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Love is... (NC-17) Print

Written by Sairalinde and Anorienbean

19 November 2009 | 145965 words

Chapter 17

In the days that passed, Rahl and Faramir seemed to fall into a slightly easier relationship. There were still times that Faramir angered the man with too many questions or with being too impertinent but the punishments, though not light, still turned into something sexual and very pleasurable for them both. The times when Faramir “behaved” were the times when sex with Rahl was the sweetest, almost loving, even if toys were used they were slowly introduced and less magic was used.

Faramir still did not have permission to really touch Rahl during sex nor had he seen him completely naked. Rahl would always steer his hands or mouth during oral sex away from the scars, even though Faramir already knew they were there. He was a tactile person though and wished that Rahl would let him touch his magnificent body the way he truly wanted to.

This morning was slightly different than the last few weeks had been. Rahl had meetings to attend to with his soldiers and while Faramir had proven helpful in planning things, Faramir suggested, given the way Krenn had reacted to plans from a mere slave, perhaps he should not be there when Rahl gave his orders. He could just await his master in the garden afterwards. Rahl had thought the plan was sound and so Faramir headed out before the soldiers scheduled arrival, his mind still remembering the sex he’d had that morning. Rahl had taken him roughly from behind and bound his arousal from root to tip using his magic. It had been incredible and Faramir felt himself twitch against his thigh. Oh, the things that man did to him, he thought happily as he started down the stairway to the garden.

By the time Rahl’s meeting with Krenn and the others was over, it was long past lunch and Rahl was in a foul mood. About half an hour into the meeting, when he realized it wouldn’t be a quick one, he’d spelled a book to Faramir in the garden, along with a note telling him to enjoy his morning and he would meet him later for lunch. It was a kind gesture, he thought to himself, one that a man made for his lover when things were going well. He certainly didn’t love Faramir back, but he did enjoy his company, and reasoned that their relationship would last much longer if he were kept happy. With that thought, he settled back down with their plans and Krenn’s ideas, and gave the man a few muscle spasms for being stupid when the occasion called for it.

Faramir didn’t know about the book until much later because his trip down the stairway ended up much less pleasant than it should have been. He was distracted, thinking about Rahl and the sex they’d had that morning and didn’t see Corrine’s cat bounding up the stairs, though he did startle out of his thoughts when he heard the young girl’s voice calling for the cat. Before he knew it, the cat was under his feet and he lost his own footing, stumbling and trying to catch himself on the stairs and not kill the cat in the process.

The next thing Faramir knew, he was laying at the base of the stairs with a panic-stricken young girl hovering over him. At first he didn’t feel the pain in his wrist where he’d tried to catch himself as the girl babbled at him, apologizing and trying to check him to see if he were all right. “I’m fine,” he muttered, groaning a bit as he sat up. Fine wasn’t exactly true but Corrine looked so worried. “I didn’t kill your cat did I?” Faramir asked, looking around and then found the answer out himself when the cat walked up and butted its head against his. “Ah, suppose not…”

Corrine patted Faramir awkwardly on his shoulder before snatching the cat up in her arms. She was blinking hard, trying not to cry as she looked at her new friend who still hadn’t managed to get to his feet. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Clutching at the cat so hard he yowled in dismay and glared at them both, sure that one of them had caused the problem, whatever it was. “Are you hurt? Oh, gods, Lord Rahl will be furious if you’re hurt! He’ll take Merry away from me or lock me in the dungeon, won’t he? He won’t like me anymore and he’ll never smile at me again! I bet he won’t even take the cookies I slip him now and then because he’ll think I’m a mean girl and he’ll hate me and my cat though if I was in the dungeon, maybe he could let Merry live with me and it wouldn’t be quite so bad, but… I’m so sorry! Are you hurt? Why won’t you answer me? Did you hurt your throat? Did you bite your tongue off? That would be awful if you can’t talk! I can’t imagine anything worse… Oh gods, I’m in so much trouble…”

Faramir couldn’t help but laugh at the girl’s babbling and soon winced from the pain of it. “I’m all right. Really,” Faramir said butting in since the girl was still babbling. “Do not worry. I will beg Lord Rahl not to punish you or Merry, it wasn’t either of your fault really. I wasn’t watching where I was going and merely tripped. It happens,” Faramir said trying to get up. He screamed in pain when he tried to push himself up with his right hand and realized then, his wrist was broken. He cradled the broken arm against him and looked up at Corrine, almost as frightened as she was. He could hide anything else from Rahl but this he couldn’t. “I suppose I was wrong about being all right… I… think my wrist is broken. Could you take my other hand and help me up?” Faramir had to grit his teeth against the pain suddenly throbbing in his arm.

Corrine’s relief that Faramir could actually still talk was short lived, especially because she knew that Rahl had uses for Faramir that in no way involved his voice. “Br… broken?” She shivered but carefully took Faramir’s other hand. “He is going to kill us,” she whispered. “I’ve seen what happens when a guard or servant accidentally touches one of Lord Rahl’s slaves and now I’ve gone and broken his favorite one! I… I should go and say goodbye to my mother before he finds out, because I imagine my punishment will be swift.” She hung her head and looked sadly up at Faramir. “I hope he doesn’t kill you too, Lord Faramir. You’re very nice, but I doubt that will matter if you can’t… you know… do what he makes you do.”

Faramir groaned a bit as Corrine helped him up, feeling pain lancing down his back as well from what would surely be sore muscles and bruises later. “He is not going to kill you,” Faramir said firmly. “This is nothing, really. Just a broken wrist, I was a warrior in my world, Corrine, I’ve had worse injuries than this. I’ll be fine and Lord Rahl will not punish you. Besides… I plan to tell him I am just clumsy. I will not let him hurt you or Merry or your mother,” Faramir said softly.

Regarding Faramir with wide eyes, Corrine shook her head. “You mustn’t lie to him, Lord Faramir. If he reads you, the thing you try to hide the most is that which he will see first, and if he finds out you lied…” She looked down scuffing her feet on the floor and twisted a lock of hair around her middle finger nervously. “Forgive me for saying so, sir, but Lord Rahl has granted you privileges he has never, ever granted to anyone else, not even his favorite courtiers or servants. If he finds out you lied to him, he will lose what trust he has in you, and he could very well go into a rage. His rages… when he gets that mad, he kills people, my Lord. I have seen it myself. Better to just tell him the truth or pretend you’ve no broken bone if you could do that…”

Faramir nodded as he considered Corrine’s words and sighed. “You are probably right, I just don’t want him to hurt you or Merry, it wasn’t your fault. I’ll do my best to protect you both; this was, after all, an accident and nothing more. You should not be here when he comes to get me for lunch though… it will be easier to protect you if you are not within his sight… especially Merry. You should take him to your room and lock him inside for a while… not for good,” he added as he saw the girl clutch the cat closer and her lip quiver. “Just for the rest of the day to make sure he’s out of sight where Lord Rahl will not see him.”

With that, Faramir painfully made his way over to the bench under the apple tree, Corrine still close at his side to make sure he didn’t fall again he supposed. “Really, Corrine, you must return to your duties,” he whispered as he sat down, trying to suppress a groan as he did so. He was truly starting to ache everywhere and as he looked down he saw the book that Rahl had sent to him. “Oh, Gods… perhaps he is in a good mood, look, he sent me something to read,” he smiled as he looked up at the girl. “Now, go, and don’t tell anyone about this, Corrine. Not even accidentally,” Faramir added.

Taking a bit of heart from seeing the book, Corrine bit her bottom lip and nodded. “I will do as you say, but if he punishes or kills you, Lord Faramir, please let me know. Though… I don’t suppose you can let me know if you’re dead, now can you? “ With those great pearls of wisdom, Corrine wandered off, whispering softly to herself, or perhaps to Merry. She had little faith that anyone, even this slave Lord Rahl treated especially kindly would be able to temper his anger, but she could hope.

