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Walk No More In The Shadows (NC-17) Print

Written by Minx and Iris

12 January 2007 | 50694 words | Work in Progress

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Chapter 3

It was warm… far too warm, even more than it tended to be in Minas Tirith in the summer… and there was smoke too, and the smell of burning oil, the acrid sensation squeezing tears out of his tightly clenched eyes so that it was only then that he realised he had his eyes closed. He forced them open, unsure why he did so, and looked into the grim, forbidding face of his father, his expression hard as ever, his eyes displaying scorn and derision. He loomed over Faramir as he sat up slowly on the floor where he’d been lying naked. A soft cackling sound forced him to look around him, and he couldn’t stop the gasp that emanated as he realised what the cause of the unnatural warmth was. His father stepped forward and it seemed to Faramir the ring of fire surrounding them also closed in with each step.

“Nooo…,” he moaned softly, unsure what caused greater distress, the man walking towards him or the fire that kept closing in.

Gandalf sat by the fire, watching it spit and hiss because of the slight dampness in the logs, his legs stretched out so he could warm them. However he sat up immediately when he heard Faramir stirring a little, a soft moan escaping the lips.

“Faramir,” he whispered softly.

“Gandalf?” Faramir tried to sit up, confused as the images that had assaulted him in his sleep thankfully slipped away from his consciousness, but was gently held back, “What is the matter?” he asked a little frantically, his heart still beating a little furiously; he knew it had to be a dream.

“Nothing, you are ill. Go back to sleep.”

Faramir wasn’t listening though. He was looking around tiredly, and his eyes finally came to a stop at the fireplace.

Stray images flashed in his overwrought mind and he tried desperately to quell them.

“Please —”

“What is it?” Gandalf asked encouragingly.

“Could you have someone put out the fire, please?”

“You’ll feel cold!”

“I think not,” Faramir said firmly, and lay on his side, his back to the fire.

“Oh very well, you might not feel the cold,” Gandalf retorted to Faramir’s back, “But what about me? And I’m not getting any younger, you know!”

“I didn’t ask you to stay here.”

Gandalf frowned at his young friend’s snappy remark. Sure he was ill and tired, but he had seen him tired before and Faramir had never been rude to him, or to anyone for that matter. He was about to retort when he saw Faramir pull the blankets closer to his chin in a manner that suggested to Gandalf the young man wished it could shield him from more than just the cold.

You old fool! the wizard scolded himself inwardly, you are getting frightfully slow-witted in your old-age.

He could always fetch himself another blanket while Faramir slept, he decided, unwilling to leave Faramir there alone.

Aragorn groaned loudly and tossed the sheaf of papers he held onto the nearest chair. He’d been reading through some papers detailing out land disputes between the various fiefdoms and the resulting troubles. Normally, Faramir would simply have reduced each bundle into a concise little note. In fact, thought Aragorn, he’d have known he would get irritated and would probably have told the secretaries to pass this onto one of the chancellors to handle; just as he’d neatly reduced all the papers on the allocations into one concise report. Faramir had been ill barely half a day now, and already the paperwork that had piled up had been enormous. Aragorn had instructed his worried secretaries to pass him all the work for now, until he could decide which of his other officials could help in Faramir’s place. Aragorn doubted his steward could return to work for at least two weeks yet and Gandalf and the warden from the Houses of Healing had agreed. In fact, Aragorn was determined to ensure he didn’t. The young man was clearly completely exhausted and he had easily managed to discern that Faramir needed more than just a physical recovery. Seeing the mound of papers though, he was left in no doubt over one of the possible causes of exhaustion.

“Well! There you are!”

The loud voice and the ruckus following it made Aragorn wince.

The twins, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and Pippin all trooped into his study looking extremely happy.

“We waited ages for you!” Elrohir complained, “And then your servants told us you were in a meeting with Gandalf and Faramir so we had to go riding without you… you missed a beautiful day.”

