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An Unexpected Dream (NC-17) 
Written by Morwen05 February 2008 | 6421 words
Pairing: Faramir/Elrond
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, oral sex
Summary: Faramir is brought to Rivendell to be healed from an injury on one of his travels with some of his fellow rangers, and Lord Elrond happens to heal him in more than one way.
It was a cold and fiercely stormy night when the ranger was brought into the safety of Rivendell. He was pulled and tugged along by two of his dear fellow rangers, both of whom worried immensely for their captain’s safety. They had no idea of the extent of the man’s injuries, but they were sure that they had to act quickly in order to save the man’s life.
Faramir could barely hear their voices; he felt far away, and yet he could feel his limp legs and feet dragging against the muddy ground, and he could hear a familiar voice say, “I think we’re to go over there.”
“Are you sure?” asked Damrod, sounding worried. Faramir couldn’t open his eyes; he was simply too exhausted to. He could feel the pounding rain beating against his eyelids and soft lashes, but he heard things as though he was underwater. The side of his abdomen throbbed and felt as though it were on fire, but there was not a thing he could do about it. He tried to make a noise to tell his two fellows that he was awake, that he could now feel immense pain, that he was conscious, but if an sound escaped his lips, it was inaudible over the relentless rain. Just as he was about to slip back down into the abyss he seemed to be permanantly stuck in, the ground underneath his dragging leather boots changed from slick mud to strong, hard stone, and he heard a calm low male’s voice say in a commanding way, “In here. Here. Take him to the bed.”
“Yes, my lord,” Faramir could barely hear Damrod replied to the unfamiliar voice, and before Faramir could realize what was going on next, he had slipped back to sleep.
Next thing Faramir knew, he was waking up from a deep sleep unlike any other he had ever experienced. It felt as though it had lasted forever, almost as if he was the last man left on earth because he had slept for so long. He lay completely still on the comfortable feather bed with feather blankets and pillows, but his comfort was tarnished when he felt a pressing urge to empty his bladder. Finally feeling enough energy and feeling conscious enough to do so, he slowly opened his eyes. The soft yet brilliant bright light shining through the little pastel decorated room was so painfully bright to his sleepy eyes that he had to instantly close them again for a few seconds before opening them halfway and looking around. He was in unfamiliar surroundings, but he didn’t have to be here before to know that he was in a place where Elves dwelled. The style of the furniture, the bright sunlight, and the sounds of the birds in the trees outside made him feel that he was safe. He noticed that he was no longer in his ranger uniform, that he was in some sort of white cottton sleeping gown.
“How long have I been here?” Faramir asked himself extremely quietly, knowing that elves had extremely keen senses of hearing and he did not quite want to be found awake yet – not until he figured out what was going on. He began to remember at that moment that he had been near Rivendell, with some of his fellow rangers, and they were taking survey of some of Middle Earth’s finest lands.
I must be in Rivendell, Faramir thought. He lay back on the pillows for a moment before beginning to push the thick white goose covers off of him to get to a toilet, but he wasn’t yet finished doing this when he heard a male voice say, “Faramir.” Faramir couldn’t quite tell where the voice was coming from, and was surprised when he saw a tall male elf with exremely long straight brunette hair come through one of the doorways directly in front of Faramir. He was dressed in brown gossamer robes, a small silver crown upon his dark hair. Faramir stared at the elf for a moment before saying, “I am sorry. I do not know you.”
“I would not expect you to know me, young one,” the elf said, and Faramir was only slightly offended to be called ‘young’ like he was but a child, when in fact he was a full grown and mature adult. He waited and wondered at this elf for only a moment before the elf stepped to the side of the bed and touched some of the white covers, saying, “I am Lord Elrond. You were unfortunately injured in an accident, but I have been lucky enough to be able to almost completely heal you. It should be less than a week before you are completely on your feet again.” But Faramir was not really listening to much to Elrond; he was too busy being fascinated. Elrond was someone he had heard about, but had never gotten the chance to meet – and now, he was one of his patients. He knew that Elrond was a renound Healer, and knew that he was in the best of care once he realized all of this. But there were other matters at hand.
“Lord Elrond…” he started, but Elrond raised a hand slightly, saying, “Please, Faramir, there is no need to be formal; I would be delighted if you would simply call me by ‘Elrond.’” Faramir nodded and said quietly, “As you wish, Elrond.”
