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I want to thank you for the wonderful story. I loved the interaction between Haldir and Faramir. I though how Haldir took in Faramir and what he had was very will written and added flavor to the story. Thank you for the wonderful story once again
I hope you have a good day.
— Angelstar3999 Monday 21 June 2010, 9:29 #Hugs, angelstar