“And now you’re cooped up inside working!” Elladan said in mock horror.

“Has Faramir been by?” Legolas inquired and everyone burst out laughing except the two hobbits.

“Where is Faramir?” Pippin asked suddenly, “We’d asked Gandalf to invite him to join us for dinner but then we got a message from Gandalf saying neither of them would be able to join us.”

“Yes, he’s –,” Aragorn began only to be interrupted by Pippin.

“You haven’t given him more work have you?” the young hobbit’s tone was almost accusing so that the three elves and dwarf turned an interested eye towards him, “You give him too much work,” Pippin stated.

“Pippin!” Merry admonished softly.

“I thought it was the other way round,” Elladan tried to joke, “It’s Faramir who always brings in a new batch of paperwork to Aragorn every other hour or so,” but he quietened as Aragorn held out a hand urgently to silence him.

“No, Pippin, I haven’t,” Aragorn said softly, kneeling in front of the frowning young hobbit, “He’s sleeping right now. He won’t join you for dinner because he is unwell and Gandalf is with him right now.”

“I knew he wasn’t well,” Pippin said sadly, “What’s wrong with him, Strider?”

“How did you know?” Elrohir asked curiously.

“He’s always so tired and he hardly smiles anymore and he hardly eats. He never joins us for meals and even if he has his food sent to his rooms, I’ve always found it lying there only half-eaten. He let Merry have his entire breakfast twice last week!”

“He did?” Aragorn inquired, wondering how he had missed out on all this, “Well, don’t worry, little one, Gandalf and I will ensure he recovers and that he eats properly. You’re right, he needs rest!”

“Can I see him?” Pippin asked hopefully, “I could help look after him!”

“Not today,” Aragorn answered quietly, “But yes, you could help look after him. You could ask the cooks to prepare his favourite soup perhaps? Ask them to make it light and hot.”

Pippin nodded and rushed off. Aragorn turned to his friends.

“What happened?” Legolas asked curiously.

Aragorn gave them a very brief account of what had happened.

“Poor lad,” Elladan sympathised, “I knew he’d do something like this!”

“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Aragorn asked plaintively, “Pippin speaks true. I did overwork him! I can barely finish half of what he seems to be doing every day and that is just the paperwork! And, the secretaries tell me he’s also been personally inspecting a large amount of the rebuilding work ever since we sent two regiments off to Pelargir. I’ve been loading him with more and more work each day and I haven’t even realised! And he’s never once complained or not done anything I’ve asked him to.”

“Well, then a few days’ rest will do him a world of good,” Elrohir soothed him quietly, noting Aragorn’s distress, “and Elladan and I can help you with some of your work. We’ve helped father often in the past.”

“You’ll get more time to ensure Faramir recovers that way,” Elladan added, guessing the main cause of Aragorn’s distress. It amused him a little though. Trust Estel to want to play mother hen immediately “And we could help you look after Faramir too, if you need. Ada also taught us something of the art of healing.”

Once the others had left, Aragorn tried to return to work, but found he couldn’t. He wondered if Faramir might have awoken, and realised he should have asked Gandalf to inform him. Or perhaps he should find out on his own he decided, and rising, made his way through the long, winding corridors towards the Steward’s room. He pushed the door open carefully, and poked his head through. All he could see was a dark head buried under the covers. He walked silently in, stopping before the bed. Faramir lay curled up on his side, his eyes shut and his features relaxed. Dark hair splayed across his pale face.

He felt irritated with himself for not having noticed how drawn and weary the younger man had looked all these days. It was only from one of the guards that he had learnt that his Steward spent most nights walking through the gardens aimlessly.

He could not help but smile at the sight of the sleeping figure. Curled up under the blankets, his solemn Steward looked very young. Kneeling by the bed, he brushed a stray strand of hair off his cheek, and winced as Faramir stirred at the touch. Half-opened eyes peered blearily at him, and a curled up fist rubbed at them trying ineffectually to drive the much-needed sleep away.

