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Love is... (NC-17) Print

Written by Sairalinde and Anorienbean

19 November 2009 | 145965 words

Chapter 7

Faramir had been exhausted and slept the entire night through without waking even once. When he did wake, he found he was curled close against Rahl’s back with his arm around his waist and his nose pressed against the base of his lover’s neck where he could breathe in the spicy scent of his skin. He was also aroused, his natural morning state really but more so from his body being close to another warm body that attracted him more than anyone’s ever had. Rahl truly had a gorgeous body, at least what Faramir had seen of it. He had noticed that Rahl kept his scars carefully covered, Faramir had only gotten that one glimpse and could tell it was not a subject he could bring up easily with the man… at least not yet. Rahl didn’t even believe he truly wanted him without the magic so he would never believe he didn’t mind the scars. He was careful to keep his hand well away from the scars covered by the blankets now that he was awake. He thought that perhaps he should move away from the man but even if he were punished for touching him without permission it was worth it for now. He breathed deeply and let out his breath on a contented sigh and smiled. Life wasn’t so bad really here. Rahl’s temperament left something to be desired at times but he was truly an amazing lover and ‘slave’ or not, Faramir found himself not really wishing to go home. At least not yet. Things could be so much worse. Perhaps if Rahl weren’t so handsome Faramir might not feel that way… but he pushed that thought away.

A full night without a nightmare would have been something Rahl would not have believed. Once, during the night, he’d had a moment where he felt as if someone were waiting for him just around a corner – the way most of his nightmares started – and he’d braced himself for the full scope of it, from coming face to face with the Seeker all the way to where he awoke with a scream as a long, sharp sword pierced his heart. But before he even made it to the corner in his dream, something had changed, a movement of the wind in his bedroom perhaps, or the unconscious shifting of his limbs that suddenly made the dream disappear. He had no way of knowing that that was the very moment Faramir had moved closer and curled up around him, and remained blissfully unaware as he settled back into a deep, refreshing sleep.

The result of such an unheard of night of rest was that he woke in an exceptionally good mood. As always, he was conscious of his surroundings before he moved or opened his eyes, and simply lay there, taking in the sounds and feel of the room just in case someone had managed to somehow get past his protection spells. There was warmth against his back and a large hand resting over his chest. Faramir. He stiffened, then allowed himself to relax back into the strange embrace for a moment. When he realized from the sound of Faramir’s breathing that he too was awake, he jabbed lightly at the man’s hand with his index finger. “Apparently you were cold during the night?” he said in a voice that clearly betrayed his amusement. “Or do I just need to make the bed bigger?”

Faramir laughed, his voice still husky with sleep. “Neither… I just like being close to someone in my sleep I suppose. When I was a child and would sometimes crawl into bed with my brother he would call me a little leech because he said I practically slept clinging to him. I suppose I have not outgrown that habit,” Faramir said softly, hoping that would be excuse enough.

A bark of laughter escaped from Rahl’s lips before he knew it. “I think your brother might be smarter than I gave him credit for. You seem to have sucked all the warmth from both the bed and the blankets and set your sights one me next, I suppose?” He reached for his robes that lay on the chair by the bed and quickly gathered them to him. When he sat up, he pushed Faramir’s hand away, but didn’t tell him not to put it there again while they slept in the future. The robes were on before his feet even hit the floor and he looked back over his shoulder at his bedmate. “Well? Breakfast will be served shortly and I’ll not have the guard see you naked, so I suggest you get dressed unless you want me to blind the man before he enters. And I warn you, I don’t do healing spells, so
he would likely stay that way for the rest of his life.”

Faramir was surprised by Rahl’s laughter, he’d not heard him give a true laugh before and he found himself smiling enjoying the sound. He watched as Rahl dressed, letting himself be pushed away. He quirked his brow when Rahl said he didn’t do healing spells. But… he’d done two on Faramir so far. Maybe he meant it some other way? The words puzzled Faramir as he got dressed in his robe from the day before and settled on the edge of the bed. He was completely free of pain this morning because of Rahl’s healing… Faramir’s mind was still pondering and looked up at his lover. He desperately wanted to question the man about healing spells but kept from it.

Rahl headed toward the next room, robes flaring around him as he walked with his usual quick, purposeful steps, already fully awake and ready to face the day. “I am going to bathe. Do not let the guard in if he knocks. He knows to wait for my summons and I don’t like my servants talking to one another. Also…” He stopped, seeing that Faramir looked distracted, and heaved a sigh. “You look leagues away. Are you even listening to me?”

Faramir looked up and smiled. “Yes, my lord, I am sorry, a habit of mine I am afraid,” Faramir said softly. “If the guard knocks, do not let him in.” He repeated the commands so that Rahl knew he heard him. His eyes flowed down the man’s body, taking in the way his robes fit him so snuggly across his torso and licked his lips. He wouldn’t mind helping him with his bath to be honest but knew better than to ask from the way Rahl so carefully hid his scars. “May I take a bath after you are finished, my lord?”

