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Grief and Hope (NC-17) Print

Written by Minx

21 April 2013 | 40330 words | Work in Progress

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Chapter 9

Faramir stared at the king, and then nodded belatedly.

“Y-yes, certainly,” he stuttered, “I-in the council room?”

“No, you may come to my study. The council starts at nine, so perhaps a quarter to the hour?” the king suggested.

“Estel!” the queen’s voice sounded out again, impatient this time.

The king turned away even as Faramir stuttered his agreement.

“It is our last night together for a month,” the queen’s mellifluous tones reached his ears quite clearly. “I wish you would not waste time over insignificant matters.”

Faramir returned to his rooms in a daze, his mind jumbled with a riot of thoughts. He kept repeating Elessar’s words in his mind, but all that stood out was the king wanted to meet him alone tomorrow! He couldn’t hold back the excitement that this thought caused, although he did find himself worrying at the same time.

What if the king had merely called him to speak of his report on Ithilien.
Denethor had said he had passed it onto the king. After all, he seemed to have quite forgotten the one night they’d shared. Even though he’d said they may share such a night again. But then, Faramir reminded himself, he had said too that he knew not when.

Faramir sighed, as he continued pacing up and down his small room, trying to prevent himself from thinking further on this. He should go to sleep now, he told himself, and wake up early and meet the king. That was all. He would have his answers then. He walked out onto the small balcony hoping the fresh air would help. He looked down at the gardens spread below. He could see the lights from the queen’s party from here and hear the faint strains of the lilting sounds of elven music.

He leaned against the wall, listening to the calm and soothing sounds, letting his mind wander away with the music. It took him back to his days in Ithilien, the gentle sounds reminiscent of wild brooks, the soft breeze through the trees, distant bird songs, the fresh, calming fragrances of the outdoors. He sank down to the floor, and closed his eyes, thinking of the rare but treasured moments of calm he had had in those days… of lying on the warm grass of a clearing with the sun filtering through the leaves, bathing in a hot spring hidden in a glade, walking through meadows filled with fragrant flowers.

How nice it would have been if he could have had the time to show Elessar those little treasured nooks, he thought drowsily. The music continued to wash over his tired senses as he curled into the floor, dreaming of Elessar’s naked body, hardened planes gleaming in the afternoon sun, covering his in the meadow of flowers.

Faramir came awake at dawn and groaned. The floor was hard and cold and damp and he had been lying in an awkward position. He stared around in confusion and then groaned again as he realised that he’d spent the night on the floor of his balcony, and he thought ruefully, as he glanced down at his clothes, he’d dreamt of Elesser again. At the thought of the king, he sat up suddenly remembering the summons, and then cried out as his stiff muscles protested. He grunted, and rose off the floor with difficulty.

Faramir hesitated at the door to the king’s study. He ran a hand through his hair, still damp from the hurried bath he’d managed, and smoothened down the fabric of his tunic. He felt strangely nervous as he knocked.

“Enter!” the king’s voice sounded curt, as Faramir pushed the door open.

The king’s study was a large, but comfortable looking room, furnished with a table, large cushioned chairs, and a huge grate with a pile of rugs and furs spread in front of it. A huge window, overlooking the courtyard below framed most of one wall. Elessar stood by the window, adjusting the sleeves of his long formal robes.

“You’re early. Sit,” he said smiling, “Would you like some breakfast?”

Faramir hadn’t eaten in the morning but he felt far too nervous right now.

“No, thank you Sire,” he said softly.

The king looked more handsome than ever this morning, standing in the sunlight. He wore deep blue robes, embellished only with very subtle golden thread work at the edges. Faramir found his eyes drawn towards the open bindings, displaying the tanned, hard chest underneath. He noticed a mark rather like a bite under the collarbone. The queen’s remarks from the previous night returned to him and he felt his face flush.

The king sat across the table from Faramir and began glancing through some papers.

“Are you sure? I’ve asked for some for myself.”

Faramir chanced a look at the king’s face. It seemed to him that the king’s lips seemed just that little bit more swollen and reddened.

“I read your report on Ithilien,” the king said.

Faramir blinked and dragged his eyes away from the tempting lips, as he finally caught what was being was said. The Ithilien report, of course, he thought. His fingers were trembling, he realised and clasped his hands together under the table. He shouldn’t react like this, he chided himself; he had expected it. He knew he had been wrong to come in with any other expectation. That one night in Ithilien must have been a strange night, perhaps a result of the air or perhaps… he felt himself tremble a little.

The king continued speaking, “And I spoke to Denethor of it as well. But since we travelled together I thought I may as well discuss it with you directly.”

Faramir clasped his hands tighter. He felt his neck and face heating up, as he stared at the notes the king was going through. The maps he’d marked out were there too. He had made the changes Denethor had suggested. But he’d also left in his additional notes, the ones that Denethor had raged at him over – the details on the soil consistency, the tree cover density and the river width and current with the relevant maps; aspects that he thought could come in useful when the work on roads and bridges would start. He wondered if he should say something about that – explain why he’d added in all those details, but his voice seemed to be caught in his throat.

“It is very well done,” the king said.

Faramir blinked again.

“There is much in it that I think will be very useful when we begin the resettlement.”

“Oh,” Faramir managed to say and then winced as he realised how shrill his voice sounded in its nervousness. His confused and tired mind was still trying to process the fact that he was not being criticised for those details after all.

The king looked up, a gentle and warm smile playing across his face. Faramir flushed, and bit his lip.

“I wondered if you could help further there,” Elessar said, “I have some of the other reports from the journey here. And I think it would be useful if you could go through them. You might have some more inputs on the suggestions that are given.”

“Y-yes, certainly,” Faramir said, a little surprised. It was not often that he was asked for suggestions, and in the last few months, almost never.

“There is this section for example,” the king said, reaching out for another set of papers, “There are some recommendations on aligning the construction to the troop requirements,” he passed across a few sheets to Faramir, “What do you think?”

Faramir took the papers. There was a map attached. He was familiar with the area marked out. He sat back a little and started reading.

Aragorn watched the younger man sitting across him, reading the sheet diligently, his forehead furrowing as he kept glancing at the map for reference. He wondered why he’d seemed so tense earlier. His thoughts wandered back to the conversation he’d had with Denethor the previous day on these reports.

“I have been going through Faramir’s report on Ithilien,” he had started, when they had sat down over wine after the council meeting, “And I must say I’m quite surprised.”