Faramir found himself chuckling despite the fact it hurt as Corrine left, chattering to herself. He sighed as he looked down at the book and then noticed a folded piece of parchment lying with the book. He opened it using his lips and one hand. The note seemed somewhat terse and since Rahl mentioned the meeting was taking longer than planned he knew his master wasn’t going to be in the best of moods after all.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he took a deep breath, inhaling the beautiful scents of the garden and slowly let his breath out. He could possibly bind the wrist with something back in Rahl’s chambers and perhaps have some time to rest before his lover came for lunch. He awkwardly put the note inside the book and stood up, tucking the book under his arm and painfully making his way back to Rahl’s chambers. He hadn’t had a chance to really enjoy the garden this morning, but accidents do happen. Once he made Rahl see that, perhaps Corrine will be safe. She was after all just a young one and still very much a child and Rahl did like the girl. So he hoped he would be able to either hide his injury, though he had no idea how or he could at least talk his way around the girl or her cat being punished for an accident.

By the time Rahl had dismissed the last of his men and approved several more plans to rid himself of the seeker, he was tired, hungry and ready to just bend Faramir over the couch and fuck him hard and fast, in the hopes that that, at least, might lessen his frustration. Faramir usually had the ability to do that to him, but he was too impatient to just talk to the man that day and needed to physically release his aggression.

When he reached his chamber doors, he unlocked them from several yards away and had the sense that Faramir was inside. The door swung open by the time he reached it (almost as if it was afraid not to) and he slammed it behind him, locking it unconsciously the moment he stepped inside. “Take off your robes,” he growled, heading straight into the washroom. “And be quick. There is much to do this afternoon and you will be coming with me. I have dealt with fools all morning and I’m sick of it!”

Faramir was sitting on the edge of the bed, his wrist bound as tightly as he could get it using his left hand and teeth to pull the bandages torn from his old tunic tight around it. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the best he could do on his own. When the locks began clicking, he knew he had to make sure to do what he could to keep Rahl happy. As the man marched in, barely looking at him and disappeared into the washroom, growling the whole time, Faramir winced. Wonderful, he would surely see the bruises and his wrist immediately and Faramir couldn’t ease his way into his explanation. Damn. He closed his eyes for only a moment before struggling to remove his robe. He just managed to get out of the thing by the time Rahl opened the door again.

Automatically darkening the room somewhat as he entered, Rahl’s mind was still on his earlier meeting. Without even looking at Faramir, he glared out the window as he passed, making it rain to match his mood, and strode over to the darkest corner of the room to stand behind the couch. When he saw that Faramir wasn’t in position and waiting for him, he focused his attention on the man and frowned. “I said get over here,” he muttered, reaching inside his robes to stroke himself to full hardness with one hand as the other waved in the air and caused his familiar invisible force to grab Faramir by the wrist to drag him closer.

Rahl was in a foul mood indeed when Faramir saw him make it rain suddenly outside their window and turned to his lover. He started to make his way to the couch only to have Rahl’s magic seem to grasp his wrist. He couldn’t suppress and scream and looked at his lover with fearful eyes, unsure what to say. “I… I hurt my wrist earlier,” he said stumbling forward as the magic still guided him. “It should not prevent me from taking care of your needs though… I promise. Just… give me a moment, my lord,” he said trying to keep his voice steady as his wrist sent pain radiating all the way to his shoulder.

Rahl actually jumped at the sound of Faramir’s scream. As soon as he registered the words, he released the spell and quickly closed the distance between them, automatically reaching for Faramir’s hand to inspect it. It was bandaged, which he had failed to notice earlier and his fingers looked swollen. “What in the name of…” A flutter of his fingers unwrapped the crude splint and a frown touched his lips. Fingers that were absurdly gentle, given his tone and demeanor only a few seconds before, carefully brushed over the now exposed limb. “It is broken,” he said in a low, hoarse voice. Without a second thought, Lord Rahl did something he never, ever did – he closed his eyes and felt the warmth flow from his fingers into Faramir’s wrist… and he mended the bone neatly. It took mere seconds, but he felt his power drain immediately. Still holding the arm gently, he looked up, his earlier anger having now morphed into concern. “Does it still hurt?”

Faramir almost flinched when Rahl took his arm, worried that his anger would transfer from the meeting earlier to him now. When gentle fingers touched him though and the splint disappeared, Faramir loosed a soft breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “I’m sorry,” Faramir said softly when Rahl said it was broken, before he could offer anything else the man had healed him! He stood there staring open mouthed at Rahl. He said he never healed broken bones. Ever. Because it drained him of his powers for too long. “I… I… n… no it… wonderful in fact but you… you should not have done that. I could have lived with it… what if you need your powers? I… I’ve put you at risk,” Faramir said worriedly as he stared at his lover.

“You put me at risk when I had to extend my powers to make you a garden,” Rahl said, trying to hide his surprise at what he’d just done. He released Faramir’s hand and crossed the room, where he closed the curtains without the use of his magic. “You put me at risk when you distract me with that wicked tongue of yours and that delicious body. I chose to let you do those things, just like I chose to heal you. I do not like to see you in… No. I… I only wanted you to be ready for me to use you if I wanted to, and it isn’t half as enjoyable if you’re broken. So, I am only looking out for my own interests, Faramir and I’ll not have you tell me how to use my powers. I will stay in here until they return and no one will know the difference.” He arched one eyebrow at this lover almost suspiciously. Old habits were hard to break. “Though I am still strong physically. Just… so you know.”

Faramir listened as Rahl walked away to close the curtains and frowned as his lover changed his words. It almost sounded as if he wanted to say that he didn’t like to see him in pain. He shook his head. “I wasn’t trying to tell you how to use your powers I just… didn’t think I was worth you putting yourself at risk. I also know you are strong physically, I can see your muscles and feel them every time we touch,” he smiled a little. “I am just sorry to have put you in a position to do that… it was an accident that I am very sorry for,” Faramir said softly.

“An accident?” Rahl’s eyes darkened as he turned back to face his lover. “You are not a clumsy man, Faramir. Who did this to you? Someone trying to get at me? Someone who wanted to test me? No one could have known I would heal you – I didn’t even know it myself, but one has to wonder. Did you let something slip to that affect? Do I need to have my sword ready for someone to charge into these rooms?” His confusion at his own actions was quickly fading into annoyance at himself for having let his ridiculous instinct override his good sense. “And why are you trying to cover for them?”

Faramir looked up at his lover from under his lashes and sighed. “No, no one is trying to get to you through me, it truly was an accident,” Faramir said again. “I… I was thinking about… well… about this morning and didn’t see Corrine’s cat… I… I tripped over him and fell down the stairs to the garden. Corrine was nearly beside herself in fear of you taking Merry away from her or putting her in the dungeons. I felt so badly for the girl, she would never do anything to harm anyone on purpose. I just… I didn’t want her to get into trouble,” Faramir said softly. “She is such a sweet girl, please do not take her cat away. I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking.”

Rahl’s eyes narrowed for a moment before he burst out laughing. “That damnable cat has slid out of my spell again!” Relaxing at once, he sat on the bed and wiped a hand over his eyes. “That ridiculous creature! He tries to trip everyone, so I put spells on him every time I see him to keep him from tangling anyone’s feet, but he keeps slipping out of them somehow. He is a sweet animal, however, and he keeps that child from chattering at me every time I pass the kitchen so I allow him to stay. I’m not going to hurt him, Faramir, just find a better spell, and I’m certainly not going to punish Corrine. She has as little control over the thing as I do over the seeker.” His laughter softened and he motioned for Faramir. “But you, pet, you tried to hide something from me. That makes me… unhappy.”