“I… What?” As soon as Faramir voiced understanding, Rahl was already thinking about the day ahead, wondering if any progress had been made on his orders to find and kill the seeker. “Oh, yes. Of course,” he nodded, heading into the bathing chambers and spelling the waters warm as he started to close the door behind him. When he wasn’t thinking, he sometimes granted little kindnesses he wasn’t even aware of, though he usually either didn’t notice or took them back once he did. His next words were thankfully not even registering in his own mind as he extended a courtesy he normally would have thought a ridiculous waste of his time. Just before he engaged the locks to his bathing room, he murmured, in a distracted voice, “I will heat the water for you again when I finish.”

Faramir smiled gratefully as Rahl left the room, though the man barely looked at him. When the door closed, Faramir stood and went to the window, pulling back the heavy curtains a bit to look out. It truly was beautiful in this place. It was strange… he didn’t even know where he was to be honest and only now noticed. Rahl hadn’t even told him what country he was in so Faramir decided that if they return to the library he needed to work on somehow learning more about this world and its people. Maybe he would even learn more about this ‘seeker’ that Rahl said was destined to kill him.

As usual, Rahl washed quickly and efficiently, his hands pausing as they did every morning over the thick scar tissue that started at his stomach and worked its way down, and he spent a few moments sinking down into the memories of how they’d gotten there and how, in addition to the Seeker, he was going to put an end to the wizard who caused them. His mood had darkened somewhat by the time he put on a fresh robe and combed out his wet hair, and by the time he entered the bedroom again, he had warmed the water without a second thought though he didn’t really analyze why he did so other than to tell himself that he hated dirty slaves He stood by the window across the room from Faramir, lost in his own thoughts, going over his plans for the day and having completely forgotten Faramir was in the room.

When Rahl emerged from the bathing chamber, it seemed that he was completely lost in thought. Not wishing to disturb him, Faramir left the window he was standing at and crossed to the bathing chamber door. “The guard has not come yet, my lord,” Faramir said softly. “I will be out shortly, thank you again.” Rahl simply waved him away and Faramir slipped into the bathing chamber. He’d not been in the room yet and it was opulent like the other rooms Rahl used. He quickly set about cleaning himself and washing his hair. He finger combed it as best he was able and returned to Rahl’s chambers wearing the same robe from the day before since he had nothing else to wear. Hopefully that would change this morning though, the servants promised his new clothes to arrive soon.

Faramir had just entered the room when there was a knock on the door. Using nothing more than the power of his magic, Rahl verified that it was his guard with the food and didn’t turn from the window until all the locks had been disengaged… and then only so the guard, should he have turned or been bewitched, would not be approaching from behind him. He approached the guard, who suddenly had a resigned look on his face and pressed one finger against his forehead. He couldn’t read minds exactly, but he could get a general feeling for someone, could tell if they were loyal to him or not, though he didn’t do it often, since it made the recipient violently ill for a few hours afterward. The guard wavered on his feet a bit, but apparently passed the test, as Rahl immediately turned his attention to the cart laden with food and, on the shelf below the food, several items of clothing that had been made just for Faramir. “Eat and then you may see if this fits,” he said, arching an eyebrow at the guard when he realized he was still standing there. The guard scurried away, already gagging and had just made it out the door when Rahl slammed it shut and locked each lock back in place.

Curiosity struck Faramir as he watched Rahl place his finger on the guard’s forehead and wondered if it was some sort of magic ritual. The guard looked to have turned almost green and Faramir wondered what on earth all that had been about. Before he could lose control of himself and make the mistake of asking too many questions, as he was prone to do, Rahl directed him to eat and then try on his new clothing. Faramir nodded and went to the table. He, like all the times before, filled Rahl’s glass first and then his own as he began to eat breakfast. The food here was so fresh and delicious; in Gondor sometimes because of the war food could be scarce or at least not consisting of as many fresh fruits and vegetables. “Will I be accompanying you to the library today, my lord?” Faramir asked hopefully so he could read the rest of his book he started and maybe find a history of this world.

Rahl studied Faramir for a moment in silence before answering, certain that the man would prefer to stay as far away as possible whenever he could. The other slaves lived in the far end of the castle, and he was indifferent to them for the most part, but he did allow the guard who watched over them to grant them a few luxuries. Many of the slaves, if and when they recovered from Rahl’s attentions, had tentatively asked the guard for something to pass the time, innocent games or a few books from the village that some of the more educated slaves could share with them. As long as it kept them from bothering him with their silly requests, Rahl couldn’t have cared less. “I have much to do today,” he shrugged. “You may stay in the library with me or bring your books back here if you prefer. I can always summon you if I want you after lunch, though I doubt I will have the need until I return here tonight.”