Denethor had sighed, “I expect it is not quite up to the mark. Forgive me. I have told him what is needed. But you know how he is. He is increasingly becoming shoddy in his work and insolent and disrespectful in his behaviour!
I would much rather go by Ardahil’s report. It is likely to be far more useful and precise. You know I felt Faramir would be of little use on your journey.”

Aragorn had been struck by the vehemence of the steward’s remarks. He had some idea by now that Denethor and Faramir had a somewhat strained relationship. But the near contempt in Denethor’s tone left him a little shocked.
He started to allay the older man’s concerns and assure him that Faramir had in fact given a very good report.

But Denethor had continued, “I shall speak to him again. However, I expect little improvement.”

“Oh no!” Aragorn managed to interpose, “No, indeed. There is no need to fear… I meant to tell you that the report is quite good, and I feel it would be extremely useful to resettlement council.”

“Oh!” Denethor said the surprise evident on his face, “That is good to hear.”

There was a brief, uncomfortable silence as he studied the goblet in his hand.

“You are worried about him” Aragorn said gently, as he took in the Steward’s slumped posture.

Denethor started, and then spoken slowly. “Forgive me for speaking so. It is merely that… well… were Boromir here, he would have been such a great help.
And for Andreth too. He needs someone younger than I. But Faramir is lost in his own devices all the time.”

Aragorn had nodded understandingly.

He wondered a little about the Steward’s family as he watched Faramir place the papers on the table. But he knew too that it often took families months to recover from loss and grieving.

“Well?” he asked.

Faramir looked a little nervous, “It’s a very good report,” he said, “And a very sound suggestion.”

Aragorn waited. Faramir shifted uncomfortably and bit his lip again. And then spoke rather hesitantly.

“I – I think though, perhaps… the road route suggested here… it is excellent of course. Very strategic. And useful for the traders as well.”

He paused and glanced up.

The king nodded to him to continue.

“The valley here,” he said hurriedly, “It is prone to flooding, we would need to keep it at a higher level. And – and the bridge suggested on this stream here, perhaps we could move it a little further downstream where it diverges… it is safer and not too much of a detour…”

“That is an excellent thought,” Aragorn said approvingly. Faramir’s eyes darted towards him,, and the king was struck by the mix of surprise and gratification that he could see on the younger man’s face.

“The resettlement committee convenes in a fortnight,” Aragorn said, “And I would like for them to have a very clear idea of what is needed and the expenditure this will demand. Would you be willing to assist me in keeping that ready for them. I’m afraid it will mean a lot of work, and I shall need a lot of your time –”

“Y-yes,” Faramir interrupted, and winced inwardly as he realised what an inadequate reply he was going. He felt a fluttering sensation in his chest as the words rang in his ears… assisting the king… a lot of his time…

“I – I mean, I would be honoured, Sire,” he said softly.

“Excellent,” Aragorn said approvingly, and rose, “I must get ready for the council now. Can we begin from this afternoon, once the council is over?”

“Yes,” Faramir said again, rising hastily with the king, trying not to let the excitement show in his voice. Today after the council, he would be the one with the king.

“I am most grateful to you for this Faramir,” Aragorn said, “I know you have other duties, but I feel with all your experience in Ithilien, you are the best person to aid me in this.”

“I am honoured,” Faramir repeated as he left.

He walked out of the king’s study, down the long corridor that would lead him to the meeting, feeling rather lightheaded but happy. He couldn’t wait for the evening. The council that day seemed to him to drag on interminably, but he bore up with it, ignoring the customary bickering and a few barbs thrown his way by Denethor and some of the others.

He joined the king in his study after a late noon meal. Elessar sat sprawled on a large chair reading through a sheaf of papers when he entered. He looked up and smiled, waving Faramir to a chair nearby.

Faramir stiffened as the king leaned close to him and explained what needed to be done, his gentle, clear voice sounding musical to Faramir’s ears. He could smell the mixed fragrances of heather, pipeweed and musk; they seemed to travel straight through his nose to his groin. And the long fingers that ran over the written sheets and traced points on the map – he wished they would trace such lines on his bare skin instead.

Biting his lip he tried to clear his mind of such thoughts and so he could concentrate on what he was to do. It was difficult but he realised soon that the king really cared that the committee should get accurate and detailed information. His own love for Ithilien came to the fore and he quickly picked up what was required. They worked through the afternoon, referencing maps and notes; jotting down points that Faramir thought might find mention in older records or journals. For the most part they worked in a quiet, comfortable silence.

As the late afternoon light dimmed, the servants came in with a pitcher of wine and a basket of fruits, and lit the lanterns and the fire in the grate.
After they left, Elessar rose and stretched, bending his tall, lean muscles back.

“It is getting cold,” he remarked, “Come join me for some warm wine by the grate.”

Faramir obeyed and took the proffered goblet of wine. He tried not to remember the last occasion they had had wine by the firelight. The liquor still tasted acrid in his mouth and he still found it unpleasant but said nothing.

“I am glad we have accomplished so much today,” the king said pleasantly, “I think we might finish with this well before I thought we could. Merely a few days more perhaps. Your help has been invaluable!”

A few more days, Faramir thought bleakly. “You are very kind,” he said softly.

Looking up at the king, he thought he looked even more beautiful in the lamplight, his sun-bronzed skin gleaming a golden hue, the grey eyes glittering tawny and enchanting. The king had removed his ceremonial robes, and wore only his tunic and trousers. He had undone the topmost bindings of the tunic as he stood in front of the fire. Faramir stared at the small portion of golden skin visible under the dark blue fabric.

He would like to lick that, he thought dreamily, and sipped some more of the wine.

A few more days, he thought again… the king had not been displeased the last time… perhaps…

He moved forward swiftly, towards Elessar, rising on his toes, bringing his lips to the king’s. He felt his lips brush the king’s jaw, coarse bristles imparting a tingling sensation, instead of the soft lips and the wet heat of the mouth he had sought.

And then he realised that the king had moved, and was even now moving back, his hands stretched forward to hold Faramir back.

He stared up in shock, his lips still pursed. Elessar was staring at him, his expression strangely inscrutable, his palms resting on Faramir’s shoulders.

Whatever had he done!

“F-forgive me,” he gasped out.

“No,” Elessar said moving forward, “There is nothing to forgive.”