An assistant then entered the room, gracefully of course, another elven man with long fair hair and deep brown eyes, dressed in soft dark green robes. Elrond said, “I will leave you for now, Faramir. Please rest, and follow as my assistant healers say… they have orders from me, and I shall know if you have been naughty.” He gave a small, rare smile to the Gondorian as he looked over his shoulder; Faramir smiled back the best he could through the pain in his side.
“How do you feel just now?” the elf assistant asked, pouring some hot water into a white stone basin, adding something that made the entire room and the water smell good, and dipping a white rag gently in. Faramir didn’t really say anything for a moment, trying to figure out how to ask where the toilet was when the assistant seemed to figure it out.
“Do you need to relieve yourself?” he asked quietly, and Faramir found himself blushing a bit as he nodded. “Where is the toilet?”
“Oh, I am afraid you will not be able to leave your bed, my lord. One moment…” Leaving Faramir feeling embarrassed, he returned a moment later with a chamber pot, and the assistant gave Faramir as much privacy as possible as the patient released his full bladder for what felt like the first time in days. In the middle of the process, however, Faramir’s hand slipped on the chamber pot and things got out of control as the chambed pot shifted to a different spot and Faramir couldn’t stop in time to keep himself from gushing urine onto the sheets and his gown, as well as the warm cream stone floor. The assistant came to his side to aid him in finishing without spilling the chamber pot, and once Faramir finished he pulled his damp white gown down over himself quickly, hiding his face by putting his head down with great speed and hiding behind a sheet of soft chesnut hair. His face burned with embarrassment; there was nothing he could do to make it go away. A few tears stung his eyes from the utter humiliation, despite the kind and understanding atmosphere he was surrounded by.
“Do not worry over it, my lord,” the assistant said soothingly and quietly as he took the chamber pot away, knowing his patient was extremely (and understandably) embarassed. “You are ill, and in pain. Some things cannot be helped, and all of us here are around to help you with whatever need.”
“Thank you,” was all that Faramir was able to say meekly, still hiding a bit behind his hair to keep the elf from knowing he was crying a little. The elf had been around so many patients and had elven instincts, so the assistant knew about his patient’s tears, but he let Faramir believe that he knew nothing of the matter to keep his patient from feeling even worse. The aid slowly and gently assisted Faramir in removing the soiled robe, causing Faramir to become more embarrassed, but the elf distracted him pretty quickly as he bathed his patient in the scented soapy water, talking of what was happening in Rivendell; that there was going to be an evening choir concert in the next few days, and that the weather was most beautiful following the awful storm that had passed by. By the time the young elf had finished saying all of this, he had already bathed and cleaned Faramir, dried him off, and had him dressed in another long white gown.
Another female healer entered the room and handed a small carved wooden cup to the blonde elf, and left the room. The assistant brought the steaming little cup over to Faramir, and a rather putrid smell wafted through the air. As Faramir struggled not to make a face the elf said, “Here, you must drink this. It will help you to sleep and get some rest, and it will aid in healing your side.” Faramir knew that if the smell of the medication was so bad, it would taste awful as well, so he poured the entire concoction down his throat by tipping his head back and emptying the contents of the cup, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he struggled not to gag for a few seconds. He made a face and the assistant said sympathetically, “I know it is not an appealing taste, my lord, and for that we apologize. But it will aid in your healing.” Faramir nodded in understanding, and handed the wooden cup back to the assistant.
“Is there anything else I may bring for you, my lord?” the assistant asked, once Faramir had sipped some water and was settled back into bed, getting sleepy. Faramir shook his head sleepily and said, trying to hide a yawn, “Thank you.” The assistant nodded toward him once, saying, “I shall be back to check in upon you soon, my lord,” and he left Faramir to fall into an immediate, deep, restful sleep.
After three days of bed rest, Elrond was finally convinced that Faramir was able to get out of bed without causing himself any further injury. The healer that had assisted him night and day for the past three days helped him to get out of bed, but Faramir did not need much help; he seemed perfectly fine on his own.