“My Lord?” Faramir’s voice sounded laden with sleep, and confused. He made to rise up, his movements fumbling and uncharacteristically awkward.

“Aye. But I wished not to wake you, Faramir,” Aragorn said as he sat up, and put out a hand to help his half-falling Steward sit up straight, “Lie down again now. Gandalf will be displeased if he hears I woke you up.”

Faramir gave him a confused glance before his upper body suddenly pitched forward, giving Aragorn barely enough time to grab the fainting figure.

“Faramir!” he cried out urgently, attempting to lift the younger man’s head.

He got a weary groan in response, and then Faramir raised his head slowly and tiredly, “Forgive me,” he mumbled, before he collapsed against Aragorn’s chest.

“For what?” Aragorn asked the unconscious man incredulously.

He tucked him in under the blankets, and checked his skin for warmth. When he had Faramir settled comfortably in bed, he rose and looked around. He could stay here awhile, he decided, till Gandalf returned at any rate. He noticed the unlit grate and frowned. Surely, someone or the other should have checked on that!

A fresh pile of kindling had been left near the fireplace and so, kneeling down, he set to building a fire, just as Gandalf entered the room, blankets in hand.

“Don’t,” the wizard said firmly.

Aragorn looked up in surprise, “I was just building a fire,” he explained, “It’s cold, and I’m surprised no one saw to this before!”

“Faramir does not wish it,” Gandalf replied shortly, and went over to the sleeping man to check on him, “Has he awoken?”

“For a mere moment, then he slipped into sleep again,” Aragorn responded, “But why does he not want a fire?”

Gandalf turned and gazed at him with a one eyebrow raised, and suddenly Aragorn remembered how Denethor had died and how Gandalf had saved Faramir from nearly dying the same way.

Aragorn watched as Gandalf spread an extra blanket over Faramir. The wizard’s movements were tender and caring as he tucked it in neatly under the young man’s chin.

“I asked Pippin to tell the kitchens to make some hot soup, in case he does wake up,” Aragorn said.

Gandalf nodded, “That will be good for him, if he wakes up. Would you ask someone to tell the hobbits I shall not return tonight? I have asked the servants to prepare the room next door for me.”

Aragorn rose early the next morning, the sun still not fully over the horizon, and checked on Faramir. He knew Gandalf had slept in the hastily prepared chamber near Faramir’s but he still felt a pressing need to check on the younger man himself. The Steward was still asleep, his face still unnaturally pale, though his breathing sounded much easier. Faramir had slept through the evening and night as they had expected and the soup the cook had sent on Pippin’s instructions had remained untouched. They could wake him later, Aragorn decided, and ensure he ate something substantial.

The blankets seemed to be out of place, Aragorn noted and promptly leaned over to set them right again, as carefully as he could, remembering how he’d nearly woken Faramir the day before. Despite his care however, the younger man did moan slightly and shift. Aragorn groaned mentally.

Oh dear, I hope I’m not waking him again!

“Sshh…,” he murmured softly, hoping to soothe Faramir who seemed to be a little distressed.

Faramir felt the smoke billow around him, he could smell its acrid nearness and the bitter taste of burning wood now settled heavily in his mouth. The heat rippled through his flesh. He could feel drops of sweat rolling down his skin. But he still felt cold, despite the heat. It did not warm him. It burned him, and still he felt cold. And yet he could do nothing against those sensations. He could not move. He was not sure he wanted to move. He just wanted to wait.

So he waited, for his father. He was there somewhere he knew. He had heard him speak. His father was all he had left. He would wait for him he decided. No matter what his father would do to him, he would wait. He had failed, he was sure, and whatever his father may do, he surely deserved it. He deserved all the pain he knew was to come.