“I thought – you said – I hoped,” Faramir continued babbling, unsure of what to say. He’d hoped after their night in Ithilien that this action would not be seen as untoward. Forward perhaps, but surely not unpleasant? And yet there was nothing in the king’s face to indicate that he welcomed this move.
He found himself gasping softly for breath. His hands flew to his face as shame flooded through him.

“Forgive me,” he repeated, “I should not have. It will not be remiss of you to declare me unwelcome in your presence. I shall leave now,” he continued blurting out the words, through the cover of his hands.

“Faramir! Hush!”

Elessar grasped Faramir’s hands, pulling them away. “Look at me,” he commanded.

Faramir raised his downcast eyes. The king’s grey eyes seemed warm and friendly, his expression bemused rather than angry. His touch on Faramir’s wrists was warm and soothing as ever.

“You startled me, that is all,” he said gently.


“Your touch was not – unwelcome.”

“I hoped we could … continue … w-what we started at Ithilien,” Faramir stammered, wincing at his sudden shyness.

“As did I,” the king responded agreeably, “And I am most glad to find you of similar mind, even after a fortnight and more. I hoped your passion had not been for just that night, ignited merely by closeness.”

“We will … lie together again then?” Faramir blushed as he spoke. Matters of the bedchamber were not meant to be discussed in a study!

“I see no reason why we should not. I should be most glad of the opportunity to enjoy more trysts with you. Especially now that our work has lightened and Arwen too is away.”

Faramir tried not to let any expression show on his face at that last line.
He had been with other betrothed men, a substitute for their absent companions, a few hurried couplings under the cover of a private tent or even a few bushes.

He would willingly lie with Elessar again, even if only this once. He swallowed visibly and leaned forward again.

Elessar’s hands tightened around his wrists, and he pulled him closer. He ran his gaze over the younger man’s slender frame, before releasing his hands.

Faramir reached for the king’s tunics to open the bindings… he wanted so much to run his hands over the bare patch of skin. Elessar gently tugged his hands downwards however to the waistband of his pants.

“Touch me,” he said quietly.

Faramir immediately knelt down, excitement coursing through him. He undid the bindings, fumbling in his hurry. He could see the swell of the fabric between the king’s legs. Finally the ties came undone. He pulled the pants down, revealing the swollen length nestled in a thick patch of black curls.

He reached for the hardening length, looking closely at it; it had been too dark the other night. The king was large, endowed with length and girth both, and Faramir felt his own arousal stiffen some more as he wrapped his fingers around the thickness. It seemed near impossible that he had had this inside him merely weeks ago! It was no wonder he had felt so completely filled, he thought, pleasure tingling through his body at the memory.

He ran his fingers over the entire length, stroking, pressing down his knuckles gently, lightly raking his nails on the soft folds of skin. Some of his other bedmates had liked that, he remembered.

The king too seemed to like it, for he let out a soft sound. His eyes were closed and he had put a hand out onto the mantelpiece of the hearth for balance.
“Perhaps we should move to the bedchamber,” he mumbled.

Tiny, beads of semen glistened at the tip of his penis. Faramir swiped one with his finger and licked it. Elessar let out a louder noise this time.

“That is not needed. We could use the table,” Faramir suggested, and then blushed as the king let out a strange sound, much like a strangled moan.

“I should like that I think,” the king replied in a hoarse voice in response to Faramir’s look of inquiry, “I should like very much to see you bent over the table… . it will be worth tidying it just for that… what a shock people would have when they walk in…”

Faramir blushed even deeper then, shocked at the word. He was about to protest saying that Aragorn could surely not mean he would let anyone see them, when a loud gong sounded through the citadel. He jumped slightly, his hands loosening from around the king’s shaft.

“Don’ t worry… that is just to warn us that dinner will be ready in a half hour,” Elessar said smiling, “Oh! … Oh dear!”

Faramir let go and rose as he heard the note of desperation in the king’s voice.

“Sire,” he said anxiously, “Is aught the matter?”

“Nay, I forgot,” Elessar groaned, and pulled up his pants, “I am promised to dinner tonight with some of the council. Your father will be reaching my rooms shortly, to accompany me to the dining chamber.”

“Oh,” Faramir said rather bleakly, and then composed his features again, “P-perhaps we can continue later.”

“Not tonight,” Elessar grunted, “Iriel is there and he can talk till the sun rises tomorrow!” He looked down pointedly at his lower body, his erect shaft clearly outlined against the fabric of the loosened pants. He sighed and moved, not without difficulty, “I’ll go take care of that in my chambers. It will delay me, but that is all right I suppose. I shall see you tomorrow Faramir.”

“P-perhaps, I could help take care of that?” Faramir suggested.

Elessar frowned.

“We do not have the time.”

“It will take less time, if I do it for you with – with my mouth,” Faramir mumbled, wondering if the wine had gone to his head. He had never spoken before of these things, even the technique of what to do.

He got down to his knees again swiftly and reached for the king’s erection, gently tugging it out of his trousers and wrapping his fingers around it.

Aragorn moaned as his swollen, painful shaft was freed, and then again as it was grasped in the same gentle but knowing grip. Faramir’s fingers moved skilfully up and down, more rapidly this time and Aragorn found himself slipping into a blissfully happy state.

Faramir stared almost dreamily at the king’s shaft hardening under the ministrations of his fingers. He bent his head closer and stuck out his tongue.

A wet sensation at the tip of his aching arousal had Aragorn thrusting up eagerly. The younger man’s tongue played on his tip, dipping into him, inching through the tiny slit, seemingly licking him inside! And then the tongue withdrew but the mouth opened wider to take him in; pink lips went further and further down, even as the fingers and nails continued running over his length, slipping down to play with his balls, gently scratching the tender skin that led to his hole. .

Faramir continued to suck at the king’s substantial erection. It had been many months since he had done this with another man, and he found it a little difficult at first as the hardness filled his mouth. His jaw and throat hurt as his mouth stretched to accommodate the girth and length, but he soon found himself responding with practised ease. He took a deep breath and continued working his tongue down the thick shaft, humming softly as it hit the back of his throat.

Aragorn stretched his legs further apart, and leaned back against the wall, placing his palms against the wall behind him for support. He watched Faramir’s bowed frame through lidded eyes, as he took him in completely the convulsive motions of the younger man’s throat arousing him even more. He gazed dreamily at the dark head, the beads of sweat on the pale forehead, the sharply defined nose brushing the curly tendrils of hair. His sharp ears took in the soft moans emanating from Faramir’s throat, it enticed him to know that he was the cause of that seductive sound,

He felt the tightness in his groin, and knew he should warn Faramir.