Faramir smiled when Rahl easily read the reason that Faramir wanted to return to the library. “I would be glad to stay with you… besides yesterday’s lunch was quite… interesting. I would hate to be halfway across the castle should such… ideas spring to your mind,” he grinned, feeling his face color a little at the memory. He dropped his head coyly and looked up from under his lashes at his master, letting him know he had no qualms about any sort of repeat performances. Rahl may think that he is only doing what he must to keep his master happy but Faramir really and truly did enjoy being able to indulge in a side of himself that he never attempted to do with other lovers.

Rahl started to speak, closed his mouth and sighed. “Faramir, there is no reward for telling me what you think I want to hear,” he said softly. “I have not put any spells on you this morning, and I already warned you last night not to lie to me.” Before Faramir could protest, he held up a hand in warning. “You may spend the day in the library and I will allow you to help yourself to the books, but don’t pretend there is any other reason you wish to be there. You enjoy the sex, I do understand that, but I could just as easily leave those invisible hands here to fuck you all day and you would be just as pleased… only without the books.” He took a bite of toast, then waved it in the air between them. “Now, speak no more of it. It is too early in the day for me to have to think of a way to punish you.”

Faramir frowned and bit back a sigh. He had been telling the truth! “Yes, my lord,” Faramir said softly and returned to his breakfast, though not as happily as before. It wasn’t just the sex, gods he wished he could make Rahl understand that, but he couldn’t without risking being punished or worse banished from Rahl’s quarters to somewhere else less pleasant. Faramir decided he was finished with his breakfast and looked up at his master. “I do not want to delay you from your work, my lord. I will try on the clothes now. Thank you again for being so generous,” Faramir said as he stood and crossed to the cart to retrieve the clothing. He moved the various pieces to the bed and spread them out. They were all well made and though somewhat unadorned the simplicity of them made them look starkly beautiful. He selected a blue robe that was designed to be fitted against his chest and flared outward at the hip, much like those Rahl wore but not cut quite as low in the chest, probably so others wouldn’t stare at his slave’s chest. Faramir removed the borrowed robe and dressed in the blue one, smoothing his hands down his chest and over the fabric. It fit him perfectly, almost like a second skin.

Nibbling on the remains of his breakfast, Rahl leaned back in his chair and regarded Faramir appreciatively as he removed his robe and slipped into a new one. His mouth was suddenly dry as he saw how closely fitted the robe was, and, rather than wait for Faramir to turn around on his own, Rahl simply cast a spell to do it for him. The color, the richest blue he’d ever seen, seemed to make Faramir’s eyes several shades darker, and he immediately felt the familiar stirring in his groin as his gaze traveled lower. He stood, pointed to the ground in front of him and out of pure habit pushed out a weak spell over his slave. It wasn’t powerful enough to make Faramir desperate, but it had enough effect that it’s recipient would welcome even Rahl’s touch and perhaps a few of his kisses. “Here. Now.”

Faramir gasped when he was suddenly spun to face Rahl and then he saw the glint in his eyes, the lust burning there and thought that perhaps he’d chosen exactly the right robe to try on first. In the next instant, he felt another spell wash over him but this one wasn’t terribly powerful and left his own free will mostly intact. He moved forward instantly, stopping just before his lover. “My lord?” Faramir questioned, surprised at the sudden need he saw in his eyes.

Rahl’s magic hefted the bottom of the robe up around Faramir’s hips in an elegant crush of velvet and his hands slid around the man’s waist, pulling Faramir hard against him. His lips sealed over the soft ones before him and his tongue pushed past them, tasting fresh fruit and the warm, sweet tea Faramir had just had for breakfast. As he kissed his slave, Rahl’s hand moved beneath the robe, pinching the insides of pale thighs, then letting the back of his hand nudge Faramir’s balls back up into his body, before moving on to leave a red mark from his nails across the smooth plains of Faramir’s stomach. “You will wear this one tonight, when we get back to this room.”

Shuddering from the sudden wash of magic pushing up his robe, Faramir moaned when his lips were claimed in a deep kiss. He returned it eagerly, careful not to touch Rahl though he desperately wanted to wrap his arms around him and let his hands sink into beautiful dark hair. He moaned again as his body was touched and teased, his cock reacting at once to his lover’s touch. He was breathless and staring wide eyed at Rahl when he drew away again. He caught his bottom lip between his teeth, tasting his lover. “Yes, my lord…” he whispered. “Do you wish me to continue trying them on?”

Letting his hands slide down over Faramir’s backside, Rahl pulled the globes of his ass apart slightly, then gave them a hard squeeze. He couldn’t keep the slight smirk from his face as Faramir stared at him, looked somewhat flushed and nearly as aroused as Rahl felt. No wonder the other wizards were so afraid of him, he thought, his powers were getting stronger every day, so much that bewitching his lovers barely even required any effort at all. “Yes. Try on the black one next. It will look lovely against your skin.”