Faramir was surprised when Rahl began to laugh. “She was just so scared and… I just didn’t want her to get in trouble,” Faramir said as he went to his lover. Rahl was looking at him as he approached and stopped before his lover, completely naked and looked at him seriously. “I only tried to hide it to protect Corrine… I just could not see the girl hurt… I… I will gladly accept any punishment you wish, my lord.” Actually it seemed that Rahl’s earlier anger really had faded and now he was looking at Faramir no longer in concern or really anger but something else that made the younger man’s stomach flip.

Worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, Rahl looked at Faramir and shook his head. “It is my right to punish whomever I wish, in whatever manner I see fit.” He reached out, wrapped his fingers around Faramir’s wrist and pulled him closer. His free hand reached out reached out and his fingers closed around the sac that hung between his slave’s legs. “You will enjoy this, I think,” he continued, feeling his own arousal fill and lengthen, pushing up against his stomach, “but not completely, because I am serious about it making me unhappy. I wonder what else you might wish to hide from me because you think you are doing the right thing. Do you realize that could get us both killed?”

Faramir moved forward a little apprehensively and swallowed hard. “I am sorry. I… I was just worried and afraid and you know Corrine, she had me thinking the worst,” he admitted. He hissed when Rahl’s hand wrapped around his sac and he bit his lip for a moment as he felt his cock begin to fill just from that touch alone. It could so easily become painful, he knew that but it would likely still arouse him. “I promise I am not hiding anything else. I hid my love for you because I was afraid you wouldn’t accept it and now this, I have learned my lesson now I think,” he whispered.

Rahl released Faramir and pointed toward the cabinet across the room. “Over there, in the top and middle drawer, there are wooden paddles, plugs and a cock ring. Since I cannot use my magic at the moment, I want you to get one of each – you may choose – and bring them back to me.”

Faramir was almost disappointed when Rahl released him and he nodded. “Yes, my lord,” he whispered. He turned and headed to the cabinet, having never actually retrieved anything from it himself. Rahl always used his magic so Faramir had no idea what things might be inside. When he opened the first drawer he gasped, there were quite a few different sorts of toys, some looked very interesting indeed but he only selected the items that his lover asked him for. He started to choose a simple leather cock ring but looked over at Rahl and decided he had disappointed the man and should choose appropriately. Rahl was unhappy with him, so Faramir chose not the simple leather ring but something more elaborate with several metal rings attached to a leather strap. The rings would bind him all the way to the head of his arousal and there was no possible way Faramir could come through it without it being very painful. He went on and selected the other items and returned to stand before his lover, holding the items out in his hands.

Rahl took everything but the rings from Faramir and leaned back on the bed, resting his hands behind him. He wondered if he might need a cock ring of his own if this played out the way he thought it might and wished desperately for his magic to help stave off his release for as long as possible. Still, he didn’t regret healing Faramir, which was odd. As uncomfortable as he was without his magic, it had been an easy enough choice, especially since he could still hear Faramir’s scream ringing in his ears as he’d magically grabbed his arm. “Put the rings on,” he said in a low, steady voice. “Bind yourself for me and lay across my lap. You are not going to be able to sit for a week, and this time, even if I could heal you, I wouldn’t. Consider this your first real lesson.”

Faramir did as he was told, gasping as the cold metal touched him as he put the elaborate binding on himself. He was already starting to grow harder as he did so, and was at full staff by the time he was finished. He knew that Rahl would keep his word about not healing him, but he understood why. “Yes, my lord, I understand,” he said, slightly breathless as his breathing had picked up as he bound himself. He moved and lay down across his lover’s lap, positioning himself just right, the weight of the bindings around him pulling his cock down toward the floor as it hung between Rahl’s legs. “If it gets to be too much, may I use my word?” Faramir asked just in case.

No other slave had ever been offered a safeword, let alone had the nerve to ask if he could stop Rahl should the need arise, but Rahl didn’t hesitate. “Of course,” he said, running his palm over Faramir’s backside, almost petting the man as shifted uncomfortably, trying to adjust himself. He’d gotten harder as Faramir had put the rings on and was now almost wishing he had chosen to simply fuck him rather than this long, drawn out punishment. Telling himself it would be worth the wait, he concentrated on his breathing, his other hand resting across broad shoulders to help keep Faramir in place as he kept kneading and caressing the smooth curve of the backside resting against him.

Faramir found himself squirming a bit from the light kneading touch to his backside. The anticipation alone made him even harder within the binding and he moaned softly as he arched his rear up a little bit more and spread his legs and positioned himself more firmly in Rahl’s lap. “Thank you, my lord,” he whispered, quite certain he wouldn’t need the word but thought it was best to ask just in case. Faramir positioned his hands as well to help balance his weight and took a deep shuddering breath as Rahl’s hands passed over him again.

“If you trust me,” Rahl began, raising his hand and without warning, bringing it down hard on Faramir’s right ass cheek, “then you must trust me completely.” Another blow was delivered over the same area, which was already turning pink. “I use punishments to teach lessons,” – smack – “and should I have deemed it necessary to teach Corrine or her cat one, it would have been – smack what was best for everyone in the castle.” The next blow landed on Faramir’s other side. “I am a hard man, Faramir”, – smack “but I would not hurt the child over such a little thing.”

Faramir gasped as the first blow landed but didn’t try to squirm away, he deserved this and it was arousing as well. The next blow stung a bit so soon after the first but he would grow accustomed to it soon enough. His body was already beginning to enjoy it though, his arousal pulsed inside the bindings and his fingers curled against the floor. “She was so convinced you would and babbling, I tried to tell her that it was an accident but she was just so worried…” Faramir gasped as another blow landed. “I let her childish fears color my own judgment.” He bit back a moan as another blow landed, knowing that his pale skin was probably already turning a bright shade of pink.

Rahl paused to knead the flesh that was now swollen and getting redder with every passing moment. “I will speak to her,” he managed, rocking his hips slightly so his arousal brushed against Faramir’s side. “I will even let you accompany me so you will see that she will survive our little discussion.” As he spoke, Rahl reached beside him and got the plug, then began running the tip up and down the cleft of Faramir’s backside. “I am frankly quite disappointed that you claim to love me, yet you have so little faith.”

Faramir could feel the heat and hardness of Rahl’s length against his side and moaned softly as his lover moved against him. His backside was starting to sting but it didn’t even come close to taking his arousal away. In fact, it made him even harder, his cock leaking precome onto the floor even through the bindings. He smiled a little when Rahl spoke of taking him with him to speak to Corrine, but then all thoughts slipped from his mind as he felt the plug he’d chosen move against him. He arched his back a bit more wantonly and spread himself wider. “I am sorry…” he whispered. He did love Rahl but he also feared his unpredictable temper.

“Yes, you should be,” Rahl said, waving his fingers and only then remembering he didn’t have his magic. He pulled the plug away and moved it until it was in front of Faramir’s face. “Suck on this. Get it nice and slick, because it’s the only lubricant you will have.” His hand came down hard twice on the nearly glowing backside beneath it. “And be quick. We’re just getting started, pet.”

Faramir whimpered when his lover moved the plug away from him and he looked up slightly at the plug. “Yes, my lord,” he whispered and took the thing into his mouth, slicking it with his tongue and breathing hard through his nose when Rahl’s hand came down on his backside again in quick slaps. He rocked his hips a little and released the object that would soon be buried deep inside him. He wished it would be Rahl, the feeling of his cock sinking into Faramir was always the most incredible feeling in the world. The man seemed to be a perfect fit for him, but that would be a long time coming, Faramir thought.