“You can pull out,” he grunted, “I’m going to –”

Faramir’s mouth seemed to clamp down harder around him, sheathing him completely. He felt himself release. Waves of pleasure continued to course through him as he realised Faramir was not moving away, continuing to suck at him.

Some minutes later, Aragorn sat back on the floor, his tunic in disarray and his pants lying loosely at his groin, his shaft limp and limbs loose.
Faramir rose unsteadily, and gave him an uncertain smile. Aragorn glanced at the younger man’s face. A sheen of sweat coated the pale forehead, and the grey eyes seemed glassy. White fluid trickled out of his mouth, and flecks of white coated his hair, face, tunic, neck and throat, sending a strange thrill through Aragorn’s body. Faramir had swallowed most of his release!

“You were right,” Aragorn murmured, “That was quick. But most satisfying.”

He had been with other men, but never had he experienced such a swift yet completely fulfilling and intense encounter. Faramir had had much practice, he thought suddenly. It was well known, although he had noticed not much mentioned, that the younger man had little interest in women. The soldiers he had lain with earlier, even Boromir, so close to him and loved greatly by him, sought little but a temporary relief, and they just as himself, would have sufficed with a few licks and their hands.

His gaze strayed downwards to Faramir’s groin, and the evident strain there.

“Thank you,” the younger man was saying. Aragorn moved forward slowly, forcing his reluctantly loose limbs to action , although he felt quite wonderful, and swiftly grasped Faramir’s arm.

Faramir gasped at the touch. The smell of heather, pipewood and musk intermingled with sex filled his nose. Elessar’s lips were close to his and he craved their feel. But his face was soaked with sweat, he knew and soiled.

He gasped again as the king reached for his pants.

“Let me help you,” Elessar said roughly in his ear. He thrust his hand through the loosened waistband, and grasped the thickness.

He nodded mutely, desperately and pushed into the touch of the long and elegant fingers, still marked by the roughness of constant sword handling.

Aragorn didn’t suppose he could move as elegantly as Faramir had done. His fingers had merely curled around the hardness, however, when Faramir let out a keening sound and released himself. He felt the warm sticky fluid spurt on to his hand, and looked up in surprise. That hadn’t taken much effort, he thought wryly.

Faramir evidently thought so too for his face turned a dull red and he mumbled a soft apology..

“Well,” Aragorn said, as he quickly washed up in the antechamber adjoining his study, “That was – nice.” He had decided to wash up and change here, and encouraged Faramir to do the same.

“Thank you,” he added after a pause. He felt quite wonderful and energised, “Perhaps… the next time we could indeed bend you over my table.”

Faramir blushed again, as he quietly wiped at his own face and chest with a wet cloth. He turned away from the king to wipe his groin and Aragorn found himself smirking in amusement. Surely Faramir realised he had seen all there was to be seen of him! And that even now his pants had slipped low enough to provide him an enticing view of his buttocks. The sight brought back the memory of their night in Ithilien and he couldn’t help but remember the tight heat of the younger man’s channel around his shaft.

“Or we could use my bedchambers,” he murmured.

“Oh no!” Faramir said, quite horrified, turning around, and clutching at the wet towel and his pants to keep them up.

“No?” Aragorn queried, in muffled accents as he pulled off his tunic. He rubbed his torso briskly and watched with satisfaction as Faramir stared at his bare chest with obvious interest. He deliberately slowed down his movements teasingly.

“The servants know the queen is away!” Faramir said in horrified accents, trying not to get distracted by the sight of the king’s fingers resting over his nipple. Desperately he burst out, “They would know you had someone else there!”

“Surely I am allowed a paramour or two too,” Aragorn said in a tone of mock injury.

It was a little vicious of him, he supposed but he found Gondor highly prudish, and Faramir for such a young man seemed to be full of the most ridiculous notions of propriety. He had pulled on his pants properly now, and much to Aragorn’s bemusement, was checking over the study to see if there were any signs of their coupling, wiping away the specks of white fluid on the floor where they had been standing.

“I know for one Lord Iriel has at least three ladies who favour him with their attentions!” Aragorn called out as he picked up a fresh tunic from the wardrobe in his study.

“Well, perhaps,” Faramir conceded, wiping at the spots on the wall.

“Do you not think they would find it acceptable if they were to know you had lain with me?”

“Oh no!” Faramir said. His voice turned a little shrill and he began to wring the wet cloth in his hands as he continued a little desperately, “And you must never mention this to anyone. It is not approved in Gondor for men to sleep with other men.”

“But that’s silly. I know of many men here who sleep with other men.”

“Yes, but –”

Faramir had meant to say it was merely for pleasure, as a flirtatious interlude… but he realised just in time that this could be no more than that for the king. Whatever his feelings were, and he was terrified at the thought of delving deeper into those, he was well aware that they would be unreciprocated by a king who was happily married to a beautiful elven lady and had fathered with her a delightful child. And, added his persistently painful mind, had declared not so long ago that he had been uncommonly fond of Boromir.

“But it is still frowned upon,” he responded lamely, “And they do not talk of such things publicly.”

There would be no long relaxing trysts here filled with the tender lovemaking he had read of in books. This would be an affair like all his others, full of short, quick, furtive meetings in obscure hidden corners.

“I see,” the king responded slowly.

“If we are to have another tryst,” he plunged on desperately, trying not to let it out that this was the foremost question in his head, “We should be careful, the servants do not get to know what we do.”

“Very well,” Elessar said calmly, “Meet me here tomorrow afternoon then. The servants have instructions never to enter the study without my leave, so we will not be interrupted. I look forward to continuing what we have started… or rather started again!”

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78 Comment(s)

More please! It’s a lovely beginning. I’m enjoying the originality of your idea, as well as the tantalizing glimpses into Faramir’s pain.

— Laurel    Monday 7 May 2007, 3:43    #

gasp That’s it?! Please, please please. I’m loving the dynamics you’ve set up thus far. Please continue posting.

— somerset    Monday 7 May 2007, 14:41    #

Minx, you are wonderful. I’ve been a fan of yours for a while, and you do not disappoint. I can’t wait for more!

— sweet baby turtle    Monday 7 May 2007, 17:14    #

i’m hooked! more please?