Faramir was certainly under a spell but it had little to do with Rahl’s magic and more to do with his attraction to the man. He gasped and moaned a bit as he was pulled against the muscular body of his lover and smiled a bit. “The black one it is then,” Faramir said softly, smiling almost shyly at his lover as he moved back to the bed again and slipped off the blue robe to exchange it for the black one. This one was completely black, no noticeable trim until it caught in the light. Along the hemlines, neck and sleeves was an intricate embroidered knot work design in a slightly different shade of black, making it look almost as if it were embossed. The fabric itself was lighter weight than the blue one; the black fabric skimming over his bare skin almost sinfully and it clung to the muscles of his chest and upper arms before flaring out at his waist and elbows. It was something Faramir might have even chosen himself to wear for important political meetings at home in Gondor. He turned, lifting his arms out to his sides slightly. “Does this one please you as well, my lord? I certainly enjoy it myself…”

Before Faramir had even finished speaking, Rahl had crossed the room and was practically on top of him. He’d been right, the black fabric had made Faramir’s skin look like porcelain and he’d been unable to suppress the desire to touch it. The fingers of his right hand slipped under his lover’s hair and cupped his neck as his left hand snaked its way up the widely flared arms and cradled Faramir’s elbow holding him steady. “Stunning,” he breathed, dipping his head and sucking hard on the smooth, perfect skin just over the softly pulsing artery in his slave’s neck. “I’m not sure I should even let you out of this room wearing this. Everyone who sees you is going to want you.”

Faramir gasped as Rahl was so close again and then moaned and arched against his lover’s body as he sucked on the tender skin of his neck. Gods, he enjoyed that so very much, Rahl had no idea of course but perhaps he was learning now that his neck was quite sensitive. Faramir desperately wanted to touch Rahl as well, taste his skin and run his fingers through his hair but he knew that would ruin the moment, so he simply let himself be touched instead. Drawing a shaky breath, Faramir laughed softly. “But isn’t that part of the enjoyment, my lord. To know others want what you have, to covet it but know they can never have it?”

Rahl laughed softly against warm skin and had to admit his lover had a point. “Yes, that is part of the enjoyment,” he agreed, leaning to the other side and marking the previously unmarred skin on Faramir’s left side. “To know you are all mine, that no one else can have you… that if they so much as try to touch you, I get to kill them.” Slowly, he pulled Faramir’s head back by tugging on his hair until their gazes met. “You will tell me if anyone touches you. No matter who it is or how innocent you think it might be or how much you might crave someone else’s touch. They are not allowed. You are not allowed to know any other’s touch but mine.”

Faramir tipped his head to the side to allow his lover more access, enjoying the feeling of his neck being marked this way. He was already hard beneath the robe but even if he had to will his arousal away and wait hours it was well worth it. When Rahl pulled his head back, Faramir moaned as he looked into Rahl’s eyes. “I am yours, my lord. I belong to you,” Faramir whispered, meaning it honestly even if Rahl only believed it because of the threat, he meant it regardless of it.

Licking his lips, Rahl’s fingers loosened and began moving slowly, caressing Faramir’s scalp. “Yes, you do,” he said softly. “The palantir has shown me many things, Faramir, but none as beautiful as you, no one that I have ever craved like I crave you. Seldom has it seen into other worlds, but this time… I am glad it was drawn to you, for whatever reason.” He slowly pulled away and reached down to finger the next robe, a light tan colored one with black thread around the edge. “One more before we go… this one. Wear it to the library. Your hair will look lovely falling over the collar in those soft, dark waves.”

Faramir moaned again, his eyes almost sinking closed as Rahl’s fingers worked in his hair and against his scalp. His face began to flush as his lover began speaking about his beauty and how he craved him. Gods, if only Rahl could believe that Faramir craved him in return things would be so much easier between them. Faramir swallowed hard biting back the words he wanted to say and nodded. “Yes, my lord,” he said smiling a little as he prepared to remove his robe. He knew that Rahl had felt his arousal, he was certain to see it now as Faramir changed into the linen weight fabric. It was soft and comfortable with a soft silk like lining. “I was not sure I would like this one as much… the color not being one of my favorites,” Faramir admitted, “but it is very comfortable against my skin. Your tailor and seamstresses are very talented, my lord.”

Rahl had determinedly kept his gaze away from Faramir, knowing he had much work to do that day. That has lasted all of the time it took him to breathe once. When he saw his lover’s arousal, he had to stifle a moan, but when he finally allowed himself to take in the sight of Faramir dressed from head to toe in the lightly colored fabric, he actually felt his cock twitch against his thigh and a drop of precome seep out. No slave had ever had this kind of hold on him, had ever made it hard to think about anything or anyone else, as Faramir seemed to do without even trying. Many times over the last few of his waking hours, he’d even forgotten about the Seeker and mentally devised ways he could take and use Faramir… and perhaps oddest of all was that in his fantasies, Faramir loved what they were doing, and wasn’t simply enduring it. “I… yes…” he managed. “Talented indeed.” Before the last word was out of his mouth, he was waving his hand in the air and the robe that Faramir had so carefully put on was in a heap on the side of the bed and Faramir was laying beside it on his back, legs spread wide. “You are quite inspiring.”