Letting Faramir hold on to the plug for a moment, Rahl rested his hand over the other man’s entrance, feeling the heat radiating off his backside from the force of the blows. He was breathing a bit heavily himself and felt his cock twitch and leak against his robes as he studied each hand-shaped mark he’d left behind. Bringing his thumb up to his mouth, he wet it, then reached down, toying with Faramir’s tightly bound, full testicles with his fingers as his thumb slipped inside his opening and bent, seeking and finding his slave’s sweet spot with no trouble at all.

Faramir moaned when Rahl’s fingers touched his swollen and bound sac. He squirmed a little, gasping when a slick thumb pressed inside him and then crying out when it found that perfect spot inside him. Faramir shifted his hips, wanting more, his body begging for it. He might have come already had it not been for the binding on him and he whimpered as his lover continued to tease his body.

Pulling his thumb away, Rahl moved so that his fingers were wrapped around Faramir’s bound shaft. They moved lightly over the swollen flesh, telling him how painful this must be for Faramir, with the heated skin of his cock pushing between the coldness of each silver ring as it filled and grew beneath his ministrations. Teasingly, he stroked the tortured length, then pressed his thumbnail against Faramir’s slit. “Yes, I see you are liking this just fine,” he whispered, pulling his hand back up to lick two fingers and inserting them without a word. “Though that might change when I take the paddle to this lovely red backside of yours and hit you just over the plug. You might like it for a while, but at some point, it might get to be… uncomfortable.”

Faramir gasped loudly when Rahl’s hand wrapped around his already aching shaft. His head dropped forward and he closed his eyes for a moment as every nerve in his body seemed to be centered right there where Rahl’s fingers were teasing him. “Oh Gods,” he panted. He shivered when the hand was removed and before he could even think two fingers pressed deep inside him and he cried out, pushing his rear up even more like an animal in heat.

Never before Faramir had Rahl taken the time to touch anyone so intimately and he still marveled at the heat and tightness that gripped his fingers almost desperately. Forcing himself to pull away, he reached for the plug, pressed the flared tip against Faramir’s entrance and pushed it forward slowly and deliberately, watching closely as dusky wrinkled skin pinked and smoothed out around the thick toy, then winked closed again around the base. Though he was still unhappy with Faramir hiding the truth from him, and though this was supposed to be a punishment, he couldn’t stop himself from rubbing his free hand between his lover’s shoulders and asking softly if he was all right.

The plug Faramir had chosen wasn’t the largest in Rahl’s inventory but it was not small either. He did not want to be accused of being afraid to take a proper punishment after all, so when the thick plug was pushed inside him, Faramir moaned at the stretch and burn of it. The gentle touch between his shoulders though and Rahl’s voice almost soothingly speaking to him was a surprise and he had to smile just a little at the sweetness of it. “Yes, my lord,” he whispered. “If it were not for the bindings I’d have already lost control,” he admitted.

Though Faramir couldn’t’ see him, Rahl nodded in agreement. He could tell from the feel of Faramir’s erection just how close he really was and Rahl had to admit he wasn’t far behind. If he had his powers at that moment, he would have been wearing a cock ring of his own. Resting his hand between Faramir’s shoulder blades again to hold him steady, he gave the plug one final nudge, then reached for the paddle. “I think 10 blows for your hiding something from me, and another 10 for thinking you had the right to,” he said thoughtfully, resting the thin wood against Faramir’s backside and rubbing it in small circles, warning Faramir just where he was aiming for. “Count them off.”

Faramir whimpered when the plug was nudged deeper and hissed when Rahl placed the paddle against him. His backside really was quite sore from the spanking he’d already received and he squirmed. “Yes, my lord,” he managed just before the first blow landed, pushing the plug even deeper inside him. “One,” he snapped out on a gasp and the next three blows fell in quick succession making him whimper and rock his hips as the plug nudged at his sweet spot. It hurt as much as it felt wonderful and his jaw ached from gritting his teeth.

Rahl alternated the blows, never setting up a pattern either in the rhythm or the location. When he reached 10, he put the paddle down and rubbed his hand over Faramir’s nearly glowing skin. He’d whipped slaves before, but never touched them in such a manner during or after the punishment and was against surprised at just how warm Faramir’s skin felt. He was feeling something that could possibly have been mercy, but couldn’t exactly put a name to it. “I could stop here,” he murmured, giving his lover’s right ass cheek a light pinch. “But you must learn, Faramir – I have only just given you a little of my trust and you nearly lost it completely today, so this lesson… it must sink in.”

Faramir’s backside was aching and even the air in the room seemed to hurt by the time the first 10 blows had landed. He whimpered when Rahl’s hand moved over his heated and raw skin and shook his head. He whimpered and squirmed when Rahl pinched him. “I know. It is your right to punish me for this and… I deserve it for trying to hide things,” Faramir admitted breathlessly. He truly was starting to ache now from the position as well as his backside but his arousal was still raging. It was an odd feeling of passion, need, and pain that seemed to thrum through his veins.

“And you’ll never do it again, no matter what the reason.” Rahl said the words slowly as he brought his hand back up, making a statement rather than any form of a question. The next five blows were light, merely irritating already sore skin, and the next four were only slightly harder. Nearly every one rocked the plug buried deep inside Faramir, and despite the obvious pain the man was in, Rahl had only to shift his leg slightly to feel the man’s arousal, still hard and, judging from the moisture that seeped through his robe the last time he felt it, leaking steadily. As he lined himself up for the final blow, he made sure the paddle spanned both of Faramir’s buttocks, just where his ass met his thighs, and firmly on the base of the plug. This time, there was nothing light or teasing as the last nine had been, and the paddle landed with a loud slap of wood against flesh.

Faramir merely nodded in agreement when Rahl spoke and before he could say anything else the paddle came down on him. His backside flared with pain but not as badly as he feared it would. The following blows were not as hard as they could have been and merely made his rear flare with stinging pain a bit more and the plug inside him to burrow deeper. He found himself moaning and rocking a bit on Rahl’s lap, his arousal so hard he imagined it might actually break through the bindings were they not made of hard steel. He whimpered and then screamed when the last blow landed, harder than all the rest had been pushing the plug deeper and firmly against his sweet spot. He was shaking all over and would have come right then had the binding not held him back.

As soon as the last blow landed, Rahl put the paddle back on the bed and reached for the plug. He was nearly mad with the desire to be inside of his lover, and had to take a deep breath to steady both his voice and his hands. Long fingers wrapped around the base of the plug and his hand moved from Faramir’s upper back to his lower. “Relax for me… open up. I am taking the plug out,” he said softly as he began to pull.

Faramir’s muscles had clamped down tight around the plug after the last blow had landed and he had to force himself to relax as Rahl asked. He took several deep breaths and closed his eyes for a moment as his body released the thick phallus and he breathed a sigh of relief when it was gone, no longer torturing his sensitive sweet spot. He honestly felt as if he’d come even though he hadn’t. He wanted to beg Rahl to take him and to let him come but this was his punishment and he would take it as his lover wanted him to.

Discarding the plug, Rahl continued caressing Faramir’s backside, fascinated by heat and color. His thumb slipped back inside his lover’s entrance once, then twice, then pulled both hands away. “Now stand up and use your mouth to wet my shaft,” he ordered, arranging his robes so that just his good leg and his swollen length were exposed. The robe and the darkness served well to hide his scars, which, even now, weighed heavily on his mind. “And be quick about it. I want to be buried inside you long before the sting from the paddle begins to fade away.”