— traveller    Tuesday 8 May 2007, 23:56    #

Oh, I can’t wait for more. Poor Faramir. I hope Aragorn doesn’t forget him.

— crazy kitty    Wednesday 9 May 2007, 5:21    #

I love how Minx writes Faramir stories. :) Please update Grief and Hope as soon as possible.

— Vicki    Wednesday 16 May 2007, 1:46    #

I’m loving it :)

— Ness    Wednesday 23 May 2007, 17:12    #

Poor Faramir! And the “grief” part is still building up isn’t it? Looking forward for the updates on the “hope” part!
Great writing Minx!

dream.in.a.jar    Wednesday 6 June 2007, 15:38    #

Damn you for catching me in a WIP! Interesting mix so far, especially Andreth.

— Bell Witch    Thursday 7 June 2007, 2:07    #

awwe my poor sweet faramir!hugs

— daze    Wednesday 20 June 2007, 2:23    #

Wonderful! Looking forward to the next part, hopefully soon!
You are the best!

— zion    Monday 25 June 2007, 12:55    #

This story is heartbreaking, I ache for Faramir and it’s like I have this constant knot in my stomach… you write his despair wonderfully, I really feel for him.

I’m really looking forward to reading the rest, I have to say.

— Mouse    Thursday 2 August 2007, 22:01    #

Thanks Mouse. I’m glad you like the fic.:)

Minx    Sunday 5 August 2007, 14:44    #

This story is absolutely wonderful! I’ve read most of your stories, Minx, and I love them all, but this one..This one is really catching me. “Walk No More In The Shadows”, with Iris, is the other one I’m really addicted to, I’ve read both of them many times..I hope you update this one soon. Again, wonderful job!

— Christine    Friday 10 August 2007, 0:21    #

Thanks a ton for such lovely words Christine) I’ll be updating very soon!

Minx    Friday 10 August 2007, 18:59    #

I would like to congratulate you on a story well done. I love the way your wrote Faramir but Denethor is something else. Can;t wait for the next chapter.

— balrog    Sunday 12 August 2007, 9:35    #

I’m absolutely adoring this story, and I’d like to congratulate you too. I’ve read a few of your stories on another site, so imagine my pleasure to come across this little treasure trove! :)
I love how you write Faramir (in this story and the others too). It’s so beautiful. I do enjoy a troubled Faramir.. aren’t we sadists? Bah… I won’t care if you don’t :)

I hope to be able to read more of this soon!!

— Chel    Sunday 18 November 2007, 22:30    #

Are you going to write more? You really, really need too. It’s really good so far; and I love the way you write about Faramir.

— Faramir's Fan    Sunday 6 January 2008, 21:12    #

thank you Faramir’s Fan:) More is in the offing, and should be up soon!

Minx    Monday 25 February 2008, 16:02    #

oh, i can’t wait for the next chapter and for aragorn to find out about faramir’s back.

— Lisa Poole    Wednesday 5 March 2008, 19:41    #

love it; so glad to see you update, have been waiting for it for so long, and i have to say it is worth.

— traveller    Thursday 6 March 2008, 22:37    #

@Lisa: Thank you for reading:) I hop eto have the next chapter up sonner than I had this one up:o) Aragorn and Faramir are sure going to have interesting times ahead!

@traveller: Thank you! And thank you for keeping up with the delay:o I’m delighted you liked it!:)

minx    Sunday 9 March 2008, 10:13    #

I’m enjoying your story very much, and am very glad to have found it. I’ve been poking about your other stories as well and I have to say you’re my favorite Faramir author around. I hope you plan on adding more to this story soon!

— Silverkit    Tuesday 25 March 2008, 3:46    #

Thank you Silverkit for such kind words! I’m delighted you liked this and the other stories as well. Hope to update soon:)

minx    Wednesday 26 March 2008, 15:51    #

I love both characters in this, and am looking forward to some tenderness between them, as I think you write those scenes so well.

— pinbot    Wednesday 16 April 2008, 21:51    #

Thank you pinbot! I’m delighted you’re enjoying the fic, and I do hope to have some reasonably tender scenes coming up some time.

minx    Sunday 27 April 2008, 11:01    #

Can’t wait until you have more for me to read. This new chapter is very well written and now I’m tensed to see what shall happen next.

— Elindil    Sunday 11 May 2008, 19:55    #

I am SO glad that there is a new chapter of this wonderful story! Thanks, I look forward to next one.

— Melogale    Tuesday 3 June 2008, 16:28    #

This latest chapter is so moving, as it captures the sadness of just how little Faramir is willing to settle for, as he doesn’t feel worthy of being loved….

— ebbingnight    Tuesday 3 June 2008, 17:21    #

I am so loving this story. More please whenever you can.

— Kelly    Tuesday 3 June 2008, 21:17    #

What a treat to have another installment by my favorite author! Normally I stay away from WIPs but this one has been irresistible. Please Minx, drop everything else you’re doing and write more!!

— Laurel    Wednesday 4 June 2008, 4:37    #

have i tell you how much i love this story? and this chapter is SO sexy! love it, more pleeeeeeeease!!!

— traveller    Thursday 5 June 2008, 16:11    #

Elindil: thank you:) I’m delighted you liked this chapter. Hope to have more up soon.

Minx    Saturday 7 June 2008, 6:08    #

Melogale: Thank you for reading! I hope to have the next chapter up quicker than this one:)

Minx    Saturday 7 June 2008, 6:11    #

ebbingnight: I’m glad that works. Faramir is indeed willing to settle for very little right now… he doesn’t feel either loved or wanted by anyone:o

Minx    Saturday 7 June 2008, 6:18    #

Kelly: thank you! I do hope to update sooner:)

Minx    Saturday 7 June 2008, 6:18    #

Laurel: thank you for reading:) I understand your relutctance to read WIPs so I really appreciate that you read this. I would love to drop everything and write more of this:)

Minx    Saturday 7 June 2008, 6:18    #

traveller: Thank you for loving this story:) I’m glad this chapter worked. hope to have more soon!

Minx    Saturday 7 June 2008, 6:21    #

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this story thus far…I can’t wait to see what happens when they get to ithelien (is that how you spell it?) I kinda hope Arwen doesn’t become totally pissed off, but whatever you do I’m sure it will be great!

eringobraugh007    Tuesday 1 July 2008, 5:13    #

I really liked this story, just wanted to let you know! Please continue!! :)

— Haily    Friday 5 December 2008, 5:37    #

thanks Haily. I hope to have a new chapter up soon.