Faramir yelped when suddenly he was naked again and flat of his back on the bed, his arousal hard against his abdomen and straining upwards. “Gods… you certainly have a way of taking a man’s breath way,” Faramir laughed, his eyes sparkling as he watched Rahl stalk toward him. He wiggled just a little, widening his legs even more within the magical bindings and licked his lips seductively.

“I am never going to get any work done with you around,” Rahl groused as he climbed onto the bed and knelt between Faramir’s knees. The front of his robe parted, but he didn’t remove it, instead simply choosing to push it to each side and reach down to pull at his arousal. He darkened the room yet again, lined himself up and nudged at his lover’s entrance with the blunt head of his cock. He waited only long enough for a thin coat of oil to appear both over his shaft and around Faramir’s entrance, then slowly pushed forward. “I have that damnable seeker wanting me dead, a wizard trying to defeat me, magical artifacts I must get my hands on, armies to command, taxes to collect and…” When he met almost no resistance thanks to their activities the night before, he sheathed himself in one thrust. “I cannot seem to keep my hands off you long enough to accomplish anything.”

Amusement wasn’t something Faramir had felt much around Rahl but he felt it now as the man complained though seemingly only half-heartedly. Faramir certainly wasn’t one to complain, he had exactly what he wanted all morning to be honest. He really had not been much of a sexual being in his own world, yes he’d been with other men of course but it was a time of war and taking any long term lovers was nearly impossible. It was only two days now but that was long term in most cases, he couldn’t afford to be involved with anyone more than as a comfort once or maybe twice because of the risk but now that was not an issue and he was quite simply enjoying every moment. He shouldn’t, he was a slave and Rahl reminded him of that fact often but… he couldn’t change how he felt. When his lover sheathed himself in one thrust, Faramir cried out, not from pain but from the sheer lust that pulsed through him. Gods, how could Rahl not believe he was desired? He moved under his lover, shifting as much as the magical bindings allowed to give Rahl the greatest pleasure.

A low moan filled the room and Rahl was startled to realize it was his own. He didn’t even try to wait, and began thrusting hard and fast into the willing body beneath him. The extra ‘hands’ his magic allowed him, pulled Faramir’s hands high above his head and pushed his legs back so that he was nearly bent in half. Rahl’s own hands reached up and pinched his slave’s nipples then began rubbing the hard little nubs between his thumb and middle fingers, giving them a light twist every time he made an especially deep thrust. “I have a lovely golden set of clamps that will look beautiful on these little nipples,” he ground out, never loosing his rhythm. “A heavy gold chain connects them, and then dips down to a thick golden ring that goes around your cock. Every time I touch that chain, the pain in your tits and balls will make you scream.” He leaned down sucked Faramir’s now swollen right nipple into his mouth and smiled around it. “You’re going to love it.”

Faramir was panting heavily within minutes, as his body was pounded soundly into the mattress. His fingers twined together as the magical bindings held him in place, his body open and willing to take everything his lover offered. When Rahl began to toy with his nipples, roughly pinching and teasing them, Faramir arched his back and moaned. “Oh, yes… gods yes,” Faramir panted. “I’m looking forward to it.” Which was true, he certainly was looking forward to that. When Rahl sucked on his nipple, Faramir bucked his hips under him, driving his lover deeply as his muscles constricted around him. He was already so painfully close.

With a low growl, Rahl came just as Faramir arched up into him. He buried himself impossibly deeper, driving in hard and pressing all his weight against his lover as his release slammed into him. Even as he did so, one of the unseen hands holding Faramir’s arms above him let go and wrapped around the base of Faramir’s rigid shaft, driven by the image in Rahl’s mind that was so strong, he didn’t even need to say the spell out loud. He stopped sucking on Faramir’s nipple, and instead, licked at it, teasing his tongue around the areola and lapping almost gently around the nipple itself. He was still buried deep when he pulled away and looked down at his slave’s flushed face. “You want to come, don’t you, pet?” he said softly, rocking his hips for emphasis. “You want to come, but you can’t move.”

Faramir felt his lover’s shaft pulse deep inside of him, felt his lover spill and wanted to come as well but the magic force binding him, kept him from it. He moaned almost pitifully and looked up into Rahl’s eyes. “Please, my lord. Please do not leave me this way,” he begged, trying to move but he was held fast, and his cock was aching around the force holding him so tightly.