“Do not get overconfident, though, Faramir,” Elrond warned in a deeper, yet caring, voice as Faramir tried to tell Elrond that he was feeling much better, and in fact, almost all better! Elrond was not assured, and said firmly with his brow completely furrowed, “I will not see you fall so ill again so soon after being healed, Faramir, for such a reckless purpose.” This made Faramir back down a bit, listening to the healer and soaking in what he was being told. He did admire Elrond; he had heard about the great elf since he was a child, from Mithrandir’s visits to Gondor, but he never expected to ever travel to Rivendell and be cared for by this legend. This elf was around when the first war of the ring was happening!
No wonder he says ‘young one,’ Faramir thought, as Elrond went away and the assistants told him he could roam wherever he pleased now that he was out of bed and fully dressed back in his ranger clothes. The clothes had been carefully washed by an elven maiden, and were as fresh as the first day he had ever worn them. He stepped outside of the room he had been confined in for those past several days, and looked around before deciding to go back into his ward and get one of his possessions. He went to the leather knapsack that had been dragged in from the rain with him to Rivendell, and he opened it, relieved to see that the book he was currently reading was not injured as he was. He went back out with the book and went down one of large sunlit hallways until he reached a quiet reading nook; it looked warm and comfortable, there was a fire burning and there were two large cream colored chairs sitting angled towards one another near the hot fire. Nobody else was in there, so Faramir seized the opportunity. He sank into one of the chairs, cracked open the book gently, removed his ragged leather bookmark he had always used as a child, and began to continue his reading. Just as he was really getting inerested, someone else entered the room; Faramir looked up after a few seconds, and saw Elrond standing in great presence in the doorway. He was looking upon his patient and houseguest in a kind, yet assessing, way.
“Am I disrupting you?” Elrond asked, and Faramir was quick to shake his head, saying, “No, sir.” He felt more respect for the elf now that he had impressed himself with the fact that Elrond was so very wise. The tall dark-haired elf made his way over to the adjacent chair that matched the one Faramir had made himself comfortable in, and he leaned forward near to the Gondorian. Faramir felt slightly uncomfortable to be in this great elf’s presence but relaxed a little as Elrond asked, “May I check on your wounds? I know that your assistant just checked them a short time ago, but I would much like to assess you myself.” Faramir let Elrond do as he wished, nodding and thinking, Lord Elrond may do as he wishes; he knows best. He cares for me.
But the younger man still felt somewhat uncomfortable and nervous as the elf gently touched his left side, right where it hurt and was tender. He jumped a little, and Elrond looked up to Faramir’s blue eyes, that were expressing hurt and something else. Elrond asked him, “Are you all right? Does it hurt unbearably?”
“Not unbearably, my lord,” Faramir said meekly. Faramir didn’t know what was happening – well, he did, but he was wondering why it was happening. He felt himself hardening as his cotton leggings and breeches stretching and straining his member grew at a rate that was alarming to him. He shifted his legs a bit as he sat in the chair and tried to look down surrepticiously to see that his tunic was covering this troublesome area before looking up, jumpy and nervous, to Elrond. The elf asked him, taking his hands off of him and sensing something wrong, “Is something the matter? Am I causing you pain?”
“No, Elrond,” Faramir said in a fake and slightly higher pitched voice, “You are not.” He said this while his groin began to ache, and to try to hide things further he put his legs closer together and leaned forward slightly.
He became paranoid and tried without succeeding to hide his paranoia as Lord Elrond looked over his abdomen, his eyesight seeming to stray way too close for Faramir’s comfort to his groin area. Faramir knew it would be only seconds before the great Healer saw what was happening and he had no words to defend himself as to why this was happening. He tried to hide his heavy breathing as Elrond sat back a little bit and set his hand to rest on his patient’s thigh, saying with a warm smile, “You are healing well. Just give it a few more days, and you will be completely healed, I am confident of that.” Elrond seemed oblivious to Faramir’s situation; Faramir was blushing, trying to figure out why his body was acting this way, and when he looked up to the healer, Elrond saw his face and his smile turned to an expression of concern, his brow furrowed again as it so often was.
“What is the matter, patient? You are red, are you running a fever?” he asked, as he felt the man’s forehead. “You are not warm, you are not running a fever. What is the matter?”