He felt a hand on his uninjured shoulder and looked up a little warily, expecting to see his father. A figure loomed over him, and he whimpered involuntarily. His confusion grew more intense as he realised that it was not his father. Surely this newcomer too would try to take him away as the others before him had tried. The fear in his heart rose to a crescendo, pounding into his ears. Perhaps his father wished not to see him, and he sent these people instead. He had done that before once when Faramir had disappointed him. His father must be disappointed in him. He was not sure why, but he thought he had done something wrong.

His father must be angry, he decided, wondering if he could ever please the man. He would do anything to please him. It would hurt, but he would endure it. He cowered away from the figure over him, shutting his eyes tight, and whimpered slightly again.

Aragorn bit his lip when he heard the tiny whimper Faramir uttered as he curled away from Aragorn in his sleep.

It must be a bad dream, poor lad.

“Faramir,” the voice floated to the Steward’s ears, a soft, beautiful voice that reached through the confused recesses of his wandering mind, drawing it back to him.

“Faramir… it’s all right… I’m here, now.”

He could see the face now in his still blurred dreams, the beautiful face that accompanied that voice. He knew who it was. His King.

His King. The other visions vanished as did the smoke, so that all he was left with was a cool, calming sensation that he embraced gladly, slipping back into a welcome dreamless slumber.

Aragorn heaved a sigh of relief as Faramir murmured something softly and settled back into a calm slumber.

“That’s better,” he continued whispered soothingly, “Or Gandalf would have had my hide for awakening you again. He certainly is fond of you! Well, I’ll leave you to rest some more now.”

He rose quietly and looked at Faramir’s sleeping visage. He still looked so tired and pale. Aragorn was still mulling over Faramir when he left the room, so that he almost ran over the young Hobbits who were hurrying down the corridor.

“Strider!” they exclaimed in unison.

“Well, hello, you two,” he said, smiling, “And how are you this morning?”

“Quite fine, thank you,” Merry said, and then continued, “How is Faramir today, Strider?”

“He’ll be fine,” Aragorn assured them, at the same time promising himself that he would ensure the young man would indeed be fine soon.

“Can we see him?” Pippin asked anxiously.

“We’ll be very quiet,” Merry promised.

“No,” Gandalf said firmly from his doorway, before Aragorn could respond, “He is resting now, and the noise might wake him up.”

“Please, Strider,” the two of them clamoured, turning to Aragorn for help.

“Hush!” Gandalf said looking into the Steward’s chamber to ensure Faramir was not being disturbed, “You can see him later.”

“He probably has trouble enough sleeping as it is,” he added in a tone just low enough for Aragorn to hear.

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33 Comment(s)

Today have been a weird day. You just saved me from nightmares of my own, I know that I´ll sleep better tonight after reading this… please keep on writing on this story…
Thank you…

— buffy72    Tuesday 11 April 2006, 1:21    #

Oh, please do continue soon with this lovely story. It is so loving and tender; thank you for all the reading pleasure in this story.


— Monica    Sunday 28 May 2006, 6:34    #


Great to hear you liked it so far; we try to get the next chapter finished just as soon as we possibly can!

Thanks for your feedback

Iris    Monday 29 May 2006, 18:34    #

I LOVE that story :)
please, update!
poor, poor Faramir :( but Aragorn is making such sweet nurce-man ;p

— NessSachiel    Tuesday 26 September 2006, 6:31    #

Yes, poor Faramir indeed. but Aragorn is certainly going to take care of that:) thank you for reading and we’ll try to update as soon as possible.

Minx    Saturday 30 September 2006, 3:47    #

every time I read that…I want to kill Denethor a lot painfull that simple burning. And I wish for Boromir to coodle him :( (and it will be great to see Aragorn with Boromir as familly to him :P…I see swords, lots of it :P)

— nessSachiel    Tuesday 3 October 2006, 15:13    #

ooooh~ update! another heart wrenching chapter! Gah! Still wondering about the results of Faramir’s research on Gondor’s version of karma sutra~ grins

— enkemeniel    Saturday 13 January 2007, 0:50    #

Yes! Chapter 14! What a great update for this wonderful story!
I deliberately took my time when read it the first time, savored each word and appreciated every sentence. The story itself is very satisfying. This is a beautifully written chapter, worth the wait!
Minx and Iris, you two are very skillful and canning, knowing exactly what can and how to touch the “strings of the reader’s heart”. At least, my heart! I salute you!

dream.in.a.jar    Saturday 13 January 2007, 13:45    #


No miraculously undead!Boromir in this one, I’m afraid. But Aragorn will do his best to take very good care of poor darling Faramir... and we'll all just have to make due with that ;)

Thanks for your feedback!