Faramir whimpered a little as Rahl’s hand moved over his backside. Gods, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sit down for a long time after this. When Rahl’s words reached his ears though, he wasted no time moving. His body ached from the position he’d been in and he almost fell to his knees between his master’s legs. Hearing his lover’s words of wanting to be buried inside him before the sting went away, Faramir thought that he could take hours and it wouldn’t matter. He glanced down at himself, his shaft was shining with precome and was disturbing how it was so hard it was pushing between the rings. He swallowed hard, wetting his mouth before leaning forward and licking his lover’s shaft, savoring the taste of the man he loved before taking him in fully. His head bobbed up and down as his tongue worked around the hard shaft, wetting his lover even more and moaning as he thought about how wonderful it felt to have Rahl inside him.

Rahl’s head fell back, determined not to watch as Faramir’s lips closed over his cock, knowing it would only make him want the man even more. His own juices mixed with his slave’s saliva and his shaft was glistening in no time at all. He was tempted to just let Faramir bring him off that way, with just his mouth, but the need to feel that warm backside against him just overrode that desire. His hand rested on his lover’s head and gently pulled him away. “Enough. Now. Come here. You’re going to ride me. I want to be able to see that glorious wet cock of yours when I allow you to come through those rings. If nothing else, that will be your lesson.”

Faramir actually moaned as his head was pulled away from his lover’s shaft and he looked up. Rahl’s eyes were dark and sparkling with lust and he nodded as he stood, starting to move toward the bed as instructed but then stopped and almost whimpered at the thought of riding that wonderful cock. He wished one day he could see Rahl fully again, because Faramir wanted to lick and touch and do anything he could to make Rahl feel as incredible as he made him feel. “Yes,” he whispered as he moved, his cock twitching at the very idea of coming through the bindings. He thought he might already have done so if it were possible but… maybe Rahl knew something he didn’t. At any rate, Faramir moved to be in position over his lover’s lap and slowly lowered, his hand positioning his lover so that all he had to do was move down and take him in to the already stretched opening. “Oh Gods,” he moaned as his head fell back and the feeling of being stretched made his muscles tense and as his sore backside rested against his lover’s thighs he whimpered at the pain and pleasure of it.

Gripping the blankets beside him, Rahl’s moan matched his lover’s as Faramir slowly took him in. His arms wrapped around the already sweat damp torso and his hips rocked slightly, working his cock up even further inside tight heat. He’d always enjoyed Faramir’s kisses, so it was only natural for him to tilt his head up and bring their lips together, letting his tongue ravish the heated muscles of Faramir’s mouth as his cock marked and nudged at his inner walls down below as well. Slowly, his hands began to roam over a muscular back and warm backside as he began to thrust, this time loosing what he thought of as all dignity and giving in to the soft cries he normally bit back when they were together.

Faramir absolutely loved this feeling of Rahl being inside him, of being able to hold onto his lover’s shoulders and of giving his lover as much pleasure as his lover gave him. He rocked his hips despite the pain in his backside and began to move, gasping when Rahl’s hips pushed up into him, nudging his already overly sensitive sweet spot. He gasped and then moaned low in his throat, almost a growl when strong hands moved down to his sore backside. Hearing Rahl voice his pleasure though was the most incredible feeling and worth every ache and pain… hearing his lover moan and cry out… oh yes, it was better than anything he could think of. His mouth gave to his lover everything he had, the kiss wild and passionate as he began to ride his lover, his body moving faster. Oh he needed to come but he wasn’t certain he would through the many rings around him.

Rahl broke away from the kiss, breathed, then resumed it time and time again. He hadn’t lost all control of himself, but he was closer than he’d ever been in his life to doing so as this Ranger from Gondor rode him with such abandon. Each time he would get close, he would still Faramir by gripping his hips, but would soon give in and push up into him hard only moments later, when it seemed he’d waited for hours. The last time he stilled his lover, he was panting and flushed, and his cock had leaked so much, it felt as if they’d used their usual oils and salves rather than just Faramir’s talented mouth alone to slick him. Holding Faramir steady with one hand, he brought the other between them, licked his fingers and trailed them over the silver rings. “You think you will not be able to, but you can come through this,” he whispered, letting his fingertips gently probe the flesh that had swollen out between each ring. “It will hurt, but it is possible.” He leaned forward, sucked Faramir’s left nipple into his mouth and tugged lightly at it. “There is a tiny, hidden clasp that will release you from the rings,” he continued when he pulled away and dug his thumbnail into Faramir’s slit, working it almost gently, “ a clasp you will not find. I could release your balls, or your shaft, or both, with just a flick of my fingers… but I won’t. I’m not sure you’ve learned your lesson just yet.”

Faramir was breathless from their kisses and the rapid movements of their bodies and swallowed hard when his lover whispered to him. The touch ached and he wanted so badly to thrust into his lover’s hand. He cried out when a hot mouth found his nipple and shifted his hips faster as he rode and ground his hips down, not caring about the pain in his backside at all. “Gods… I have, I promise I have,” he whimpered, feeling his release building and desperate now. He needed to come. “Please, oh Gods, you feel so good inside me, love,” he gasped as his head fell back and he thrust harder against his lover.

Growling at the need in Faramir’s voice that matched his own, Rahl wrapped both arms around his lover, held him close and twisted them both so that Faramir was on his back, legs spread wide and Rahl was kneeling on the bed between them. Almost instantly, a few drops of precome dropped from the crimson head of the bound organ between them onto Faramir’s stomach. With a sudden urge to taste another man – really taste him this way – Rahl ran his fingers through the liquid and brought them to his mouth. The realization of what he’d just done, not to mention the taste of it, was all he needed. Thrusting hard and deep, he flipped one clasp, the one on the ring around Faramir’s testicles, and wrapped his fingers around the others. “Now,” he commanded, slamming directly into his lover’s sweet spot and exploding inside him even as his fingers squeezed Faramir’s oversensitized flesh between each vicious little ring.

Faramir found himself suddenly on his back under his lover and wondering vaguely if Rahl’s powers had returned or if he was just so caught up in the moment he hadn’t even noticed his lover moving them. His cock twitched against his stomach, pulsing inside the bindings and he imagined for a moment what it would feel like to be buried inside Rahl, that instead of the rings binding him so tightly it was his lover’s body. His muscles tensed at the very thought and then seeing Rahl taste him, licking his fingers and the incredible feeling of being pounded heavily into the bed and a strong hand stroking him. “Oh Gods!” Faramir screamed when his lover commanded him and despite his worry that he could not come, bound as he was, he did and hard. So hard that his vision dimmed to almost black and white sparkles danced around him it seemed and he collapsed against the bed, feeling his lover pulsing inside him, his release filling him over and over again as he drifted into a wave of blackness for a moment.

Rahl felt as if he were almost trying to climb inside of Faramir as his orgasm washed over him. His lover’s scream made his cock pulse another half dozen times inside the confines of the tight muscles wrapped around him, and for the first time ever, as he collapsed down on top of the man beneath him, he wished he didn’t have his robes on, wished he could feel Faramir completely, skin on skin, Faramir’s release smearing over his stomach. As it was, however, his robes soaked up most of it at once and he nearly felt like cursing them as they fell down over his hips and between his slave’s wide-spread legs. “I should… I should take this off,” he said softly, as he leaned back and saw Faramir’s shaft, still swollen and red as it lay on his stomach. “I will try and be easy, though I’ve never removed one before and… oh. Maybe your not being conscious is a good thing, then…”

Of course, had Faramir been awake and aware he might have actually laughed at Rahl’s words but as it was it took several moments for him to even stir. “Gods…” he moaned as he realized the binding was being released from around him, “I… did I faint?” When Rahl looked at him oddly, Faramir sighed. “I… I… that has never happened to me before.”