Faramir’s groin was beginning to ache more now, and he knew he had to escape from this situation quickly to keep Elrond from knowing what was happening and becoming furious at him. He told Elrond, looking down and trying to keep his eyes from being so shifty, “I am fine, my lord, I just feel hot. I need to move into some cooler air, excuse me.” He stood up, leaving his book and Elrond behind, and left the room quickly, leaving Elrond sitting on the chair alone, watching his patient with a still furrowed brow upon his forehead, knowing that things were not right but not knowing what was wrong.
Faramir escaped back to his ward and told his assistant that he was going for a nap for a short time, and that he needed to be left alone completely in order to sleep well. The assistant agreed, bowing and saying, “I do believe that is a wise decision, my lord. You are still ill and need your rest. I shall wake you only if the evening meal comes and you still have not emerged from your quarters.” And with that, the assistant closed the door, leaving Faramir alone in his chambers.
Faramir made sure that the elves were not going to come in by waiting around for one full minute, but after that he could not stand it any longer. He threw himself down on the bed, feeling hot and flushed, and cursed at himself for acting this way. He was confused about the entire situation.
Why am I acting this way? What has happened? Why is this happening right now?? he asked himself. He was a grown adult, not an adolescent boy who could not reign in his sexual arousal. He had this problem as a young man, but that had gone away almost completely years and years ago. It was bizarre, confusing, out of the ordinary. But now it did not matter what the reason was; he was burning inside, his groin surging with slow dull pulses of desire. He untied his leggings and pulled them down as he scooted further up on the bed, and he gently began to stroke himself. His member was quite hard all by itself. He felt himself growing a little bit more excited, breathing quiet sighs of blissful relief that he was finally able to touch himself. It took little more than a minute before he peaked, but as he gasped and began to come, being quiet to make sure the elves did not hear outside his door, he closed his eyes to see an image of Elrond flooding his mind. His fluid leaked into his hand as he gasped for some air and opened his eyes wide, still seeing the image of Elrond burned into his mind.
Feeling extremely confused, he sat up in the bed and washed his sticky hands in the basin of water that sat next to his bed. Feeling clean again and drying his hands, he laced up his leggings once more and felt sleepy from his comforting release, and fell back down onto the bed as he dropped into a relaxing nap, just as he told the assistant healers he was going to do. At least the whole thing wasn’t a lie this way, as he fell asleep on the bed.
Faramir woke up just as the evening meal was about to begin, but he did not wish to go to this evening meal; it was going to be him and Elrond only, since there were no other guests staying in the House of Elrond at this time. Faramir knew that the situation would be awkward after what had happened earlier, and now that he realized what was happening inside of his own head, he felt embarrassed and ashamed to get even close to Elrond. Elrond wasn’t even worthy of his attention, and now Faramir realized – since that image had floated into his head – that he should not even be seen by Elrond ever again. But Elrond was still going to insist that Faramir stay as one of his patients for the next few days, so Faramir was going to have to pretend that nothing at all was happening.
“My lord?” came the voice of his assistant as he came through the door. “It is time, my lord. The evening meal. Do you know where Lord Elrond’s dining hall is located?”
“I do not,” Faramir managed to say, making sure he looked at least presentable before following the assistant out and through a few of the hallways before reaching a large doorway. The assistant bowed away, saying, “Please eat, my lord,” and he disappeared down the same hall from whence they came. Faramir watched the elf until the last bit of hem of the green robes disappeared ‘round the corner, and then he turned to face the large doors, opened them, and closed them after stepping inside.
The only person at the large rectangular table, as Faramir expected and anticiapated, was Lord Elrond, dressed in robes of silver and grey. Faramir made his way over to the table, feeling incredibly awkward, and after Elrond looked over to him and set down his goblet of wine, he gave a smile of greeting to his young patient. Faramir sat down at the place setting that was sitting next to Lord Elrond, and immediately one of the elves entered the dining hall and set a large meal identical to Elrond’s in front of Faramir.
“Oh, gods,” Faramir said to break the silence, staring at his plate before carefully looking up to Elrond’s brown eyes. “How might I ever consume this?”