— minx    Thursday 18 December 2008, 21:04    #

I love this story so much! It feels a little like it’s my birthday with each new chapter ;)
Thank you for writing this – you’re the best!

iris    Tuesday 20 January 2009, 17:10    #

As much as I like this story (and have been following it since you first started it), all the emphasis on the “grief” part of “grief and hope” is a bit depressing. Is Faramir forever going to be stuck in a cycle of depression where he is constantly reminded of his “inferiority”? Will he ever show the confidance we know he’s capable of? Will Aragorn/Arwen/anyone else be anything more than indifferent to him? Will he ever get the guts to talk back to Denethor? It’s my personal hope that you will have a positive ending to this story (however long it is ;D), but if not it’s certainly a good worst case senario if events in LOTR didn’t happen as Tolkien originally wrote them. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

— Chantal    Tuesday 20 January 2009, 19:01    #

Aaaargh!!!! You’re killing me! Why does Aragorn have to be such a bastard? Why is Arwen such a bitch? And poor wubbly Faramir! Come to me honey! I’ll love you! Sigh. I know you’ll get to the ‘hope’ part soon (right???), just after you finish torturing us all. Glad Arwen is going away for awhile – that’s hopeful right? My big fear is that in naming it ‘Grief and Hope,’ you didn’t make any promises. ‘Hope’ after all doesn’t equal ‘satisfaction.’ Hope can be unfounded, unfulfilled, unmet, unrealized…Please let my fears be for naught. Please?

— Vanwa Hravani    Wednesday 21 January 2009, 17:58    #

Iris: I’m truly delighted you like this:) I hope to give you birthday time again soon:))

— Minx    Thursday 22 January 2009, 19:10    #

Chantal: I’m really delighted you like this story! About the grief aspect being more, and Faramir being less confident… well, part of the thing in this AU is that Fara does not get the same opportunities here that he did otherwise. Here, he’s sort of unimportant, because he has no role really. Denethor is lready steward and he’s not even next in line right now:o But yes, he will probably evoke less indifference later down the story and have a slightly better and more hope-filled time:)

— minx    Thursday 22 January 2009, 19:12    #

Vanwa Hravani: You’ll have to queue up to hug Fara:) I think the hope will get realised a bit, just maybe not right now. Arwen may be away but these two are still very new to each other:o)
Thank you for reading:)

— Minx    Thursday 22 January 2009, 19:16    #

I really enjoy this story, and in the spirit of 5 years of this wonderful site, I thought I’d let you know. There are just oodles of feelings work into this and nothing seems as straightforward as it could be. I do hope you’ll update soon and let us know a bit more about where this story is going!

— Jo    Friday 6 March 2009, 14:05    #

Thank you Jo! Yes, nothing is as it seems here:) I’m very glad that the feelings come out, I felt it would be needed in an AU like this. I do hope to update soon, RL notwithstanding. thank you again!:)

— Minx    Sunday 8 March 2009, 10:54    #

Oh Minx, I don’t know what to say. first I would like you to know how truly in love I am with your stories. This one and Walk no more… stories are my favorite ones. I’m sure you alredy know this and I don’t think that my oppinion will matter, but you are a true writer. You have such a way with building up the tensions and nothing feels puched, everything happens for a reason, not just because. I would also like to thank you for starting this whole website, if you could call it that. hte stories that are here, and mainly yours, have helped me to see that there is still hope and also I now feel that I am aloud to cry. For the first time in almost sixteen years I am crying and it feels so strange and yet so reveling. You have made my sleepless nights easier, and the times I wake up from my nightmares I know that this stories are here to comfort me and take my minds elsewhere. I’m sure you get this types of comment all the time but I just wanted to say Thank you.

— Ingrid    Wednesday 27 May 2009, 13:12    #

I absolutely adore this fic, I hope it gets updated soon!

— Sue    Friday 26 June 2009, 13:56    #

Ingrid, Sue: thank you! I’m sorry for the delay in responding. But, yes,
I am trying to get the next chapter up as soon as I can

— Minx    Saturday 17 October 2009, 11:43    #

I, too, adore this fic and hope that it has not been forgotten.

— pinbot    Saturday 1 May 2010, 19:20    #

I, too, adore this fic and hope that it has not been forgotten.

I second that! ;)

iris    Sunday 2 May 2010, 13:45    #

Me three :)

— Ingrid    Sunday 2 May 2010, 21:24    #

Pinbot, Iris, Ingrid: Not forgotten… but I did get a little stuck last year in RL, sooo… but I am in the middle of the next chapter, so here’s hoping:)

— Minx    Monday 3 May 2010, 18:37    #

Hurray! What an amazing surprise. Thanks for the satisfying, if still very painful on Faramir’s part, update.

— pinbot    Wednesday 16 June 2010, 20:51    #

I’m echoing Pinbot’s hurray … I keep re-reading this story so I’m very excited to see an update.

— Mira Took    Thursday 17 June 2010, 7:02    #

Breaking our hearts all over again, are we? Lovely to see this update at last!

— ebbingnight    Thursday 17 June 2010, 15:53    #

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

— fëawen    Thursday 17 June 2010, 19:49    #

Pibbot, Mira, Ebbingnight, Feawen: Thank you all so much for continuing to read despite my awful slowness! Poor fara is definitely going through the wringer here… hands him around for hugs and kisses

— Minx    Monday 21 June 2010, 19:07    #

More please! This is the best fanfic ever! Please don’t end it :)
I like Denethor-Faramir scenes
maybe u should write more about those two
it’s nice the way u write about how denethor torture his younger son

— A    Thursday 15 July 2010, 7:58    #

A: thank you! I’m delighted you’re liking it. there will be more Denethor-Faramir scenes, never fear:) Denethor has quite a bit he wants to say to his son!

— Minx    Monday 19 July 2010, 17:33    #

This story is wonderful! The way all of the characters interact with each other is extremely believable and the slow progression of their relationships is very realistic. I’m a little bit in love with your writing style.

I do hope you haven’t forgotten about this because I’d love to find out what happens next. :)

— Isabel    Monday 28 November 2011, 23:34    #

Isabel: I’m so sorry, I missed out o your feedback earlier. thank yoiu for your lovely words… I’m really delighted you like the way it flows. I haven’t forgotten about it, I’m just looking for a long run of quiet time :o sigh hopefully will get some soon!