Iris    Saturday 13 January 2007, 20:57    #


Yesss… that’s all promise of things to come ;) Well spotted! We always like to sow the seeds and then build on these ideas in future chapters.

Thanks for commenting – always much appreciated!

iris    Saturday 13 January 2007, 21:03    #


Thank you so much for your sweet words! Wonderful to hear we’ve been able to touch you-
Sorry this chapter was so long overdue – all my fault, of course.

iris    Saturday 13 January 2007, 21:08    #

Is this story dead? It seems to have stopped updating altogether. I was really enjoying it and wanted to see what happened when the councilors finally came back into play. Please don’t give up on this one.

— Mandy    Sunday 17 June 2007, 15:48    #

Mandy- nice to hear you enjoyed the story so far. It’s not dead, we have lots of ideas for further development — but unfortunately I’ve been awfully busy with RL lately. Hopefully we’ll be able to update again sometime soon.

iris    Sunday 17 June 2007, 17:11    #

Please, please, continue this story. The two of you are talented writers. I cannot wait to see how it ends. Please don’t stop. Eve.

— eve    Sunday 21 October 2007, 20:26    #

Dear Mandy,

Looking at the previous comments, I see it’s been over a year since I last asked if this story was dead.

Looking at the previous comments, I believe it’s not yet been a year but rather some 8 months since you last asked if the story was dead. It was over a year since the story was last updated. So if you would have asked if the story was dead over a year ago, that would have been quite presumptuous, seeing as at that time we would have posted a new chapter just weeks —or days— ago.
Perhaps you just got the dates confused, but if the dates are showing up differently on your end, please let me know so I can look into that.

And again, I do not consider this story ‘dead’. Dead is when there are not going to be any further updates ever, when the author has run out of ideas or has given up writing altogether. I’ve had a nearly finished chapter 15 on my desktop for over a year now, along with a substantial following chapters document. And as I’m sure you’re aware, Minx is still writing as much as ever. All it needs is for me to have a couple of free hours. But as it turns out, there have been rather few of those lately, and those I have are always taken up by other things before I can get to this story (by, say, checking if the dates on comments at this archive haven’t gone wonky). But — because you asked so nicely — I’ll move it a couple of spots up towards the top of my to-do list, and let’s see if we can get something out before it’s been a year since you first asked. ;)

Iris    Sunday 24 February 2008, 8:46    #

omg you both are fantastic!! i was just browsing around and you got me hooked!! i love the emotional roller coaster! this is so one of the best stories i got the privilege of reading!!!

babs    Monday 10 March 2008, 6:53    #

This is such a wonderful story! It made me cry, it was so sad. Please, please continue it!

— Kayla    Wednesday 11 June 2008, 21:08    #

Are you planning to continue this story…? Or can I quit looking at this site for a next chapter? I hope that you will go on. I really hope so! With love and respect for the way you write, it is wonderful. Eve

— Eve    Saturday 4 October 2008, 19:25    #


Thanks for your kind words! We’re working on it…
If you don’t care to check the site for updates, you can always subscribe to one of our feeds and have updates brought to you instead.