The thought of Faramir staying hard for him all day was almost too delicious to pass up, but he’d tried that the day before and hadn’t been able to concentrate. And he did have a lot to do that day, he told himself, so there would be no point in making them both miserable all over again. He pulled out, licking his lips as a drop of his own release followed him and dripped from Faramir’s entrance to the blanket below his hips. “You beg so nicely,” he whispered, conjuring up a phallus that was roughly the size his own erection had been only minutes before. It slipped inside of his lover’s body as Rahl lay on the bed beside Faramir, idly toying with his nipples. The magical hand wrapped around the base of Faramir’s cock loosened and began moving up and down his shaft, jerking him off with sure, steady strokes. “You may come whenever you like.”

When Rahl drew away, Faramir couldn’t hold back the whimper of disappointment until it seemed that he wasn’t going to be left that way after all. He sucked in a quick breath as the phallus was pushed deep inside him and his cock was now being stroked even as Rahl’s fingers pinched and teased his nipples. Gods, all of that sensation at once was driving him crazy. As soon as Rahl told him he could come, Faramir arched his back and came hard as he cried out. He was breathing heavily as he looked over at Rahl beside him and offered a tired smile. “Thank you, my lord,” he said softly, his voice still rough from his loud cry.

Rahl smoothed his thumb over the tormented nipple and trailed his fingers over Faramir’s chest and stomach. “I’ve never really watched a slave find his release,” he said almost to himself. “You were really quite beautiful.” A smile touched his lips and he waved his hand over Faramir’s stomach, making all traces of his release, as well as the hands holding him disappear. “I have fantastic taste, apparently.” A moment later, the phallus was gone as well. “Tomorrow, I will have some free time after we have lunch, so I will likely make you wear the phallus all morning.”

Faramir offered a small smile and felt his face color, even after what they just did. He wasn’t accustomed to compliments on his looks. Boromir was always the one who garnered all the attention. “Mmm, it will be very difficult for me to concentrate on reading tomorrow I think,” Faramir grinned. He lowered his arms to his sides and pushed himself up onto his elbows. “Shall I re-dress so we can get you to work?” Faramir asked softly.

Eyeing the light colored robe Faramir had worn last, Rahl sighed and nodded grimly. “Yes. Only this time, it would help if you looked a little less delicious or we’re never going to leave this damnable room.”

Faramir laughed. “I’m not sure I can control that really I didn’t mean to look any particular way… perhaps the tailor did too good of a job?” Faramir asked smiling as he slid from the bed and picked up the robe. He quickly donned it and pulled his hair from beneath the collar. “Imagine I am in a potato sack perhaps?”

Rahl laughed and tried to imagine just that. It didn’t help that in his mind’s eye, the potato sack stopped just above Faramir’s hips and his cock, swollen and wet from his own juices was jutting up proudly between his legs, and of course outside of this imaginary burlap sack. He felt a definite twitch of interest between his own legs and glared at his slave, though his eyes held no anger this time. “If anything, that only makes it worse,” he sighed. “Come. I’m sure you are as anxious to get back to your book as I am to get back to my desk.”

Not able to imagine just what Rahl had, Faramir quirked his eyebrow at his lover. “I am curious to know how the story ends,” he said as he followed Rahl to the door. He fell silent and schooled his features, tipping his head down as he had the day before as the many locks unfastened. To the rest of the castle Faramir was simply another slave and he could not risk acting anything but the part in front of others. Rahl, he knew, had a certain reputation and laughing or even teasing with a slave was unlikely to be a part of it.

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35 Comment(s)

Cool! I like where this is headed, even though I don’t know the other fandom.

— pinbot    Sunday 10 May 2009, 3:26    #

Oh now this is a crossover I can sink my teeth into. I love both fandoms. I’m so excited about this story. Thank you for this. I can’t wait for more!

— Kelly    Monday 11 May 2009, 15:26    #

Crossover!!! oooOOOOooooo!!!!

— Eoselene    Tuesday 12 May 2009, 9:34    #

I didn’t know the other fandom involved in this crossover but man am I glad you turned me onto it. Now I have a new series I am greatly enjoying and your wonderful story to look forward to. Thanks!

— PrphtssP    Monday 8 June 2009, 6:23    #

Well I certainly never believed I’d ever see these thoughts or traits emerging from Darken Rahl of all people! This is very interesting indeed. I am enjoying it very much.

— Kelly    Tuesday 7 July 2009, 22:24    #

Well I certainly never believed I’d ever see these thoughts or traits emerging from Darken Rahl of all people! This is very interesting indeed. I am enjoying it very much. I’m in the midst of this book series right now so this is a great time for me to enjoy this story. Thank you both again for entertaining me thoroughly.

— Kelly    Tuesday 7 July 2009, 22:25    #

I just noticed I forgot to comment after this last post. I so love this. I’m loving seeing some things floating around in Rahl’s head that you wouldn’t expect in a million years! And who else could do this to him other than our dear, sweet, oh so naughty Faramir! I cant wait for more!