Minx    Thursday 26 January 2012, 11:10    #

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I NEED YOU TO CONTINUE THIS. I need Aragorn to understand how he’s affecting poor Faramir, and I need Faramir to gain some closure on this whole ordeal and stand up for himself in Denethor’s presence. Please tell me that you aren’t giving up on this amazing and complex story. It’s paining me to see Faramir go through all of this.

— Fan    Saturday 26 January 2013, 2:28    #

Fan – Thank you so much for reading! I’m sooo sorry it’s been on hold for so long. I sort of reached a block on it, got stuck with other stuff in RL and then got blocked further more. It is as you say, a little complex so returning to it is taking me very long :( But I’m trying to finish it, I haven’t given up on it…. I’m hoping soon I’ll be able to unblock myself and progress. Thank you for the support…

Minx    Tuesday 29 January 2013, 14:10    #

Ooh!! “Completely smutty” is what you promised, and completely smutty is what you delivered! But it’s not just straight-up, mechanical porn smut — or at least not for F’s part. I love the bitter sweet longing; F’s so happy to get just this, but at the same time so desperate for more.
Great stuff — as always. Thank you so much for sharing!

iris    Monday 22 April 2013, 20:34    #

Tsk tsk tsk, bad Aragorn playing pranks when he´s awaited so desperately! (slap) ;) And apart from that: Beautiful work! And now I have to go thinking about the more juicy complicate parts…

— raven22372    Tuesday 23 April 2013, 9:22    #

Thanks :) I love this story. I am waitinng the next.

— katiedaly    Tuesday 23 April 2013, 15:34    #

Сan’t wait for more. For some mysterious reasons absolutely in love with your deprived and unfulfilled Faramir, though the state you are putting him in makes my heart aches. Pain is so close to pleasure:)

— LID    Thursday 25 April 2013, 10:42    #

Iris – thank you!:) I’m so glad all of that worked…:) hugs

Raven – yes, he’s baaad :) I’m very glad you liked it, and happy thinking juicy thoughts:)

Katiedaly – thank you ever so much for continuing to read despite my tardiness. i’m delighted you liked it!

LID – Thank you:) I’m glad all of that worked! It’s always nice to come across a fellow lover of deprived and unfulfilled Faramir :)

Minx    Thursday 25 April 2013, 17:22    #

Dear Minx, I first came across this site and this story several years ago, yet I never left a comment despite the way this particular work moved me and drew me in from the very first sentence. So now that I’ve happened to find this site again, I thought it was high time I actually told you how much I admire your writing and how beautifully I think you capture everything you set out to do :)

It’s been truly heartachingly wonderful to reread this and even more so to discover that since then you’ve actually written some more chapters and seem to never have entirely forgotten about this, when no doubt it must be difficult to get back into the story and its emotional frame of mind time and again. Faramir’s sorrow and tentative hope, too often quashed as not to get lost in the inevitable despair of unfulfilled longing, his grief over both his brother’s death and the seemingly ever-growing impossibility of being a family with his father and nephew, his wish to find a place – any place, really – to belong and feel secure of, the bittersweet tenderness of his observations and the perpetual struggle to not totally accept perceived shortcomings as his own, his curiosity and need to learn of other cultures and the wish to not give up – all these aspects of Faramir’s personality are quite palpable and render your portrayal of him as believable and touching and human as can possibly be done. I really enjoy that there is far more to Faramir than morose and unhappy feelings, that underneath it all he is still the scholar, the gentle soul and faithful integrity.

But Aragorn, too, is remarkably complex. It’s amazing, I think, that with these few glimpses you’ve given us we still know him to be a stern but kind ruler, a loving husband and father, a grieving friend and, of course, the ranger of old. He, too, seems so very believably human in that he succumbs to the ever-present comparison of Faramir to his dead and beloved brother, even though he still tries to see beyond that and reconcile what he sees with what Boromir told him about his brother. His bemusement at Faramir’s wish to touch and be intimate in more ways than he is used to with men also gives his character another interesting aspect. Heartbreaking as it is to feel Faramir’s resigned acceptance and his decision to be content with whatever affection Aragorn may offer him, Aragorn’s obvious different views and feelings make sense in themselves and show him to be a person still open to grow and learn.

I also appreciate how you write Denethor. It’s nice to see him as more than the stereotypical abuser. Rather, it seems indeed as if his violent and abusive behaviour towards his son stems from his own unabated grief, his inability to come to terms with everything that happened and maybe even as part of the madness the palantír stirred in him.

The last point, however, I’d like to mention, and the one which makes this story, in my opinion, even better than your character portrayals already do, is the many questions these chapters keep bringing up. What, I wonder, will be Lady Idril’s part in this? Is Denethor finally looking for a new love? Is she just a friend or will she become one more reason for Faramir to feel left out of the family? May Denethor in time even wish to remarry and want his son out of his home? Or could she be someone to bring Denethor to at least view his son in a more positive light, even if he may never come to realize his worth?

What about Arwen? What do her glances and inscrutable looks mean? Is she aware of Aragorn’s intimacy with other men? Has he told her about Boromir? Does she read both Faramir and her husband’s hearts more shrewdly than they do themselves? Does she perceive a threat? Is there perhaps more to her comments and does she, as well, wonder about the Steward’s family?

When will Andreth start to ask questions? How much does he already know? Will Faramir’s financial worries become more urgent? When will the King finally catch on to just how much wrong there is about Faramir and his father’s relationship? And what of the Northern rangers? Is there too little communication between them and their Southern kin for word to reach Aragorn just how much of a capable captain Faramir used to be? Does he even know how Faramir helping Frodo and Sam on their way in Ithilien changed the outcome of the war? So many questions … :)

So, thank you so much for writing and sharing this! This truly is one of the most compelling stories I’ve ever read and I’m really glad I remembered this site, after all.

Have a happy New Year and may the muse visit you again some time in the future, even if it may be another year from now :)

— Loreley    Monday 13 January 2014, 23:00    #

@Loreley: Thank you for taking the time to leave this review and such a detailed one at that. It really made my day to read this, and also made me wish I could be a lot more regular in updating this fic. I’m sorry to take so long to respond.