Iris    Sunday 5 October 2008, 16:02    #

Hi! Please, please, please… finish this story!!!! It is so, so wonderful…. Kind regards, Eve

— Eve    Wednesday 7 October 2009, 23:56    #

Eve, as I’m sure you can tell from Minx’s steady stream of fabulous fics, she’s not the one holding this up… But I just finished a big project so I should have a bit more free time in the coming months, and I hope to spend some of it on this.
Thanks for your kind words!

iris    Monday 12 October 2009, 12:47    #

Oh How wonderful it would be with an update if you feel that you have the time. I love these two stories, One Last Time and this one. I find myself coming back to them again and again. These are my absolute favorites.
You and Minx are two of the most talented people I have ever been i touch with. I feel like something grater guided me to you. I owe you my life. Without your courage to start this page I would never have been able to see for myself that I deserve something more, or at least something else, and that there is more to life than just being afraid and alone.
Thank you! Hugs, to you both

— Ingrid    Tuesday 27 October 2009, 23:45    #

Oh dear god please continue this story, ive read it all in one sitting, and cried so much, I am really impatient to find out whats next!!!! Love to you both! XXX

— Elanor    Sunday 21 February 2010, 2:06    #

Thank you for your comment – you’re very sweet! We’ll try our best…

iris    Thursday 25 March 2010, 10:22    #

I agree with Elanor! Please finish the story :D If it is at all possible!

— Radical    Tuesday 1 June 2010, 23:28    #

In agreement with what the others have said, although no pressure on you, Iris, as I understand how RL can bight you in the arse, but please do carry on! It really is a fantastic story, you are both truly admirable writers, depicting the characters well. I think Faramir particularly is really well written – so many times when something horrible has happened to him, writers will turn him into a whiny angst-fest. Which is reasonable, but I don’t think hugely IC, it doesn’t show his pride, and inherent nobility, in my opinion anyway. :) so I think that you two write him fantstically, which is what I think I’m trying to say… laughs Basically, good luck with writing! ^^


— Wind    Saturday 3 July 2010, 19:36    #

I return to re-read this one in about twice a year, it makes me hurt so good. I’ll just hope to see the end of the story some day.

Thank You Iris and Minx, it is a wonderful fic.

Your truly admirer

— Cicely    Monday 5 July 2010, 21:08    #

Radical- We’ll try our best;)

Wind- Thanks! That’s very good to hear! (I sometimes feared Faramir was getting too weepy, so it’s great to hear it doesn’t come over as being over the top)

Cicely- Glad you like it! And, we’ll try, but you know, RL..

And all of you, thanks a lot for your kind, encouraging words! Much appreciated!

iris    Tuesday 20 July 2010, 13:50    #

To be continued…

Oh, I so hope this marvelous story is to be continued. Just love the way a tender Aragorn is trying to help Faramir…

Poor Faramir – to be burdened with so much pain and awfull experience of abuse. Hope, he is going to be able to heal – even if it is going to take a long time.

— Kathurien    Tuesday 31 August 2010, 15:08    #

Is this Story still in progress?
You two read so very good storys about Faramir.
I’m glad to read the continuance

— Josh    Thursday 6 October 2011, 19:03    #

I’ve only just begun reading this story and I find myself weeping for Faramir. You have left me brokenhearted with your skillful wordcraft. I can only hope that Faramir can eventually be healed. In the meantime I shall continue to the next chapter and the next, enjoying your wonderful writing.

— Dancingkatz    Saturday 7 July 2012, 23:13    #

Kathurien, Josh and Dancingkatz — thank you all for your kind words! It’s always great to hear the work is appreciated. And we’ll really, really try to continue. Well, when I say ‘we’… I suppose that from Minx’s steady stream of stories it’s not hard to figure out which one of us is holding up this story… All my bad – sorry, sorry, sorry. I hope to be able to get back to it soon!

Iris    Friday 13 July 2012, 15:38    #

Will you please write more? I have been waiting too long!

Archivist's note: Please remember not to nag authors for updates.(Or at least, not just nag without saying something nice first...) Click the Rules & Help button under the comment form for more details.
— Nova Dawnseeker    Sunday 8 December 2013, 0:36    #

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