“Yes, I think you did,” Rahl chuckled as he pressed the hidden clasps on each ring and slowly freed Faramir’s cock. It lay against his palm, still thick and warm, tiny indentions left behind by the rings so discolored and deep Rahl could still see them even in the near darkness. He slowly massaged the spent flesh, careful not to touch the head, which he knew would still be too sensitive to bring any pleasure. “I have had slaves pass out from the pain before, but you… I’m not sure what you did, actually. You were coming one moment, and the next, I was talking to myself, wondering if I had actually killed you.”

Faramir moaned as the clasps released and breathed a soft sigh as a gentle hand began to move over the sore flesh. “Mmm, it wasn’t from pain but from pleasure. It think it was just too much… sensation for me,” he said softly. “Gods, I’ve never known anything like that before… I know one thing, I’ll remember this lesson for years to come.” He smiled up at his lover but winced when he moved slightly. “Oh… and be feeling it for days to come I think too… my backside feels blistered.”

It was what Rahl would have said he wanted… in fact he had said just that. And he’d enjoyed it while it lasted, but something about leaving Faramir in pain after the sex was over felt wrong. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly, but he felt the absurd need to make the pain go away. He didn’t have his magic and besides feeling vulnerable, he felt helpless as well. “Roll over,” he said softly, letting his hand trail over to Faramir’s hip. “Let me see what I can do. I can’t give you a spell – I really shouldn’t even be considering it if I could, but… perhaps I can at least make it feel less… blistered. I was quite angry when I had the paddle, I must admit.”

Faramir looked up at his lover with a puzzled look on his face. “This was punishment, I did not expect you to help with the pain… but I love you even more for offering,” he whispered as he rolled over onto his stomach. He hissed when he did so, his still sensitive organ rubbing against the sheets. He scooted up on his knees a little and pulled a pillow down to push under himself and take some of the pressure off that part of his body as well. “Laying like this already helps a little bit,” he murmured. “Maybe just… some cool water or salve… I don’t want to keep you up tonight shifting in the bed.”

Rahl looked completely at a loss for a few seconds, but nodded when he realized Faramir had just told him what would help. Wishing again for his magic, he slipped off the bed and headed into the washroom. “I just punished you,” he muttered under his breath. “You said your backside feels blistered, your cock has rings on it that will take hours to fill back in, I made you pass out… and still you love me? What is wrong with you?” As he talked to himself, he got a cloth, the softest one he owned, wet it with cool water and headed back into the bedroom where he stopped and picked up a small jar of salve. As he settled back on the bed next to his lover, his robes settling around him, he couldn’t help wincing at just how red and bruised Faramir’s ass looked. “I have never taken care of anyone like this before, so if I make it worse, you should tell me.”

Faramir grinned as he heard Rahl muttering to himself as he left the room. He couldn’t catch all of his words but he did hear some of them. He’d love him, no matter what, he just wished the man understood that. His heart leapt in his chest when Rahl admitted he had never taken care of someone before and thought that it was the sweetest thing the man could have said to him at the moment. Faramir smiled over his shoulder at his lover. “I will tell you, but I am sure you will do fine… you do sometimes touch me tenderly you know,” he whispered. “Just cooling it down a little may help… even if not, I’ll live. It was… not so terrible really, I enjoyed it as you very well know but… I promise I won’t forget the lesson behind it. I will never keep things from you ever again,” Faramir said solemnly to let Rahl know he was serious.

Rahl gingerly unfolded the wet cloth and, with great care, laid it over Faramir’s still glowing skin. “I just… I don’t like not knowing what is going on in my own home. Though this was an innocent mishap, it could have just as easily been some trap by someone who thinks they can get to me by harming you.” He lay beside Faramir, propped his head up on one arm and rubbed his lover’s lower back as he spoke, not even realizing he was doing it. “Had it been anyone else, I probably would have killed them for touching you, let alone hurting you.”

“I should have known better,” Faramir said softly. “I did not really think you would hurt Corrine but… I wasn’t exactly sure how you felt about animals. We’ve never discussed them before so I was afraid for the silly thing,” Faramir said sighing. “And Corrine didn’t help matters any, the girl with her babbling and being so scared made me scared,” Faramir laughed at himself then. “She’d talk a balrog into submission… err… a demon of fire in my world is a balrog,” Faramir explained. He sighed softly as the wet cloth lay over him and he took a deep breath. “That feels a little better already.”

Laughing loudly, Rahl couldn’t help but nod in agreement with Faramir’s description of Corrine. “Animals are…” He shrugged, picked up the cloth and turned it over to the cool side was once again against Faramir’s skin. “I love animals. They either love you or hate you, and you don’t have to guess which – it’s clear by the way the look at you, unlike people. I control heart hounds from the underworld and even allow cats and a few dogs to stay in the stables with the horses, though I rarely go out there. As for Merry…” He shrugged, and his face turned pink as he admitted the truth about Corrine’s cat for the first time to anyone. “How do you think she got that cat? His mother abandoned him just after he was born and I couldn’t bear to leave him. Spells worked to keep him fed and warm, but I didn’t have the time to tend to him. Corrine was 10 and one day she just happened to find him outside her door. So, no, I wouldn’t harm Merry, or Corrine – she’s taken wonderful care of him, and he needs her. Besides, she isn’t a bad child.”

Faramir almost gaped at his lover as he told him of Merry and found a slow smile spread across his face. “And you claim to be a bad man,” Faramir murmured as he looked at his lover. “You may have a temper my love and you may be powerful and strong and frightening when you are angry but you are also… underneath it all a man who does care about not just animals but your people. Not everyone sees it… but I do. I see the man you are deep inside, the man I love,” Faramir whispered.

Rahl had no idea how to react to Faramir’s words, since he had never had them directed at him before. He rested his arm across Faramir’s back and, in his own clumsy way, lay over him for a moment, though he did avoid his backside. His robes were still between them of course, and he wasn’t exactly snuggling, but it was as close as he knew how to get. “I do care for my people,” he said softly. “No one seems to understand that. Perhaps this love-thing lets you see what others cannot.”

Touched by the odd hug as Rahl had attended him, Faramir smiled happily. “Even before I realized I’d fallen in love with you I understood that you cared for your people,” Faramir explained. “Maybe that is one of the reasons that made me realize you were more than what you were on the surface.”

Pulling away, Rahl sat up and reached for the jar of salve as he considered Faramir’s words. More to him than what was on the surface? He didn’t know – he didn’t even really know what was inside him, other than darkness and magic and, so often, this nearly unmanageable anger that somehow seemed tempered when Faramir was with him. He carefully removed the cloth from Faramir’s backside and dipped his fingers in the salve. “This will help,” he said softly, letting his fingers trail over the edge of the reddened skin before him. “I… I enjoy spending time with you, Faramir. You are my slave, I know, and my willing bedmate, but I do care for you more than I care for most. I might like you a little… though I will have to give that more thought to be sure. I do think it is more than your body I enjoy, however.”

Faramir moaned when Rahl began to apply the salve, it felt cooling on his raw backside and he closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of it soothing him. He smiled when Rahl said he enjoyed spending time with him and then chuckled a little when Rahl said he might even like him a little. “Being wanted for more than my body is a nice thought,” Faramir admitted. “Though I’m very glad you want my body too… even when you are punishing me like today. I know I angered you and again I am sorry for that… at least you understand the reason why. I do hope you talk to Corrine and explain to her that you’d never hurt her cat. The poor girl is incorrigible and certainly had me scared out of my wits,” Faramir said and looked over his shoulder at Rahl. “I feel as if I understand you better now though… so all of this, even the raw backside was more than worth it to learn my lesson and to learn more about you.”

Rahl shrugged and kept applying the salve gently. “The more you learn, the less you will wish to stay here with me,” he warned, “and I have no intention of letting you go until I tire of you, so you might want to rethink that. If you truly love me, you should make no effort to learn more. To do so would only mean your feelings would change, and I am not yet done exploring this being-loved idea just yet. You would be kept here against your will and would be miserable, just like everyone else I allow in my life.”