— Kelly    Thursday 23 July 2009, 21:38    #

Awesome!!! I am so loving the frustration level here! Faramir’s frustration with Rahl not believing him is one thing but Rahl’s frustration with Faramir and those little “feelings” he has no idea what to do with is just so fun. Feelings and Rahl dont normally even go in the same sentence so this is just so cool to be able so watch this all unfold. More please.

— Kelly    Tuesday 28 July 2009, 21:23    #

I almost feel sorry for Rahl..almost. He doesn’t have a chance. But then who could resist our Faramir? Can’t wait for more!

— Kelly    Tuesday 18 August 2009, 19:50    #

Drip, drip, drip. I feel the ice melting from a certain wizard’s heart. What power our Faramir wields. He can turn even the most vile heart to mush. As always, I am loving this and can’t wait for more. If Faramir is successful in making a very big change in Rahl,I wonder just how different his meeting with the Seeker would be?

— Kelly    Tuesday 25 August 2009, 19:11    #

Loved chapter 12, and the way their two worlds are “intertwingling” now. Fire and ice….

— ebbingnight    Thursday 10 September 2009, 22:58    #

I have no patience any more. This is impossible!!! You write gorgeous but.., but a little slowly… Forgive me for that. I want to see Faramir happy so much… I want Rahl would believe Faramir loves him truly. He is so stubborn…
Thank you!

— Anastasiya    Friday 11 September 2009, 12:25    #

Ugh! You two are seriously killing me! Every time I think our wonderful, oh so irresistible, Faramir is going to break through that last wall to Rahl, the door goes slam (and very loudly I might add)! It is beyond frustrating for both Faramir and me (hee hee). I was so sure this time he had it. However, do not take that as anything but the total compliment that it is. I love it. It’s what keeps me checking back daily (blushes, ok several times a day at least) for new updates. I so love this story. Well done!

— Kelly    Tuesday 15 September 2009, 0:09    #

Oh yes, magic is definitely at work here, but not the kind with which Rahl is familiar! I was happy to see in Chapter 13 that at least the children in the castle aren’t terrified of him.

— ebbingnight    Tuesday 15 September 2009, 16:46    #

Ouch! That time the door slammed shut so quickly it got me in the nose! Tease, tease tease!

— Kelly    Tuesday 15 September 2009, 16:52    #

Ah that’s better. I have been waiting for that reading. I can see the door is now slightly ajar. Hopefully Faramir gets the rest of himself through it. You two really have me wrapped up in this story. I was so excited to see a new addition I read it immediately. The greatest compliment I can give you is that you know a story is good when you can really picture yourself in the middle of it all watching it unfold. I have done that with basically all of your stories I have read. This one however will always be a favorite of mine.

— Kelly    Thursday 17 September 2009, 16:20    #

Totally love the way that Rahl is now trying to talk Faramir out of loving him—- for his own good! Getting closer and closer now to realizing what “love” actually means, I suspect!

— ebbingnight    Friday 18 September 2009, 1:07    #

Now this is really interesting. I’m so loving it. With all this emotoinal turmoil going on I cant wait to see things really explode when Richard decides to show up at some point.

— Kelly    Tuesday 22 September 2009, 17:04    #

Ha ha the power our beloved Ranger wields and doesn’t even realize it. Now he’s got Rahl healing broken bones without a second thought about it. Stick a fork in him, he’s done. I’m surprised he’s holding out as long as he is. I would have given in to Faramir in less than 5 seconds.

— Kelly    Wednesday 30 September 2009, 21:32    #

On behalf of all of us who have been waiting oh so impatiently for this event. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! The door has opened and the sun is shining brightly through the doorway.

— Kelly    Monday 5 October 2009, 20:00    #

And endlessly Rahl has surrendered!!! My heart is thrilled as when I’m thinking of Rahl’s power and magic as when I imagine bright beauty of Faramir. I think they must look incredibly together! Now I just hope this story will have the happy end for I’m afraid that the seeker could brihg them to harm! But I so want Rahl would allow himself to be truly loved!
Thank you! It was gorgeous as always!

— Anastasiya    Monday 5 October 2009, 20:37    #

You have charmed me once agian with this wonderful addition to your story. I cannot wait to see the meeting of Faramir and the Seeker.

— PrphtssP    Thursday 8 October 2009, 9:09    #

I know you wont be surprised at all to hear this from me but… totally awesome!!! I so enjoyed this I had to read it twice. Well done!

— Kelly    Tuesday 13 October 2009, 17:21    #

Oh joy! This just keeps getting better and better all the time. You are probably getting so sick of hearing from me by now but I cant help it. I so love this story. I cant wait to get more.

— Kelly    Monday 26 October 2009, 17:20    #

Extremely exiting!
It made my heart practically stop!
Confrontation of two the most important for Rahl men! I regret only that they both have promissed Rahl to become friends and cannot wrangle openly any more… Though, I think, they will be always have no special sympathy of one another.
I like the way Faramir is jealous and Rahl demonstrate him his affection!
I could read about them endlessly!
And though I understand it’s not so simply to write, I hope to see new chapters faster…
Thank you very much!