“Eat as much as you like, you must keep up your strength,” was what Elrond said in reply, picking up his utensils as Faramir did the same. “After all, you are still healing, and you appear to be too thin to my eyes. How do you fare this evening? Did a rest do you some good? My assistants told me that you were in napping for quite some time.” There was something in how Elrond said this last sentence this that made Faramir twitch inside, but he did not show it. Did Elrond know what he had done before he had decided to take the nap? Could the elves have possibly heard him? His heart jumped into his throat at the thought, but he swallowed it down with a small bite of beef before replying, “The nap did me well, my lord, thank you.”
They ate in silence for a few moments, Faramir sneaking glances over to his dining partner when he thought the beautiful elf was not looking. His eyes were such a beautiful deep color, his skin quite porcelain like his own, well, what skin he could see, anyway… The small silver crown sitting upon his head only accentuated his features and made him appear all the wiser and filled with more knowledge, which appealed immensely to Faramir. His entire form was flawless in its height and even his pointed elven ears added an adorable touch. Faramir wondered if he was in love, contemplating this with the potatoes on his plate.
He wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting there staring at his potatoes when he heard Elrond ask quietly, “Faramir? What is the matter?” Faramir looked up to Elrond rather slowly, wondering what was going to happen. Elrond had finished his meal and was turned slightly towards Faramir, having watched him for at least a minute. Elrond looked concerned, but his face was soft. He leaned in towards the Gondorian.
“What is the matter?” Elrond asked again. “You have been contemplating something for quite some time, and I do know when men and elves are contemplating things. Something is troubling you, and as your healer, I wish to know what it is that ails your mind rather than body.” Faramir stared with his mouth slightly agape before beginning to stammer, “I- I- I… I was just thinking about something off topic, my lord, I am sorry to have not acknowledged you.”
“Never mind that, Faramir; tell me what is happening. What are you thinking of? Is there something I might do to aid you?” Elrond asked, and Faramir’s heart hurt to hear this. If Elrond were to give him what he wanted to help him, he would have to lay with him, and Faramir knew that this would never happen in any of his wildest dreams. Faramir’s face must have shown something more than just confusion and thought as he began to stammer again, because Elrond stood up, motioning for Faramir to do the same.
“We are finished here… would you please come with me to my chambers? We can speak privately there,” Elrond assured the man, leading him along down several long hallways and up a few little flights of stairs before reaching the Lord’s chambers, lavishly decorated with dark burgandy materials like suede, velvet, and touched with gossamer and velvet curtains with gold cords hanging from the ceiling to the floor. There were candles lit everywhere and a fire in the fireplace for both warmth and light, and Elrond and Faramir sat on a lavishly decorated white and burgundy couch, Faramir on the left end and Elrond on the right, with some space left between them. Elrond turned to face Faramir and asked gently, “What ails you, dear one?” When Elrond called him by this, Faramir slowly looked to him, blushing.
“There are no words – no words for me to say, my lord,” Faramir told him, his voice shaking slightly. “I have nothing to say.”
“But you do want to say something, am I correct in that?” Elrond asked, and when Faramir nodded, he held his arms out as if ready to catch whatever words needed to be spilled from Faramir’s mouth. Faramir shook his head slightly, looking away from his healer, his desire.
“I could not possibly… I could not,” Faramir managed to stumble through the words, and when Elrond moved next to him and placed a strong and comforting hand on his shoulder, he nearly squealed. Every part of him wanted to kiss Lord Elrond, but Elrond did not deserve him kissing him in such a manner, or behaving with him in such a manner. Elrond surprised him, however, when he used his other hand to gently turn Faramir’s face towards his own. Their faces only a foot apart, Elrond looked into his eyes and said, “Just tell me. What is it?”
Before Faramir could even think any longer about what he was doing, the urge overcame him; he got closer to Elrond, and closer yet, until each of them could feel the other’s warm breath on their faces. Faramir had no idea what was going to happen to him or what Elrond’s reaction would be, but he felt like he had to do it or he was going to regret it for the rest of his days. His lips came so close to Elrond’s warm pink ones, and finally, after what seemed like forever, pressed his lips rather clumsily against the elf’s. They were soft and warm, and Elrond did not repel him as he expected. He pulled away quickly with just a peck, looking to see what Elrond thought. Elrond’s eyes were completely full of understanding, and Elrond smiled sweetly before whispering into Faramir’s ear, “I knew that you wished to do that. I was wondering if what I had thought was true. You feel things for me, don’t you, Faramir?” he asked, still in a whisper. Faramir could no longer hold his heart in and spilled in a voice barely over a whisper, “I do, Elrond, I do… I do not know how it happened, or why… I have never felt this way with another man before..” At this, Elrond smiled mischeviously before saying, “I am not a man, my love, but an elf. An experienced elf,” he added, and as he said this he embraced Faramir and ran one hand slowly down his back before settling on Faramir’s left buttock and squeezing it gently but persistently as they began to kiss again, more fiercely this time, Faramir’s arms wrapped around the elf’s as they kissed over and over again.
