Treasure Enough (PG-13) 
Written by Mira Took19 June 2010 | 3909 words
Title: Treasure Enough
Author: Mira Took
Pairing: Faramir/Haldir
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Blown off course on his way home to the Grey Havens, Faramir meets an Elf. AU, Pre-Ring War.
Disclaimer: The characters and legendarium are Professor Tolkien’s. I have no permissions and make no profits.
Note: The year is T.A. 3004 and Faramir is of age. After the prologue, any references to him as a ‘boy’ or ‘child’ are figurative.
Written for the 2010 Midsummer Swap.
Request by Angelstar3999: I would like a story where Faramir is either a wizard like (gandalf), or half-elven and raised by the elves how they elves get costody of him is up to you. Please have Faramir be the sub even a demanding sub when he gets into a relationship with his elf (Elrond, Glorfindel, Erestor, Legolas or Haldir your choice as long as it is an happy ending.) I will leave the rest to you.
“This is not the first time a child has been smuggled here on a stormy night. But it is the first time I will refuse to take such a child in. This boy will need protection of a sort I cannot offer.”
“Tell me then who is a better choice than Melian’s descendant — and one with the blood of the House of Bëor in his veins — to teach the son of an Istar and a mortal woman?”
“Cirdan. Who first welcomed the Istari to these shores. Who has no little experience bringing up exceptional children — for I can assure you Gil-galad was both exceptional and impeccably well brought up.”
“Cirdan, who no longer wields a ring?”
“That is an advantage. Your son will one day be part of great events, I deem. I would council you to let him grow in the same innocence of his fate that my own foster son enjoyed. Time enough for him to face the dangers of this Age when he is a man grown.”
“Very well. Your council is never given — nor ought it to be taken — lightly. I will bring the child to Cirdan as you suggest. Besides, if nothing else, it will give me an excuse to pass frequently through the Shire. Always a pleasure, visiting hobbits.”
“You will be seeing the boy then?”
“As often as I may, though I am inclined to think he should not see me. Or do you think that wrong?”
“No, my friend, I do not. Though I am biased, having loved my foster father dearly and found in my foster son a healer after my own heart.”
“I shall hope, then, that Cirdan and his household can give him all that I cannot of both care and training.”
“Have you given him a father-name?”
“Yes, but that shall not be needed for many years yet. Not until he begins to show his power. No, he shall go by the name his mother gave him. Faramir.”
N.B. Elves can have up to three names: a father-name given at birth, a mother-name (often considered to be prophetic), and an epessë or nickname. One suggested translation of Faramir is far = sufficient, enough; mir = jewel, treasure.
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I want to thank you for the wonderful story. I loved the interaction between Haldir and Faramir. I though how Haldir took in Faramir and what he had was very will written and added flavor to the story. Thank you for the wonderful story once again
I hope you have a good day.
— Angelstar3999 Monday 21 June 2010, 9:29 #Hugs, angelstar