— Anastasiya    Thursday 29 October 2009, 15:44    #

I so love a jealous Faramir! He must be just so lovely that way (not that he isnt all the time anyway). I’ll put $20 on our Faramir against Demmin anytime and if he has any trouble I will be happy to help him with whatever he needs. If this keeps up Rahl is going to be to worn out to give Richard much trouble. Faramir may have to settle this. Very diplomatically I hope, as I dont want anything bad happening to Richard either. I quite like him also. As always, well done! I anxiously wait each new piece. I am going to be so bummed when this story is over.

— Kelly    Thursday 29 October 2009, 17:43    #

OMG! I think that was the fastest I have ever read through an addition. Oh please tell me I wont have to wait long to find out what happens next.

— Kelly    Monday 2 November 2009, 15:24    #

Oh, it was…strange!
I hope you know, dear writers, that I am devoted admirer of your works, but request about permission to leave Rahl’s world never to return was too much even for me. Of course I want Rahl to see Faramir’s world, to meet Denethor (!!!) and perhaps to play his own role in the War of the Ring (it would be interesting to see powerful Rahl standing against Witch King for example) but I also wish Rahl would become a creator bringing Peace and Good to his people. I wish I could see him as a healer and as a ruler loved by everybody. I would be very delighted too see Faramir and Rahl to be jealous and I’ve already forgotten when I read about their intimacy last time… Though it will be other story for Rahl knows now what love is.
I have said already I could read about them endlessly. And I truly think this story is the one of the most successful works I have ever read.

— Anastasiya    Wednesday 4 November 2009, 13:00    #

Wow! I am exhausted just reading! Leave it to Faramir to get things done. I love it. I was totally not sure how this would work out in the end. I cant wait to see how going to Middle Earth works out for them. I wouldnt mind Denethor getting more than a cramp for his bad behaviour. As always, I so love this and anxiously anticipate more. Just when I think I cant get any deeper into this story, there’s another level I get caught up in. Well done!

— Kelly    Wednesday 4 November 2009, 14:28    #

Oh I like this. Life in middle earth, specifically Ithillien, is going to be so much more fun. I oh so impatiently await the next chapter. I just hope they get out of there before Zedd or Kahlan gets out of Richard what he did.

— Kelly    Tuesday 10 November 2009, 16:50    #

I have not finished to read everything, but your style is really good and the story interesting.
Thank you for sharing.

— lille mermeid    Thursday 19 November 2009, 19:43    #

Wonderful ending, as their converging paths of seemingly dark desires have finally led Faramir and Darken to discover together what love is. I adore the fact that now Faramir has to stop Darken from constantly healing him, and that there is total trust between them. This was worth traveling between worlds for!

Thanks for this terrific crossover: it really worked for me.

— ebbingnight    Friday 20 November 2009, 2:07    #

Oh, dear authors! You have described ten years of happy marrige in Gondor faster than the year in Rahl’s world. And I am happy and sad at the same time. Happy – because of very good end, but sad – because of this wonderful story is over. I do not know how to live further without them.
But thank you very much. It was truly great work!

— Anastasiya    Friday 20 November 2009, 13:56    #

So sorry to be late in posting. I have been down with some cold/flu thing the last few days and couldn’t get on to read this fabulous finale. What a wonderful ending to a fulfilling journey. I have been hooked from the very first line and although I’m sad to see it go, a more fitting end I couldnt have envisioned. Thank you both for giving me such a wild ride that I am sure I will enjoy many more times to come.

— Kelly    Wednesday 25 November 2009, 21:23    #

I so love this story! It’s certainly one of my favorites. You did such a good job there and I can only second the others. Lots of hot, kinky sex and a compelling storyline, too. You’ve made me happy.

However, since I read this the first time I always hoped for a follow-up. The idea of Rahl in Middle Earth… Oh, I would have loved that!

— Rain    Saturday 17 January 2015, 19:12    #

Don’t know either fandom well, but I enjoy your writing. I just wish Rahl would use the mind reading spell already! He thinks Faramir is a liar so find out for sure whether he should send him back lol

— Teri    Monday 2 August 2021, 14:19    #

Oh my God, this is so good! Almost to the end, and both of our boys are gonna die? Faramir and Rahl both?! Aww… Didn’t think I would be rooting for the villains …

— Teri    Friday 6 August 2021, 18:52    #

Surprised and delighted at the ending! I would have loved to have seen Rahl be taken by Faramir as he spoke about last chapter, but really liked it. Would have enjoyed seeing more of their time here, but it was good. Know you wrote this a long time ago, so you probably don’t even get these comments but nicely done

— Teri    Saturday 7 August 2021, 4:13    #

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