Elrond prompted Faramir’s lips with his tongue, and Faramir granted him passage. Elrond thrusted his tongue in quickly, and they kissed like this on the couch for a few minutes, both of them wishing that the other’s clothes were already off. Elrond brought his hand around from Faramir’s buttocks, slipped it across his thigh, and slowly ran his hand over the crotch of Faramir’s leggings while they kissed. There was a hardness there that was obviously seen, and Faramir moaned deeply as they kissed deeply. Elrond wanted to hear Faramir moan again as his own member began to perk up, so he ran his fingers gently over the bulge again and again, slowly, teasingly. Faramir moaned again and shifted his hips slightly to a better angle, spreading his legs to allow Elrond full access to every private inch of this area of his body as he kissed Elrond’s ears and neck, tickling the elf enough to make him giggle as Faramir kissed the soft tips of his ears. Elrond stroked Faramir’s package until Faramir moaned so much with so much desperation that Elrond feared the young one would come before they were even undressed. Faramir could not help himself; Elrond’s experienced fingers made him want to explode.
They finally simultaneously made their way to the bed, Elrond untying Faramir’s leggings as his partner unbottoned his silver and grey robes. He was not able to undress Elrond as quickly as Elrond undressed Faramir, for Elrond was wearing many more layers of clothing, and once the last bit of Faramir’s clothing, his leggings, were pulled off of his ankles, Faramir felt a little bit embarrassed as Elrond looked him over, lying there naked on his own bed. His skin was so soft and looked so pale, but Faramir looked too embarrassed for Elrond to go on simply staring at his partner like this for longer. Elrond climbed onto the huge bed next to Faramir as he pulled off the last of his robes. His crown was askew from the intense kissing from earlier, but he did not bother to take it off; he focused on kissing Faramir’s neck and dipped his tongue into the pit where his collarbone lay.
“Nobody’s ever done this with me before,” Faramir randomly gasped to Elrond as the healer nibbled on his ear. “Nobody’s ever done this…”
“You mean you have never lain with anyone?” Elrond asked quietly, not pausing to listen completely but still listening to Faramir as he kissed his neck and tweaked his nipples pleasurably. Faramir gasped, “No, I haven’t,” and Elrond replied, “You could have fooled me, young one, my love.”
After a moment Faramir found one of Elrond’s already hardened nipples and bit on it gently, suckling it, and for the first time he heard Elrond groan in pleasure. Elrond planted kisses all the way down Faramir’s flat tummy until he reached Faramir’s hot, throbbing organ. Knowing that this was Faramir’s first time gave him incentive to give the young man a special treat. He brushed his hands down Faramir’s sides as he took the tip of Faramir’s arousal in his mouth and began to gently suck, increasing the pressure as he went along, licking little circles around the tip and flicking his tongue quickly over the hole, licking up any of the sweet liquid that was leaking out of Faramir’s oragn.
Faramir immediately responded to this attention, running his hands through Elrond’s hair but stopping once in a while to ball his fists up in the elf’s hair, Elrond feeling Faramir’s toes curl up as he moaned, “Oh, gods, Elrond, oh gods… that feels so good.” There was pleasure shooting throughout his body every time Elronds licked his sweet spot, and when Faramir’s breathing got faster and more shallow, Elrond stopped. Faramir moaned as he stopped, his partner’s spittle making his member feel cold against the air, and Elrond said, “Let me feel you around me, Faramir, please.”