Faramir turned slightly onto his hip and looked at Rahl. “The more I learn the more I love you,” Faramir said seriously. “I love you more knowing that you gave the cat to Corrine, I love you more seeing how gently you are taking care of me. I love you more not less,” Faramir said honestly. “Love is something that… you do not control and it grows stronger each day… even when you upset me or hurt me, I still love you,” Faramir said softly.

Dark eyebrows nearly met in the middle as Rahl tried to process this. “Why?” He got more gel and let his fingers trail between Faramir’s buttocks, letting the salve seep down to cover his opening. Rahl was an intelligent man, but Faramir seemed to be talking in some foreign language with all this talk of love and loving him more. He’d never known the emotion and was having a hard time coming to terms with it on any level. “Of all the people in your world and mine, why would you choose me of all people? And how can you love me more simply because I have no desire to kill a cat or see you in pain? Why does all that matter?”

“Because it shows that you are more than just a dark wizard, you are more than you believe yourself to be. You are not the man you think you are and just the fact you think that you are bad, despite the good in you shows you have a conscience you may not always follow it… but you are not inherently a bad man, Darken Rahl. You are a man worthy of love even if you do not believe it or even understand it,” Faramir said softly, leaning on one elbow and reaching down to lay his hand over his lover’s. “I know what true evil is, I have seen it in my world… you are not evil.”

Rahl frowned as he looked down at Faramir’s hand resting over his own. “You are a good man, Faramir,” he said softly. “I should never have brought you here. You should not have to deal with the darkness of two worlds.” He sighed and vowed that the first thing he would do when he got his powers back would be to cast a spell that would send Faramir back to his own world should the seeker – or anyone else – finally accomplish their goal of killing him. If he died, Faramir would be alone in this world, and Rahl refused to leave him at the mercy of all who hated him – as his former lover, Faramir would be subject to all that Rahl’s enemies had wanted to do to him.

When the salve was completely applied and had already started drying he sat back and let his fingers trail over the back of Faramir’s thighs. “You should rest, Faramir. I cannot sleep until my powers return, but there is no reason for you to stay up as well.”

The salve that Rahl had put on him was already soaking into his raw skin and making him feel much more comfortable. He shook his head when Rahl said he shouldn’t have brought him. “You couldn’t know what sort of man I was when you saw me,” Faramir said softly. “And… despite missing my brother, I do not miss my world all that much.” He lay back down and waited for Rahl to return the salve to the nightstand and watched him for a moment. “You could rest here beside me, even if you cannot sleep you can at least relax… and just enjoy an afternoon without all the problems you had to deal with this morning. You were quite upset when you came in… would you care to talk about it? I imagine the reports were not good… did they accept the plan though?” Faramir asked as Rahl watched him. He’d helped with offering ideas on ways to catch the seeker and some that were formulated to impede his progress and send the man off on wild goose chases to keep him from his main goal of seeking out Rahl as well as the peaceful take over of a few border villages that were in need of food from times of drought. Faramir had suggested instead of taking them under D’Haran rule by force, giving them a reason to want to come to them of their own free will. The people would be won over, would be happy and loyal because of it and would not shelter the seeker.

Automatically shaking his head, Rahl hesitated for a moment then wondered why he couldn’t just sit with Faramir. He was simply so used to putting distance between himself and everyone else, he’d automatically started to decline the invitation, but maybe…

A small smile played on his lips as he settled on his side of the bed against the headboard and reached out to pull the covers to one side on Faramir’s side of the bed. As long as he was there, he reasoned, he could keep Faramir from having to move too much as he got comfortable. “Get settled and I will tell you why I was angry. And why, if I hadn’t had plans to meet you for lunch, the guards would be carrying a few of their very ill or injured guards from my study. In fact, even now, if only I had my magic…”

Faramir rolled onto one hip so that he could see Rahl better and smiled as he was covered gently. He listened intently as Rahl spoke, offering his opinions sometimes but mostly just letting the man speak about his meeting and his anger from it. It was what lovers did, Faramir thought to himself, listening to each other and giving them an outlet for their frustrations, anger and even doubts. His hand sneaked across the covers and took Rahl’s in his own, caressing it gently as his lover spoke.

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35 Comment(s)

Cool! I like where this is headed, even though I don’t know the other fandom.

— pinbot    Sunday 10 May 2009, 3:26    #

Oh now this is a crossover I can sink my teeth into. I love both fandoms. I’m so excited about this story. Thank you for this. I can’t wait for more!

— Kelly    Monday 11 May 2009, 15:26    #

Crossover!!! oooOOOOooooo!!!!

— Eoselene    Tuesday 12 May 2009, 9:34    #

I didn’t know the other fandom involved in this crossover but man am I glad you turned me onto it. Now I have a new series I am greatly enjoying and your wonderful story to look forward to. Thanks!

— PrphtssP    Monday 8 June 2009, 6:23    #

Well I certainly never believed I’d ever see these thoughts or traits emerging from Darken Rahl of all people! This is very interesting indeed. I am enjoying it very much.

— Kelly    Tuesday 7 July 2009, 22:24    #

Well I certainly never believed I’d ever see these thoughts or traits emerging from Darken Rahl of all people! This is very interesting indeed. I am enjoying it very much. I’m in the midst of this book series right now so this is a great time for me to enjoy this story. Thank you both again for entertaining me thoroughly.

— Kelly    Tuesday 7 July 2009, 22:25    #

I just noticed I forgot to comment after this last post. I so love this. I’m loving seeing some things floating around in Rahl’s head that you wouldn’t expect in a million years! And who else could do this to him other than our dear, sweet, oh so naughty Faramir! I cant wait for more!

— Kelly    Thursday 23 July 2009, 21:38    #

Awesome!!! I am so loving the frustration level here! Faramir’s frustration with Rahl not believing him is one thing but Rahl’s frustration with Faramir and those little “feelings” he has no idea what to do with is just so fun. Feelings and Rahl dont normally even go in the same sentence so this is just so cool to be able so watch this all unfold. More please.

— Kelly    Tuesday 28 July 2009, 21:23    #

I almost feel sorry for Rahl..almost. He doesn’t have a chance. But then who could resist our Faramir? Can’t wait for more!

— Kelly    Tuesday 18 August 2009, 19:50    #

Drip, drip, drip. I feel the ice melting from a certain wizard’s heart. What power our Faramir wields. He can turn even the most vile heart to mush. As always, I am loving this and can’t wait for more. If Faramir is successful in making a very big change in Rahl,I wonder just how different his meeting with the Seeker would be?

— Kelly    Tuesday 25 August 2009, 19:11    #

Loved chapter 12, and the way their two worlds are “intertwingling” now. Fire and ice….

— ebbingnight    Thursday 10 September 2009, 22:58    #

I have no patience any more. This is impossible!!! You write gorgeous but.., but a little slowly… Forgive me for that. I want to see Faramir happy so much… I want Rahl would believe Faramir loves him truly. He is so stubborn…
Thank you!

— Anastasiya    Friday 11 September 2009, 12:25    #

Ugh! You two are seriously killing me! Every time I think our wonderful, oh so irresistible, Faramir is going to break through that last wall to Rahl, the door goes slam (and very loudly I might add)! It is beyond frustrating for both Faramir and me (hee hee). I was so sure this time he had it. However, do not take that as anything but the total compliment that it is. I love it. It’s what keeps me checking back daily (blushes, ok several times a day at least) for new updates. I so love this story. Well done!

— Kelly    Tuesday 15 September 2009, 0:09    #

Oh yes, magic is definitely at work here, but not the kind with which Rahl is familiar! I was happy to see in Chapter 13 that at least the children in the castle aren’t terrified of him.

