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Treasure Enough (PG-13) Print

Written by Mira Took

19 June 2010 | 3909 words

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Chapter 3

“I’m not a child.”

“I don’t suppose you are.”

“But I’m acting like one, is that what you think?” accused Faramir.

The Elf regarded him with mild exasperation. “At this precise moment, perhaps. Silent stoicism is all very well, but-”

“But I need to regain my strength if I am ever to leave this cave. And I’ll need to be able to hold my sword too. And swing it. And possibly fight off wolves. Just strapping it on while I walk to the stream hardly seems-”

“But you did not ‘just strap it on’,” Haldir pointed out, in a manner that many unlucky wardens-in-training would have recognized. “You took it down to the stream, at the place it curves east and so cannot be seen from the cave, and swung it. Repeatedly. In the absence of wolves, I can only imagine you were doing this because you enjoyed lying ill in a cave so much that you’d like to experience another week of it.”

“I enjoyed the parts where you took care of me.”

The Elf maintained a grim silence.

“And the stew,” Faramir continued. “I liked your rabbit stew. Filling, but easy to eat. I don’t know how you season it, but it was certainly tempting even when I felt quite awful.”

Haldir drew breath to answer, but Faramir went on. “Perhaps tomorrow, I can come with you while you lay snares and then I will have no time to get myself into trouble.”

Haldir’s expression remained hard but his eyes gleamed. “Or perhaps I’ll tie you up while I hunt, so I do not return to find you fatigued, sweating, and white as an egret. I have a good length of rope in my pack that would suit the purpose. And I’ll have to hunt some bigger game if we are to stay here much longer.”

“Haldir …” The humor in Faramir’s voice had given way to something more hesitant. “You needn’t tell me, but I have been wondering: why are you here? In all the years I’ve lived in the Grey Havens, I can’t remember once meeting any emissary of the Galadhrim. Travelers going beyond the sea perhaps, but no one who came on other affairs, as do Elrond’s folk and the Wandering Companies. Surely, it is no common thing for a warrior from the Golden Wood to be traveling alone, in the lands of Men?”

“In all the years you have lived in the Grey Havens,” said Haldir, not looking at him, “I doubt that a mallorn-acorn would grow past my shoulder.”

Faramir was still a moment. Then he sat, reached for his book, and began to thumb through it. Haldir’s mouth tightened a bit and he sat as well.


Faramir looked up again.

“I came because of a vision.”

The book was set down.

“I know not what you have heard of the Lady Galadriel’s Mirror. Even among our own folk, it is a thing not well understood. Indeed, though all know where it is to be found, few have ever seen its basin. I had not, until my lady called me there, some weeks ago. She told me that she had seen in her Mirror some hidden thing – a treasure, she named it, secret and unlooked for – that would one day bestow a great blessing on Arda. It would be of help, she said, to weary travelers and of comfort to those enshadowed and other things that meant nothing to me. But she said I was to hunt for it and so she asked me to look in the water. When I did, I saw vast stretches of land, as though I were a bird in flight across them: the wooded banks of the Anduin and the grassy plains of Rohan and then along the Isen toward the sea. I saw at last this very cave and here the vision ceased. Thus I set out and the rest you know.”

“It sounds like a lesser Ring — I mean, one of the ones the Elves made before they learned to forge the greater, for of course any other Ring would hardly be a comfort against the Shadow! Or perhaps one of the lost Númenorean treasures? A Seeing Stone might help a traveler, I suppose.” Faramir paused for a moment, looking at Haldir. “You were here days before I abandoned the Heron and came inland. Have you thought of what the visions might mean?”

“I had little to do but think of it, in the time before I found you. One phrase in particular has been in my thoughts: the Lady Galadriel said the origins of this treasure were from beyond the Sea and beyond the Stars.”

Faramir’s gaze sharpened. “You think it has something to do with me? Coming here from the coast?”

Haldir looked at him for several moments without replying. “I think the vision led me to you,” he said at last. “I think if this treasure is to be found, it will not be found without you. When you are well, we should plan how and where to look.”

“And if we do find it, what then?”

“The Lady said it belongs to Gondor, so I suppose I must journey there.”

“And I’ll come with you.” Faramir said. If he had sounded pleading or defiant, Haldir might have argued that point. But the Man sounded instead like a warrior confirming his orders: in no doubt as to his duty, but repeating it to be clear. So Haldir simply nodded and began the evening’s chores.

Faramir built up the fire and remained staring musingly into it, until its light was obscured by a length of cloth slipped over his eyes and secured with a quick knot behind his head.


“Mhm?” The reply came from very close behind him.

“Is this also something that interests you?”

“On you? Definitely. But there are other things to be tried, if you would rather not.”

“I think,” Faramir replied with suitable gravity, “that I should try this one for a little longer before forming an opinion. But I was wondering …”


“Could you get that rope from your pack?”

“Faramir. Are you still awake?”

“Mmm. Yes.”

“What I said earlier, about acorns. I should not have implied that your youth belied the wisdom of your words.”

A small chuckle. “Just wait until tomorrow, when I sneak away to try bending my longbow. We’ll be talking of saplings again I’m sure.”

“Impatient child.”


“You should wait.”

“But I won’t. Or I will, but only until your back is turned.”

“No, don’t do that. I’d rather you were impudent to my face — it’s charming.”

“Thank you.”

“And I would like the opportunity to catch you, when you fall over from exhaustion.”

A yawn. “That sounds nice. G’night.”

“Good night.”

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3 Comment(s)

I want to thank you for the wonderful story. I loved the interaction between Haldir and Faramir. I though how Haldir took in Faramir and what he had was very will written and added flavor to the story. Thank you for the wonderful story once again

I hope you have a good day.
Hugs, angelstar

— Angelstar3999    Monday 21 June 2010, 9:29    #

This was beautifully written, I liked the story very much. Thank you for writing and sharing it with us others^^

Suryallee    Saturday 7 January 2012, 19:22    #

Loved the story,thanks for sharing:-)

— blondie    Saturday 14 December 2013, 22:12    #

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