“Whatever you want,” Faramir said, not knowing precisely what Elrond meant by that but willing to do anything for this elf. Whatever Elrond wanted, he would recieve. Elrond had a large amount of oil already at his bedside table, and he oiled up three of his fingers. Gently prying Faramir’s legs apart, Elrond traced circles around Faramir’s tightly closed entrance for a few minutes before gently inserting one finger. Faramir was tense at first, but slowly relaxed, trusting Elrond, knowing that Elrond would never ever hurt him and since he was a healer, he would know if he was able to do this or not. Elrond kept a close watch on Faramir for any pain, saw that he was not feeling any, and proceeded to slowly enter a second finger. Faramir’s orfice closed tightly against both of his fingers this time and threatened to not relax as Faramir became slightly embarrassed, saying, “I am sorry… I am just nervous.” He looked so worried about what Elrond would think of him that Elrond gave him a peacful smile before saying, “Don’t be nervous. I will take good care of you; it is your first time. I will be gentle, my love.” As he said this, Faramir relaxed, and Elrond was able to move these two fingers in and out of Faramir’s tight hole.
One more finger was added, and Faramir winced slightly with pain as Elrond said, “It will not hurt after a moment, my love.” Surely enough, Faramir grew used to it quickly, but when Elrond oiled up his own arousal, he grew worried; it looked bigger than the fingers. He bit his lip but hid his worry as Elrond came back around and said, lining up his hot organ with Faramir’s waiting hole, “Tell me to stop if it hurts you or you panic. I will listen.” And with that, he entered slowly, the oil soothing Faramir and keeping things much less painful than they would have been otherwise. His hole felt stretched but it was not so painful, and he had Elrond’s fingers to thank for that.
Once Elrond had completely entered Faramir’s tight new channel, he began to slowly move in and out, making sure that his partner was not in pain before slowly thrusting back in, and found that Faramir’s hips were rocking towards him every time he thrusted in. After only a moment or so of doing this, Elrond aimed to hit and slowly bumped into the bundle of nerves that sat deep within Faramir’s body.
“Oh gods! Oh gods, what was that, do that again,” Faramir gasped, arching his back and gasping for air as pleasure arced through him. Elrond moved faster now, pleasing himself and his parter every time he hit the little gland inside of his lover’s body. He loved how Faramir writhed around each time he hit his gland, and Faramir began screaming little screams and gasping for more air as Elrond reached for his member again and began squeezing it and stroking it, tickling it a little bit with his fingers before squeezing it and pumpiing it in rhythm with their bodies. It wasn’t long before Elrond felt that Faramir was about to come, and he waited and watched as the expression on Faramir’s face changed from pleasure to near-agony as he gave a wavering whimper and rocked his hips violently for more friction. Elrond bumped into Faramir’s gland one more time and Faramir’s tummy moved up and down quickly as he breathed deep and fast before crying out and whimpering, “I’m going to – I am going to – I need to come.” In response, Elrond thrusted in once again and set Faramir into the most explosive climax of his life, screaming and crying out loudly as all of his muscles tightened around Elrond’s own engorged member. Elrond continued to thrust into Faramir as the younger man began to come into the healer’s hand, white stickiness convering both of their pale bellies as Faramir sank down into the mattress, whimpering and experiencing throbbing pulsing aftershocks as Elrond shuddered, gave a cry of his own, spilled his seed into the Faramir’s tight channel, and fell only slightly gracefully on top of Faramir.
They lay there, Elrond on top of Faramir for a few minutes, Elrond staying inside of Faramir until all of the throbbing in his member had subsided. He gently pulled out, relieving the wam pressure inside of Faramir, and they both lay in drowsy content as they embraced one another.
“I never expected things to be this way, turning out exactly as I dreamed,” Faramir finally admitted to Elrond, after they had lain in silence for a few moments, naked and enjoying one another’s silent and comforting company. Elrond smiled before replying, “I never knew it would be this way, either. But I am certainly glad I got to be your first. Will you let me be your only?” Elrond asked boldly, an d Faramir blushed a bit in disbelief and happiness as he smiled and nodded. They lay there for a few more silent minutes before Elrond said, “I believe we forgot our dessert when we left the dining hall earlier. Shall we adjourn?”
“I think that is a grand idea,” Faramir said, smiling widely. These next few days of healing were going to be the most fulfilling, most happy days of healing he would ever experience, he could tell this already. All the had to do was let Lord Elrond know, and he would be there to heal him.
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i really enjoyed this story,and i hope it has a sequel,please keep writing.
sincerely chela — chela Friday 8 February 2008, 6:01 #