Thank you for such lovely words. I’m only too glad there were some new chapters for you to read. I have been undeniably slow on this one. I’m heartened that Faramir comes across as you have written, with his wish to find a place he belongs to and his thirst for learning. He is certainly still a scholar and in this particular story I think gentle is one word that describes him very well. It is all the more a contrast to Denethor’s anger at him.

I am extremely glad too that Aragorn comes across as complex and human. He is used to a different kind of male friendship especially when it is more sexual than platonic – one where the friend sees himself as an equal and has the same expectations out of their intimacy that Aragorn has. Faramir unfortunately enough does not quite see him as an equal – he is too overwhelmed by Aragorn’s rank and achievements and also cowed down by his perceived shortcomings. He is also cowed down by a given cultural context where he may not allow a non-platonic relationship to progress beyond a point simply because it is not the done thing. And Aragorn doesn’t really understand right now how much he means to Faramir. In my mind while Faramir has fallen headlong in love with Aragorn, Aragorn himself has not really reached a stage where he thinks of himself in love with anyone other than Arwen whom he has loved for years. Even with Boromir, while he recollects him vividly, it is more from a sense of brotherhood and the joint tribulations of their journey together. With Faramir he has no such linkages and no such experiences, but as you rightly point out he may still learn what it could be like to slowly fall in love with another person.

Denethor is indeed still coming to terms with everything. He would rather concentrate on Andreth and to him Faramir is possibly just a distraction and an unpleasant reminder of what he lost.

As to your questions, well, Lady Idril will have a brief role and may indeed steer Denethor to some direction. Arwen will have something to say of Aragorn’s intimacies in the next few chapters. Andreth is aware that there is strife, but he is young and like most young men he’s not really cognizant of what happens in the lives of others. He grieves for Boromir and misses him and he is fond of Denethor so may care of what he goes through. But with Faramir his relationship is undeveloped. I like to think Denethor involuntarily made it so, by keeping Andreth close and encouraging him to be more like Boromir and less like Faramir. Aragorn knows at the back of his mind that Faramir has once been a capable captain. But he is for now more concerned about the now. And Faramir’s injuries have reduced his physical capabilities. What Aragorn and others need to realise is that hi mental acuity for now remains strong.

I wish you a very happy new year too and thank you again greatly for your lovely review. It encourages me to be a little more diligent in getting back to this. I have been very distracted by RL but I do want to work towards finishing this. :)

Minx    Monday 20 January 2014, 9:41    #

update soon, please!!!!!!

Archivist's note: Please don't nag the authors for updates (or at least not until you've said something nice about the story first!;)). Remember they all write in their spare time. Instead, try investing some of your time into writing a nice review as a way to say thank you - that's what keeps authors motivated and inspires them to write more! For more info, see our commenting etiquette under the Rules & Help button.

— Nimrodel    Tuesday 15 April 2014, 0:20    #

More than a year later, and hello again!

Recently I’ve had some time to come back here and re-read not only this favourite but also some of your other stories. It was great to find that this story is still as emotionally captivating to me as it was the first and all the other times after I read it, when sometimes I find that I’ve changed so much that I wonder what exactly it was about a story that got me hooked. Your writing, and “Grief and Hope” in particular, however, still have the same pull they used to, perhaps even more so than before – after all, so much time has been spent wondering and asking questions and hoping Faramir might yet get the happy ending he deserves that it feels I’m more invested than I would be if I’d already had all the answers. Finding a positive side to a long time in-between updates :) Still true, though.

In comparison to your other longer works, though, I feel that this story is more balanced somehow. At least, I get the impression that all the characters are more complex here than in your other stories, making their development and substance both more believable and real to me as a reader. I’ve enjoyed all the different takes on Faramir you’ve done, yet this Faramir is “more” to me in a way than the Faramirs in your other writings. There is a very delicate subtlety in your portrayal of him that makes him more tangible and accessible. Please don’t get me wrong, I, like most of the readers on this site, love hurt/comfort stories and so don’t mind a more subdued and cowered Faramir, but I still really like the quiet strength Faramir has here, even more so than in “The King and the Ranger”. Plus, I’m a huge fan of Denethor (flaws and all, to me one of the most fascinating characters in LotR), and as I’ve said before, I like what you’ve made of him here.

So while, of course, I would love to see this story continued sometime in the future (and who doesn’t know RL taking more time than we’d like?), what you’ve written so far stands well enough on its own, and I’d like to say thanks again for sharing this much with us readers already. Some unfinished works are still so much more satsifying and moving to read than many finished stories, and as long as I can come back here and enjoy all the splendid work, I’ll be content and happy with what you’ve accomplished so far. Great work!

— Loreley    Sunday 19 April 2015, 17:52    #

At least once a year I come back to this truly wonderful, beautifully written story. Sometimes I wonder whether or not I misremember its compelling tone, fascinating characterizations or moving story line – silly me! From the very first sentence I’ve been drawn in without fail every single time. I don’t know if you still ever visit this site or read these comments, but I sincerely hope you do. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this – and for leaving it online! I hope to re-read this many times still to come :)

— Loreley    Saturday 19 October 2019, 17:46    #

In recent years I haven’t read much LotR fanfiction, but this work is one I still keep coming back to time and again … Grief and hope, indeed! And not just for Faramir, I think. Despite and because of his role, I would still love to see Denethor truly happy again as well. Although I fear that true happiness may forever elude him, after having lost his wife and his eldest son as well as, yes: his hope!, no matter that here he has a grandson to dote on, well, as far as one such as Denethor would ever dote on anyone … Arwen remains as mysterious and unreadable to me as ever in this story. Such an interesting character! Does she sense her husband’s budding curiosity and fear what may come of it? Or does it run even deeper, does she glimpse more of both Faramir’s and her husband’s thoughts and hearts than either of them do themselves? Also, I wonder, does or will Faramir ever feel guilty for – potentially – coming between his king and queen … and possibly depriving Eldarion of his parents’ happiness? As many times as I’ve read these chapters now, it has actually just this time occurred to me that, thus far, we haven’t really seen Aragorn the father here. Will Faramir soon meet his successor as Captain of the Ithilien rangers? Will his men ever play their own part in ackowledging their captain’s greatness and strong will when standing against the darkness? What will they say to their northern kin in defense of their steadfast and gentle leader? Such a long time and still so many questions keep coming :) Thank you again so much! For this lovely and bittersweet work, for the time you spent on this and, as always, for sharing it with us …

— Loreley    Monday 17 May 2021, 19:26    #

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