— ebbingnight    Tuesday 15 September 2009, 16:46    #

Ouch! That time the door slammed shut so quickly it got me in the nose! Tease, tease tease!

— Kelly    Tuesday 15 September 2009, 16:52    #

Ah that’s better. I have been waiting for that reading. I can see the door is now slightly ajar. Hopefully Faramir gets the rest of himself through it. You two really have me wrapped up in this story. I was so excited to see a new addition I read it immediately. The greatest compliment I can give you is that you know a story is good when you can really picture yourself in the middle of it all watching it unfold. I have done that with basically all of your stories I have read. This one however will always be a favorite of mine.

— Kelly    Thursday 17 September 2009, 16:20    #

Totally love the way that Rahl is now trying to talk Faramir out of loving him—- for his own good! Getting closer and closer now to realizing what “love” actually means, I suspect!

— ebbingnight    Friday 18 September 2009, 1:07    #

Now this is really interesting. I’m so loving it. With all this emotoinal turmoil going on I cant wait to see things really explode when Richard decides to show up at some point.

— Kelly    Tuesday 22 September 2009, 17:04    #

Ha ha the power our beloved Ranger wields and doesn’t even realize it. Now he’s got Rahl healing broken bones without a second thought about it. Stick a fork in him, he’s done. I’m surprised he’s holding out as long as he is. I would have given in to Faramir in less than 5 seconds.

— Kelly    Wednesday 30 September 2009, 21:32    #

On behalf of all of us who have been waiting oh so impatiently for this event. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! The door has opened and the sun is shining brightly through the doorway.

— Kelly    Monday 5 October 2009, 20:00    #

And endlessly Rahl has surrendered!!! My heart is thrilled as when I’m thinking of Rahl’s power and magic as when I imagine bright beauty of Faramir. I think they must look incredibly together! Now I just hope this story will have the happy end for I’m afraid that the seeker could brihg them to harm! But I so want Rahl would allow himself to be truly loved!
Thank you! It was gorgeous as always!

— Anastasiya    Monday 5 October 2009, 20:37    #

You have charmed me once agian with this wonderful addition to your story. I cannot wait to see the meeting of Faramir and the Seeker.

— PrphtssP    Thursday 8 October 2009, 9:09    #

I know you wont be surprised at all to hear this from me but… totally awesome!!! I so enjoyed this I had to read it twice. Well done!

— Kelly    Tuesday 13 October 2009, 17:21    #

Oh joy! This just keeps getting better and better all the time. You are probably getting so sick of hearing from me by now but I cant help it. I so love this story. I cant wait to get more.

— Kelly    Monday 26 October 2009, 17:20    #

Extremely exiting!
It made my heart practically stop!
Confrontation of two the most important for Rahl men! I regret only that they both have promissed Rahl to become friends and cannot wrangle openly any more… Though, I think, they will be always have no special sympathy of one another.
I like the way Faramir is jealous and Rahl demonstrate him his affection!
I could read about them endlessly!
And though I understand it’s not so simply to write, I hope to see new chapters faster…
Thank you very much!

— Anastasiya    Thursday 29 October 2009, 15:44    #

I so love a jealous Faramir! He must be just so lovely that way (not that he isnt all the time anyway). I’ll put $20 on our Faramir against Demmin anytime and if he has any trouble I will be happy to help him with whatever he needs. If this keeps up Rahl is going to be to worn out to give Richard much trouble. Faramir may have to settle this. Very diplomatically I hope, as I dont want anything bad happening to Richard either. I quite like him also. As always, well done! I anxiously wait each new piece. I am going to be so bummed when this story is over.

— Kelly    Thursday 29 October 2009, 17:43    #

OMG! I think that was the fastest I have ever read through an addition. Oh please tell me I wont have to wait long to find out what happens next.

— Kelly    Monday 2 November 2009, 15:24    #

Oh, it was…strange!
I hope you know, dear writers, that I am devoted admirer of your works, but request about permission to leave Rahl’s world never to return was too much even for me. Of course I want Rahl to see Faramir’s world, to meet Denethor (!!!) and perhaps to play his own role in the War of the Ring (it would be interesting to see powerful Rahl standing against Witch King for example) but I also wish Rahl would become a creator bringing Peace and Good to his people. I wish I could see him as a healer and as a ruler loved by everybody. I would be very delighted too see Faramir and Rahl to be jealous and I’ve already forgotten when I read about their intimacy last time… Though it will be other story for Rahl knows now what love is.
I have said already I could read about them endlessly. And I truly think this story is the one of the most successful works I have ever read.

— Anastasiya    Wednesday 4 November 2009, 13:00    #

Wow! I am exhausted just reading! Leave it to Faramir to get things done. I love it. I was totally not sure how this would work out in the end. I cant wait to see how going to Middle Earth works out for them. I wouldnt mind Denethor getting more than a cramp for his bad behaviour. As always, I so love this and anxiously anticipate more. Just when I think I cant get any deeper into this story, there’s another level I get caught up in. Well done!

— Kelly    Wednesday 4 November 2009, 14:28    #

Oh I like this. Life in middle earth, specifically Ithillien, is going to be so much more fun. I oh so impatiently await the next chapter. I just hope they get out of there before Zedd or Kahlan gets out of Richard what he did.

— Kelly    Tuesday 10 November 2009, 16:50    #

I have not finished to read everything, but your style is really good and the story interesting.
Thank you for sharing.

— lille mermeid    Thursday 19 November 2009, 19:43    #

Wonderful ending, as their converging paths of seemingly dark desires have finally led Faramir and Darken to discover together what love is. I adore the fact that now Faramir has to stop Darken from constantly healing him, and that there is total trust between them. This was worth traveling between worlds for!

Thanks for this terrific crossover: it really worked for me.

— ebbingnight    Friday 20 November 2009, 2:07    #

Oh, dear authors! You have described ten years of happy marrige in Gondor faster than the year in Rahl’s world. And I am happy and sad at the same time. Happy – because of very good end, but sad – because of this wonderful story is over. I do not know how to live further without them.
But thank you very much. It was truly great work!

— Anastasiya    Friday 20 November 2009, 13:56    #

So sorry to be late in posting. I have been down with some cold/flu thing the last few days and couldn’t get on to read this fabulous finale. What a wonderful ending to a fulfilling journey. I have been hooked from the very first line and although I’m sad to see it go, a more fitting end I couldnt have envisioned. Thank you both for giving me such a wild ride that I am sure I will enjoy many more times to come.

— Kelly    Wednesday 25 November 2009, 21:23    #

I so love this story! It’s certainly one of my favorites. You did such a good job there and I can only second the others. Lots of hot, kinky sex and a compelling storyline, too. You’ve made me happy.

However, since I read this the first time I always hoped for a follow-up. The idea of Rahl in Middle Earth… Oh, I would have loved that!

— Rain    Saturday 17 January 2015, 19:12    #

Don’t know either fandom well, but I enjoy your writing. I just wish Rahl would use the mind reading spell already! He thinks Faramir is a liar so find out for sure whether he should send him back lol

— Teri    Monday 2 August 2021, 14:19    #

Oh my God, this is so good! Almost to the end, and both of our boys are gonna die? Faramir and Rahl both?! Aww… Didn’t think I would be rooting for the villains …

— Teri    Friday 6 August 2021, 18:52    #

Surprised and delighted at the ending! I would have loved to have seen Rahl be taken by Faramir as he spoke about last chapter, but really liked it. Would have enjoyed seeing more of their time here, but it was good. Know you wrote this a long time ago, so you probably don’t even get these comments but nicely done

— Teri    Saturday 7 August 2021, 4:13    #

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